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Iler disasler slrikes or
governmenl inilialives
Iail, in hindsighl, ve see
all loo oIlen lhal varning
signs vere overlooked
by decision-makers. Or
sohislicaled lechnology vas inslalled,
bul nobody look lhe lime lo learn lo
use il. Il`s oIlen labeled 'user error, or
'roblem belveen keyboard and chair.
In analylics, lhe roblem is esecially
acule - lhe mosl sohislicaled analyl-
ics models in lhe vorld are Iulile unless
decision-makers undersland and acl on
lhe resulls arorialely.
This roblem oIlen arises because
designers haven`l lruly considered hov
lhose using lhe Iancy dashboards, mas
or olicy visualizalions vill inleracl vilh
lhe analylics. They may become enamored
l every
iece oI dala inlo il. Hovever, in oIIering
more olions and aramelers lo con-
lling u
every ixel oI screen real eslale, designers
can Iail lo recognize lhal mosl govern-
menl decision-makers are inundaled vilh
inuls, ressed Ior lime and can only
Iocus on essenlials. As Yale roIessor and
analytics user
interfaces for
8Y DAVI D S 7 I R , WI L L I AM D. CC RS ,
ugly gy
no m
WWW.ub||c-c|o.cou []
inIormalion design guru Edvard TuIle vrole, 'Cluller and
conIusion are nol allribules oI inIormalion; lhey are Iail-
ures oI design.
In many cases, users can`l ansver basic queslions like
'Whal should I ay allenlion lo and 'ov lhal I`ve
seen lhis, vhal should I doII lhe ansvers aren`l readily
aarenl, lhe inlerIace and analylics aren`l solving a rob-
lem - ralher, lhey mighl be crealing a bigger one. As one
Iederal execulive said recenlly, 'o lveel slos bleeding.
tnless somelhing has aclually changed, il`s jusl inIorma-
lion. Whal ieces oI dala are aclually going lo hel us
make a beller decision
Agencies should consider a more user-cenlric and oulcome-
cenlric aroach lo analylics design lo visualize olicy
roblems and guide execulives lovard beller, Iasler, more
inIormed decisions.
The good nevs is lhal governmenl leaders are gelling seri-
ous aboul making sense oI lheir dala, and conslanl advances
in grahic, mobile and Web lechnology make il ossible lo
lranslale 'big dalainlo meaningIul, imaclIul visual inler-
Iaces. tsing visualizalion lools lo resenl advanced analylics
can hel olicymakers more easily undersland a loic, creale
an inslanl conneclion lo unseen layers oI dala, and rovide a
sense oI scale in dealing vilh large, comlex dala sels.
WHk 00 U8L88 WkN? 008UNllL8 !08 vl8UkL kNkLYlL8
EIIeclive analylic inlerIaces Iacililale vhal lhe mililary
calls 'silualional avareness: Iull avareness oI all evenls
relevanl lo a given silualion, hov lhose evenls correlale, and
an abilily lo rojecl lhe eIIecls lhose evenls mighl have on
lhe silualion. In lhe same vein, a silualionally avare ilol
uses inIormalion resenled in lhe cockil lo delermine lhe
course oI aclion Ior lhal silualion. The analylics inlerIace is
lhe modern olicymaker`s cockil. Jusl as cockils can`l be
designed vilhoul underslanding vhal ilols need lo do lo
y an airlane, design oI olicy visualizalions and analylics
inlerIaces should be driven by an underslanding oI vhal
dala users need Ior decision-making and vhal recourse
lo lake aIler revieving lhe analylic resulls. Well designed
'analylics cockils have Iour main characlerislics lhal
romole silualional avareness:
User-hased des|gn. Analylics inlerIaces should suorl se-
c lyes oI olicy decisions. Eecause lhe inlerIaces are
c roles, lhey von`l be asking, 'Whal
does lhing door 'Why do care
Less |s mere. Good analylics inlerIaces shov lhe inIor-
malion mosl crilical lo lhe user - nol every iece oI
inIormalion lhal mighl be available Ior analysis.
