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/* HELLOCommand.cc */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <string> "cservice_config.h" "StringTokenizer.h" "ELog.h" "Network.h" "levels.

h" "dbHandle.h" "cservice.h"

const char HELLOCommand_cc_rcsId[] = "$Id: HELLOCommand.cc,v 1.1 2005/04/03 22:1 1:42 dan_karrels Exp $" ; namespace gnuworld { using std::string ; using std::endl ; using std::ends ; using std::stringstream ; bool HELLOCommand::Exec( iClient* theClient, const string& Message ) { #ifdef ALLOW_HELLO sqlUser* theUser = bot->isAuthed(theClient, false); int admLevel = 0; if (theUser) { admLevel = bot->getAdminAccessLevel(theUser); if (admLevel == 0) { #ifndef ALLOW_USERS_HELLO bot->Notice(theClient, "HELLO command is disabled. Use webinterf ace instead (if available)"); return true; #endif bot->Notice(theClient, "You can't create another " "account when you already have one!"); return false; } } else { #ifndef ALLOW_USERS_HELLO bot->Notice(theClient, "HELLO command is disabled. Use webinterface inst ead (if available)"); return true; #endif } bot->incStat("COMMANDS.HELLO"); StringTokenizer st( Message ) ; if( st.size() < 6 ) { Usage(theClient); bot->Notice(theClient,"Valid verification answer numbers are: 1 to 3"); bot->Notice(theClient,"1: What's your mother's maiden name ?");

bot->Notice(theClient,"2: What's your dog's(or cat's) name ?"); bot->Notice(theClient,"3: What's your father's birth date ?"); return true; } const char validChars[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; /* * Check this IP hasn't already tried in the last 48 hours. */ cservice::helloIPListType::iterator itr = bot->helloIPList.find( theClient->getI P() ) ; if (admLevel == 0) //(&& !theUser)) //only normal users has the one IP/user rest riction, any Admin don't if (itr != bot->helloIPList.end()) { /* * Has it been 48hours already? */ if (bot->currentTime() < itr->second) { bot->Notice(theClient, "Sorry, an account has " "already been registered from this IP within " "the last %i hours. " "Please wait and try again, or contact cservice.", bot->helloBlockPeriod / 3600); return false; } } sqlUser* newUser = bot->getUserRecord(st[1].c_str()); if(newUser) { bot->Notice(theClient, "This username already exists!"); return false; } /* * Check the username contains valid characters/correct length. */ if ( (st[1].size() < 2) || (st[1].size() > 12) ) { bot->Notice(theClient, "You username must be 2 to 12 chars long."); return false; } string theUserName = st[1]; bool badName = false; for( string::const_iterator ptr = theUserName.begin() ; ptr != theUserName.end() ; ++ptr ) { /* * 62 entries in the table. 26 + 26 + 10 digits. */

bool found = false; for (int f = 0; f < 62; f++) { if(*ptr == validChars[f]) { found = true; } } if (!found) { badName = true; } } if (badName) { bot->Notice(theClient, "Your useraname must be made of letters (A-Z, a-z ) and numbers (0-9)."); return false; } /* * Do some basic validation of the email address. */ if (st[2].size() > 128) { bot->Notice(theClient, "E-mail address is too long."); return false; } if( string::npos == st[2].find_first_of('@') ) { /* * No @? */ bot->Notice(theClient, "Invalid e-mail address."); return false; } /* * Check if they've at least vaugly attempted to specify a * proper domain structure * and we have the right number of @'s. */ StringTokenizer emailCheck( st[2], '@' ) ; if ( (emailCheck.size() != 2) || (string::npos == emailCheck[1].find_first_of('.')) ) { bot->Notice(theClient, "Invalid e-mail address."); return false; } if(strcasecmp(st[2], st[3])) { bot->Notice(theClient, "E-mail addresses don't match!"); return false; }

if (admLevel < level::hello) { /* * Check this email address doesn't already exist in the database! */ stringstream theQuery; theQuery << "SELECT email FROM users WHERE email <> 0" << ends; if (!bot->SQLDb->Exec(theQuery, true)) { bot->logDebugMessage("Error on HELLO.EmailQuery"); #ifdef LOG_SQL //elog << "sqlQuery> " << theQuery.str().c_str() << endl; elog << "Hello.EmailQuery> SQL Error: " << bot->SQLDb->ErrorMessage() << endl ; #endif return false; } else if (bot->SQLDb->Tuples() != 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < bot->SQLDb->Tuples(); i++) if (!match(bot->SQLDb->GetValue(i,0),st[2])) { bot->Notice(theClient,"There is already an account regis tered with that email address."); bot->Notice(theClient,"You can only have one account per person!"); bot->Notice(theClient,"If you have lost your password an d require a new one, log in to webinterface and click on the New password link." ); return false; } } } //admLevel unsigned short verifID = atoi(st[4].c_str()); if ((verifID < 1) || (verifID > 3)) { bot->Notice(theClient,"Valid verification answer numbers are: 1 to 3"); bot->Notice(theClient,"1: What's your mother's maiden name ?"); bot->Notice(theClient,"2: What's your dog's(or cat's) name ?"); bot->Notice(theClient,"3: What's your father's birth date ?"); return false; } string verifAnswer = st.assemble(5); if ((verifAnswer.size() < 4) || (verifAnswer.size() > 300)) { bot->Notice(theClient,"Your verification answer must be 4 - 300 charcter s long."); return false; } /* * Check if user_name,email,verification answer is in NOREG/LOCKED */ if (admLevel < level::hello) { stringstream theQuery; theQuery << "SELECT user_name,email,type,reason FROM noreg WHERE email <> 0 OR user_name <> 0"

