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. A message strategy is an idea about how to creatively and persuasively communicate a brand messagge to a target audience. 2. An appeal is an idea that motivates an audience to respond. 3. This book uses message strategy brief to refer to this document, which consisst of statements about a brand that summarize the research and insights for creative team. 4. Sample marketing communication objectives - Cognitive responses = create awareness of brand or of opportunity to use or buy it - Affective responses = create or change a brand image or personality - Behavioral responses = increase purchase and repeat purchasing 5. Customer insight describes the below-the-surface attitudes and beliefs that influence customers bahaviour. 6. Account planning means using reserach and brand insights to bring a strong consumer focus to the planning of marketing communication. 7. Sometimes the benefit is referred to as a promise, a statement describing what good things will happen if a person uses a product. 8. Because sometimes a promise may stretch believability, the focus of the selling strategy may need to give more weight to the reason why, which is support or proof points that explain why a product will provide the promised benefit. 9. Another similiar selling strategy focuses on the features of a brand, which are attributes that give a product a distinctive difference, such as its design or engineering. 10. Value is perception of what something is worth in terms of quality and price. 11. A unique selling proposition (USP) is a products most distinctive difference from competitive products. This is another strategy that directly reflects the brands position. 12. For most selling strategies, it is important to identify the support, which is reason or proof points on which a claim, benefit, or proposition rests. 13. Generic = a generic strategy stresses a basic feature or benefir of a product that is not brand spesific. 14. Pre-emptive = a pre-emptive strategy focuses on an atribute or benefit that any other product in the category vould have claimed but did not. 15. Informational = an informational strategy is a selling strategy based on giving the facts about the brand and its atributes. 16. Credibility = a credibility strategy heightens conviction and decreases the perception of risk. 17. Emotion = an emotional strategy connects with customers and prospects at the affective level and moves them to respond with feelings. 18. Association =an association strategy makes a psychological connection between a brand and its customers and prospects.

19. Lifestyle = a lifestyle strategy is a type of association strategy that uses situations and symbols of lifestyles that the target audience can identify with or aspire to. 20. Incentive= an incentive strategy is a selling strategy that creates a sense of immediacy and rewards customers for responding quickly. 21. Reminder = a reminder strategy keeps a brand top-of-mind with the target. 22. Interactive = the interactive strategy is creating two-way communication in order to open up communication with cutomers and capture their feedback. 23. Its called concepting, which means finding the creative concept that will bring a selling strategy to life. 24. In business, the creative process is recognized as a formal procedure for increasing productivity and innovative output by an individual or a group. 25. Another exploration approach is based on lateral thinking, which means bouncing from one thought to another in free association. 26. Evaluation for big-budget MC effort may also rely on copytesting, which is testing the effectiveness of a brand message, a creative concept, or elements such as a headline, slogan, or visual for creative impact and understandability. 27. Benefit is how a product satisties customers needs, wants, and desires.

CHAPTER 7 - MESSAGE EXECUTION 1. A message execution is the format of a completed MC message, such as and advertisement, brochure, or package label. 2. An execution framework specifies the format or approach to be used to tell the brand story. 3. As the word says, comparative advertising means that one brand explicity- or sometimes implicity- is compared to a competitor. 4. Appeals is the cue that should make the advertisement work. 5. The way in which the building elements of a message-e.g. text, visual, sound-are chosen and combined is called the message design. 6. One device for creating a memorable impression is a slogan, which is a clever phrase that serves as a reminder of a brand, company image, or campaign theme. 7. Body copy is the text of the brand message. 8. Display copy is copy in a type size larger than that of the body copy and meant to entice readers into reading the body copy. 9. In addition to the headline, which is a line set in large type to get readers attention and lead into the body copy, other display copy includes picture captions and subhead, as well as underlines and overlines that either lead into the headline or expand on it, and slogans or taglines that wrap up the creative idea at the end of the message. 10. Captions are verbal explanations of visuals. 11. Call-outs are mini-captions positioned around an illustration to help explain or emphasize certain elements in an illustration or picture.

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