8enserg cues d|rect attent|en. EIIeclive inlerIaces exloil eo-
le`s nalural abilily lo erceive allerns and lrends based
on osilion, size, shae, color and movemenl. These roer-
lies highlighl imorlanl Iealures lhal mighl olhervise be
losl in a lable oI numbers.
lnteraces suggest act|ens. Analylic dashboards alerl users
lo olenlial erIormance issues and rovide aclionable
inIormalion Ior olicymakers. EIIeclive inlerIaces ro-
vide conlexl lo inlerrel resulls lhal suggesl vhal lhe
user mighl do nexl and rovide mechanisms lo Iacililale
an exlanalion and Iurlher analysis.
LL HL U8L88 LLk0
Designing user-cenlered visualizalions Ior olicymakers
Iollov much lhe same aroach as olher user-cenlric design:
ning user needs (Consider key queslions: Whal`s
lhe olicy issue lhe decision-maker musl undersland Whal
key aramelers vill drive lhe decision Who are lhe slake-
holders and vill lhey need lo knov), vork backvard lo
idenliIy lhe dala analylics lhal vill drive lhe user`s decisions,
lhen design lhe inlerIace accordingly. tsers Ieel aboul inler-
Iaces lhe same vay Sureme Courl Juslice Poller Slevarl
ne good inlerIaces bul
lhey knov lhem vhen lhey see lhem. II enough users believe
an inlerIace is unsalisIaclory, lhe designer is vell advised lo
accel lheir judgmenl.
kN0W Y0U8 kU0lLNLL
Designers should consider lhe vay users reIer lo
undersland inIormalion, even in choosing basic analylic
aroaches. For users lo Ieel comIorlable adoling and
sharing insighls Irom analylics, lhey musl be able lo
exlain and deIend lhe dala. Simler models are likelier lo
be adoled lhan comlex models, and linear models more
accuracy. II conlemlaling giving users lhe abilily lo sel
modeling aramelers, designers musl ensure users aclually
vanl lo sel lhose aramelers and lhal lhey knov hov lo do
so (or al leasl give lhem deIaull values).

Constant advances
in graphic, mobile and
Web technology make it
possible to translate big
data into meaningful,
impactful visual interfaces.
WWW.ub||c-c|o.cou []
The Darlmoulh Allas Projecl (DAP), Ior examle, uses
simle cuslomizalion oI reorls lo aeal lo users` reIer-
ences. Through an online lalIorm, DAP dislays heallh
dala lo shovcase lhe varialion in heallh-care cosls, care
olions and service ulilizalion across lhe t.S. heallh sys-
lem - leading observers lo exlore geograhic varialion
in heallh slalislics. DAP hels lo connecl vilh a diverse
audience by alloving users lo analyze a single dala sel
vilh diIIerenl visualizalions. The deIaull olion is a
ma, bul vilh a Iev clicks, a user can see lhe same dala
exressed as a lrend lol, bar charl or scallerlol and vilh
a dro-dovn bar, lhe user can svilch lo a diIIerenl dala
sel Ior comarison.
U8L LkYL88 0 LLL k 808Y
While slyle is one Iorm oI cuslomizalion, layering unique
dala sels on a single visualizalion can lell a richer nar-
ralive and connecl users lo lhe dala vilhoul gelling loo
crovded. On a ma, lhis can be as simle as zooming in
and oul, bul il can also involve drill-dovns (choosing a
dala oinl and exanding il lo shov more delail), links and
olher shorlculs.
This lechnique is used on Becovery.gov - lhe While
House vebsile Ior American laxayers lo lrack hov and
vhere Iederal recovery Iunds are senl. To drive lransar-
ency and accounlabilily, Becovery.gov designers made il
easy Ior users lo comare diIIerenl dala sels by making lhem
layers on lhe visualizalion lalIorm. For examle, one cus-
lom viev shovs granls and loans Ior job-lraining rograms
againsl unemloymenl rales. The colors oI lhe ma indicale
higher lhe unemloymenl rale and, lhe lhicker lhe clusler,
lhe more rojecls are in lhal area.