<< ends; if (!bot->SQLDb->Exec(theQuery, true)) { bot->logDebugMessage("Error on HELLO.NoregEmailQuery"); #ifdef LOG_SQL //elog << "sqlQuery> " << theQuery.str().c_str() << endl; elog << "Hello.NoregEmailQuery> SQL Error: " << bot->SQLDb->ErrorMessage() << endl ; #endif return false; } else if (bot->SQLDb->Tuples() != 0) { unsigned short type; string user_name,email; string reason; for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < bot->SQLDb->Tuples(); i++) { user_name = bot->SQLDb->GetValue(i,0); email = bot->SQLDb->GetValue(i,1); type = atoi(bot->SQLDb->GetValue(i,2)); reason = bot->SQLDb->GetValue(i,3); if (user_name.size() > 0) { if ((type < 6) && (!match(user_name,st[1]))) { if (type < 2) bot->Notice(theClient,"Invalid use rname (NOREG)"); if (type == 5) bot->Notice(theClient,"Invalid us ername (LOCKED)"); bot->Notice(theClient,"Usernames matching %s are disallowed for the following reason:",user_name.c_str()); bot->Notice(theClient,reason.c_str()); return false; } if ((type == 6) && (!match(user_name,verifAnswer))) { //* This should be the matchcase - TODO: need to find a solvation */ if (user_name[0] == '!') user_name.erase(0,1); bot->Notice(theClient,"Invalid verification answ er (LOCKED)"); bot->Notice(theClient,"Verification answers matc hing %s are disallowed for the following reason:",user_name.c_str()); bot->Notice(theClient,reason.c_str()); return false; } } if ((email.size() > 0) && (!match(email,st[2]))) { if (type < 2) bot->Notice(theClient,"Invalid email addre ss (NOREG)"); if (type == 5) bot->Notice(theClient,"Invalid email addr ess (LOCKED)"); bot->Notice(theClient,"Email addresses matching %s are d isallowed for the following reason:",user_name.c_str()); bot->Notice(theClient,reason.c_str()); return false; } } }

/* bot->helloIPList.erase(theClient->getIP()); bot->helloIPList.insert( std::make_pair(theClient->getIP(), bot->currentTime() + bot->helloBlockPeriod) ); */ } //admLevel /* bot->Notice(theClient,"Username %s created successfully.",st[1].c_str()); return true; */ /* * We need to give this user a password */ string plainpass; for ( unsigned short int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ ) { int randNo = 1+(int) (62.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); plainpass += validChars[randNo]; } string cryptpass = bot->CryptPass(plainpass); string updatedBy = "HELLO used by: "; updatedBy += theClient->getNickUserHost().c_str(); newUser = new (std::nothrow) sqlUser(bot->SQLDb); newUser->setUserName(escapeSQLChars(st[1].c_str())); newUser->setEmail(escapeSQLChars(st[2])); newUser->setVerifNr(verifID); newUser->setVerifData(verifAnswer); newUser->setPassword(cryptpass.c_str()); newUser->setLastUpdatedBy(updatedBy); newUser->Insert(); bot->Notice(theClient, "I generated this password for you: \002%s\002", plainpass.c_str()); bot->Notice(theClient, "Login using \002/msg %s@%s LOGIN %s %s\002", bot->getNickName().c_str(), bot->getUplinkName().c_str(), st[1].c_str(), plainpass.c_str()); bot->Notice(theClient, "Then change your password using \002/msg " "%s@%s NEWPASS <new_password>\002", bot->getNickName().c_str(), bot->getUplinkName().c_str()); //Record the IP obly if below the required level if (admLevel < level::hello) { bot->helloIPList.erase(theClient->getIP()); bot->helloIPList.insert( std::make_pair(theClient->getIP(), bot->currentTime() + bot->helloBlockPeriod) ); } delete (newUser); #endif //ALLOW_HELLO return true ; }

} // namespace gnuworld.

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