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Angelique P.

Hibaya II- Amethyst Zamboanga del Norte National High School Activity 2 Divisions of Biology and Biologists
Aerobiology: organic particles, such as bacteria Agriculture: farming Anatomy: internal structures of living things Astrobiology: living things within the universe Biochemistry: use of chemistry in living things Bioengineering: use in engineering of biological organisms Bioinformatics: information technology to life sciences Biomathematics: use of mathematics in living things Biomechanics: mechanical principles to living organisms Biomedical research: human body in health and disease Biophysics: use of physics in living things Biotechnology: manipulation of living matter Building biology: indoor living environment Botany: plants Cell biology: cell as a complete unit Conservation Biology: habitat preservation and protection Cryobiology: effects of organisms at low temperatures Developmental Biology: development of an organism Ecology: relationships of organisms and their environment Embryology: development of embryos Entomology: insects Environmental Biology: natural world, as a whole Epidemiology: spread and control of diseases Ethology: animal behavior Evolutionary Biology: evolution of species over time Genetics: genes and heredity Herpetology: reptiles and amphibians Histology: cells and tissues Ichthyology: fish Integrative biology: whole organisms Limnology: inland waters Mammalogy: mammals Marine Biology: ocean ecosystems and organisms Microbiology: microorganisms and their interactions Molecular Biology: molecular basis of biological activity Mycology: fungi Neurobiology: cells of the nervous system Oceanography: ocean Oncology: cancer processes Ornithology: birds Population biology: the populations of organisms Paleontology: fossils Pathology: diseases Parasitology: parasites and parasitism Pharmacology: drugs Physiology: function of living systems Phytopathology: plant diseases Psychobiology: biological bases of psychology Sociobiology: biological bases of sociology Structural biology: molecular structure of biological macromolecules Virology: viruses Zoology: animal Atony Van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) - invented a simple microscope and studied living cells August Weismann (1834-1914) - introduced Germ plasm theory in 1892 Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) - discovered Penicillin Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) - introduced Binomial Nomenclature for naming plants and animals Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) - proposed the theory of Pangenesis - proposed Origin of species Empedocles (495-425 BC) - stated source of body temperature was blood - proposed concept of evolution Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884) - discovered principles of inheritance Georges Leopold Cuvier (1769-1832) - founded Paleontology and comparative anatomy Hans Krebs (1900-1981) - discovered the "trycarboxilic acids cycle", also named "Krebs cycle" Jean Baptiste De Lamarck (1744-1829) - proposed inheritance of acquired characters - discarded the idea of fixity of species Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) - proposed 'Germ theory of disease' - discovered vaccine against 'Anthrax' - proposed pasteurization for sterilization Robert Hooke (1935-1945) - assembled a compound microscope - discovered cells in cork Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909) - discovered nerve-growth factor (NGF), the first cell-growth factor discovered Theodor Schwann (1810-1882) - proposed cell theory in 1839 by his study on animal tissue William Harvey (1578-1657) - discovered blood circulation Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866-1945) - discovered sex linked inheritance - laid foundation of gene theory

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