For users seeking minule delails, each oinl on lhe ma
c rojecls. This lels diI-
Ierenl lyes oI users inleracl vilh largeled inIormalion lo
undersland and analyze lhe imacl oI Iederal inveslmenl in
lheir communily.
lNv0LvL U8L88 lN HL 0L8l0N
ls lo involving users in lhe design
oI analylic inlerIaces. tsers can become advocales Ior lhe
lechnology, groving suorl vilhin lhe organizalion or
among lhe ublic Ior lhe use oI lhe lool. This mighl lead
lo more communily members arlicialing (and erhas
imroving lhe dala), or oinling oul olenlial accessibilily
consideralions. For examle, color-blind users may nol be
able lo diIIerenliale belveen lvo colors, bul lhey can dislin-
guish belveen diIIerenl inlensilies oI a color.
nd il diIIicull lo seciIy in advance
vhal lhey really vanl, il`s crilical lo involve lhem early
and oIlen in designing analylic inlerIaces. Visualizing
olicy oIlen means galhering inuls Irom a variely oI
slakeholders. Wilhoul conslanl inul al all hases in lhe
decision liIe cycle, il`s easy lo overlook crilical inIor-
malion. One caulion: Avoid relying on a single user Ior
design. Vel lhe judgmenls and suggeslions oI several
users lo increase lhe likelihood lhal lhe inul is rere-
senlalive oI lhe inlended user oulalion.
LL88 l8 M08L
The righl visual dislay can make il much easier lo
comrehend comlex analylics resulls and enhance user
belveen lhe immense amounl oI dala collecled and users
vho vanl lo quickly undersland lhe driving Iaclors and
0artmouth AtIas erent visuaIizations. 7his
exampIe shows a map-based visuaIization of Medicare spending per recipient
on the Ieft, and on the right the same data expressed using a scatter pIot to
quickIy show the distribution.
rst gIance, this map from Recovery.gov shows overwheIming cIusters
of contracts and Ioans, but as the user zooms in, each Iayer of data provides
c understanding or storyfor the user.
lake an inIormed nexl sle. Il is lhus imeralive lo only
rovide crilical inIormalion - anylhing more simly
serves as dislraclion lo a busy user.
kLL l 8lMLL
Analylic resulls shouldn`l be resenled lo 1 decimal
laces vhen lhe user doesn`l need lhal level oI recision
lo make a decision or undersland a concel. EIIeclive
visual inlerIaces avoid 3-D eIIecls or ornale gauge
designs (a.k.a. 'charl junk) vhen simle numbers, mas
or grahs vill do.
Dala journalisl David McCandless` Eillion Dollar Gram
oIIers a visual comarison oI lhe billions oI dollars senl
by various governmenls, governmenl agencies, comanies
l organizalions. He doesn`l overload lhe user
llers il lo high-
c issues and grous lo creale a visual dislay
lhal can be quickly absorbed. This charl also shovs hov
eIIeclive visualizalions can hel us undersland exlremely
large numbers or abslracl inIormalion. Il`s hard Ior mosl
eole lo see lhe value oI several hundred million dollars in
lhe conlexl oI billion-dollar rograms and lrillion-dollar
economies, bul lhe Eillion Dollar Gram sums il u vell.
0L kWk8L 0! MULlLL Lk!08M8
llering Ior crilical inIormalion, also consider
lhe lalIorm or device lhe users vill emloy lo access lhe
dislay. Will lhey be al lheir comuler On a lablel On
lhe move vilh a smarlhone Deending on lhe device,
designers should consider a range oI Iaclors, including lhe
asecl ralio (lhink aboul vhal haens vhen you lurn your
hone sidevays), and lhe amounl oI inIormalion lhal can
be resenled given diIIerenl dislay sizes. Today`s govern-
menl emloyees are more mobile lhan ever - esecially al
lhe execulive level vhere lime is shorl, and ease oI under-
slanding is crilical. Even Erilish Prime Minisler David
Cameron is having a cuslom iPad a develoed lo hel
kee lrack oI lhe mosl crilical inIormalion Irom across lhe
tK governmenl and social media. When designing inlerac-
live visualizalions, considering lhese Iaclors can enhance
lhe user exerience so lhal each click and zoom lranslales
inlo a la or inch.
8LN808Y LUL8 0l8LL kLNl0N
When lhinking aboul lhe lye oI visualizalion, design-
ers should consider lhe relalionshis inherenl in lhe dala
lo inIorm lhe righl slyle elemenls. Timelines vork vell
Ior summarizing sequenlial dala; nelvork grahs sum-
marize relalionshi dala; and mas summarize salial
dala. Visualizalions hel allocale lhe scarcesl resource a
decision-maker has: his or her allenlion. These lalIorms
also can engage users vho olhervise mighl nol areciale
analylic lechniques.
U8L 8YLL LLL k 808Y
The eye can quickly summarize vhal mighl olhervise
need lhousands oI numbers lo convey, so lhe mere ori-
enlalion, shae, size, vidlh, color and salial osilion oI
dala can guide users and amliIy lheir underslanding oI
exisling relalionshis. The imorlanl lhing is lo use lhese
relalionshis lo inIorm, nol lo dislracl lhe user. The Allas oI
Economic Comlexily uses a variely oI visualizalion lech-
7he iIIion 0oIIar 0ram es data in an easy-to-read visuaI representation,
rst gIance.
7he AtIas of conomic CompIexity shows the reIationships between exports
of a country over time. In this graphic, each dot represents a product group,
Iines connect reIated products, and coIors denote the industry. Product groups
where the country is currentIy invoIved are surrounded by a boId outIine.
WWW.ub||c-c|o.cou []
niques lo describe hov lhe relalionshi belveen exorls
and lhe knovledge required lo roduce lhem conslrains
or romoles a counlry`s develomenl over lime. Ey valch-
ing lhe nelvork evolve over lime, olicymakers can see
hov economies evolve, redicl vhere a counlry is likely lo
exand nexl, or consider hov cerlain inlervenlions mighl
accelerale or hinder grovlh.
The CIA VclJ Eocthcck, a source Ior demograhics and
economic dala aboul Ioreign nalions, oIIers anolher good
examle. IEM designers develoed a visualizalion oI selecl
Eocthcck slalislics lo eIIeclively highlighl lhe relalion-
shis belveen counlries on cerlain melrics. Ey using color,
scale and slyle lo Iocus allenlion, lhe designers aeal lo
lhe user`s sensory queues lo lead lo simle comarisons
belveen vhal vould olhervise amounl lo lhousands oI
searale dala oinls.
!80M kNkLYlL8 0 kLl0N
An analylics inlerIace may be visually aealing, bul
iI il doesn`l slimulale aclion, il von`l be very eIIeclive.
Good inlerIaces rovide enough conlexl lo lel lhe user
knov vhen aclion mighl be required or lhal a decision
should be made.
tshahidi rovides an oen source, crovd-based
maing service vhich can overlay mas oI aIIecled
regions vilh dala galhered Irom sources like social nel-
vorking siles, email and lexl messages. Any iece oI
relevanl inIormalion senl by individuals Irom lheir mobile
hones or Inlernel conneclions in a disasler-slricken area
can be monilored. Delailed mas can shov, Ior inslance,
vhere eole are lraed and vhere lo gel saIe drinking
c inIormalion lo hel emer-
gency ersonnel and aid vorkers lake aclion lo assisl
disasler viclims.
ciaries oI
disasler relieI - lhe viclims - as conlribulors lo lhe relieI
eIIorl lalIorm. While eslablished humanilarian organiza-
rsl vieved tshahidi and ils 'unoIIicialinIormalion
vilh skelicism, lhey nov requesl use oI lhe lalIorm and
Anolher inleresling aroach comes Irom research-
ers al lhe Massachusells Inslilule oI Technology`s Media
Iab Macro Conneclions Grou. The grou crealed Place
Pulse, vhich asks eole lo vole on lvo cily images
- Which is saIer Which is more unique Which is more
uer class Ey maing lhe imressions, lhe research
inilialive creales 'heal-mas oI hov eole Ieel aboul
lheir cily - inIormalion lhal can eIIeclively inIorm cily
lanners, olice and olher ublic oIIicials vorking lo
increase lourism, reduce vandalism or make lheir cily a
nicer lace lo live.
HL kY0!! !08 0LlN0 l 8l0H
canlly imrove governmenl olicy
and decision-making. They can hel lo imrove lhe day-
lo-day lives oI lhe ublic, suorl oeralional eIIiciency,
idenliIy and miligale risks, and increase rogram eIIec-
l Irom
analylics, inlerIaces lhal imrove silualional avareness
musl be designed. Technological advances have removed lhe
excuses Ior sellling Ior 'ugly dala.Ey Iolloving lhe simle
design rinciles oullined here, ublic organizalions and
l arlners can creale inlerIaces
lhal hel eole gel lhe inIormalion lhey need, vhen lhey
need il, lo make Iasler and smarler decisions.
Thc outhcs cj this oticlc oc onoltics onJ cicnucnt
inJust pcjcssicnols ot Dclcittc Ccnsultin.
PIace PuIse creates heat maps showing how peopIe feeI about their city.
Ushahidi is an open source pIatform that gathers data from various

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