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Summer Greetings, A couple of weeks ago I preached a sermon entitled Growth Spurts.

My sermon focused on how our faith grows even when we dont know its growing. What I didnt mention from the parable of the Mustard Seed in the Gospel of Mark is that the seed needs to be nourished so that its branches can grow into one of the largest shrubs. Often, adults put a lot of emphasis on the physical and spiritual nourishment and nurture of children and youth. We make sure they eat their vegetables and get plenty of fruits so they can grow healthy and strong bodies. We also want to make sure their faith is nourished as well by making sure we bring them to Sunday school, send them to Camp Montgomery, or Montreat, or on a mission trip. As parents we want to make sure they have a good foundation. But then as they grow we dont seem to emphasize that same nourishment. Why do we think healthy habits are only necessary for younger people? We all need to maintain a healthy lifestyle of nutrition and exercise for our bodies and our faith no matter our age. We all still have the ability to grow. Summer is often a time of growth, so how are you going to grow this summer? What are you going to do to grow in your faith? What do you have planned to strengthen your relationship with God and walk in the ways of Jesus of Nazareth? As your body needs nourishment and care to grow, so does your relationship with God. Take time this summer to give your faith and your relationship with God some extra good nourishment so it can grow strong and give you encouragement and purpose for tomorrow. May you grow off the charts this summer!

Pastor ........................................ Andy Gans Visitation Pastor (Ret.) ............ Tom McNeil Executive Assistant ................... Chris Muramatsu Nursery Attendant .................... Tammy Keeslar Proofreaders.............................. Susan M. Jensen and John Stewart

Contributors ...............................Members of Ft. King Assembling .................................Phyllis Altonn, Kay Dahlen, Dorothy Decker, Joyce Gauntt, Eleanor Hayesmore, Pat Merrill, Carol Primm, Roselle Pringle, Judith Simonin, Aileen Zimmer . Bulk Mail Handling...................John Stewart

694Office: (352) 694-4121 694FAX: (352) 694-5226


www.fortking.org fortking@earthlink.net


Fort King Presbyterian Church Financials Effective 5/31/12
Monthly Budget Actual May 2012 Delta Budget - Actual Budget Year-To-Date Actual Delta Jan May Budget 2012 Actual 2011 May Actual Delta 2012 YTD -2011YTD

Income Estimate of Giving Mortgage Reduction Other Income Total Income Total Expense Net Surplus/ Deficit Endowment 22,297 0 0 22,297 21,587 710 18,835 (3,462) 400 400 111,486 0 0 111,486 107,935 3,551 124,096 975 15,255 140,326 107,747 32,579 12,610 123,128 974 15,255 3,370 50 968 (2,395) 15,205 13,778 (16,706) 30,485

(1,531) (1,531) 17,704 (4,594) 17,476 (4,111) 227 (483)

28,548 126,548 (118) 124,454 29,028 2,094






July Birthdays


Earth Matters By Lucy Beebe Tobias

Ah, rainy days. We need the rain! Every drop helps. Author Cynthia Barnett in her new book Blue Revolution says (and Im paraphrasing): We have enough water, we just dont have enough water to waste. And so the rain fills our rain barrels, retention ponds, lakes and the Florida Aquifer. We dont want to waste this precious water. Plus there is no need to waste a rainy day. Instead of being outside, rainy days are perfect for being indoors and reading. The library at Fort King Presbyterian has just what you need environmental books on all kinds of earth care. Barnetts book Blue Revolution is the most recent order and it is here. A must read! Here is an environmental book list with Dewey numbers compiled by librarian Louise Olivarez - check them out of the church library and enjoy reading on a rainy day: A Greener Faith by Roger S. Gottlieb (201.77 GOT) Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver (394.1 KIN) Omnivores Dilemma by Michael Pollan (394.1 POL) Mirage by Cynthia Barnett Protecting Paradise by Margaret Spontak and Peggy Cavanaugh (975.9 SPO) Florida Gardens Gone Wild by Lucy Beebe Tobias (975.9 TOB) Dear Children of the Earth by Schim Schimmel (JE SCH) Keepers of the Earth by Caduto and Bruchac (J398.2 CAD) The church library is open on Sundays from 9:00 to 11:45 a.m. and other times by arrangement. If you would like to come browse and self check out books, just see Chris in the office and shell open up the library. Happy rainy day.


For Your Health Selected by Bonnie Schulze, Health Ministry
With warmer weather upon us and the opening of swimming pools, I found this article a good reminder for you regarding your children, grandchildren and maybe even your great-grand children. Drowning Top Cause of Injury Deaths in Kids 1-4 By Cari Nierenberg WebMD Health News Although the death rate for drowning in the U.S. has gone down in the last decade, drowning leads to more deaths among young children aged 1 to 4 than any other cause except birth defects, a new report from the CDC reveals. Between 2005 and 2009, the death rates from accidental drowning were higher among children under 4 years of age than for any other age group, the report shows. About half of these deadly incidents in young children took place at swimming pools. Kids under 4 also had the highest rate of nonfatal drownings, meaning injuries from near drowning that may have landed them in the emergency room or in the hospital. Swimming pools were the site of roughly 65% of these near drownings in preschoolers. Researchers also found that for each year between 2005 and 2009, an average of 3,880 Americans lost their lives to drowning and nearly 5,800 people a year were estimated to have sought treatment in the emergency room because of a near-drowning episode. Kids' Swim Lessons Save Lives Researchers looked at information on death certificates over a five-year period. They found that of the nearly 3,900 accidental deaths from drowning each year in the U.S., more than half occurred in natural bodies of water, almost 18% took place at pools, and about 10% happened in the bathtub. For near drownings, researchers reviewed data from 66 hospitals in the U.S. They found that children under 4 accounted for nearly 53% of emergency visits for drowning-related injuries, while children aged 5 to 14 were responsible for almost 18% of them. Alcohol played a role in nearly 22% of all nonfatal drowning injuries among those aged 15 or older. It comes as no surprise that summertime brought more problems: The researchers suggest that taking swimming lessons while young can teach life-saving skills to help prevent drownings and water-related injuries. Wearing life jackets, installing four-sided pool fencing, and giving bystander CPR can also help lessen the number of lives lost or injuries.


Thank You
Thank you all for the cards, phone calls and visits while I was at Oakhurst and at home. They were, and are, appreciated so much. Harold Pringle

Christmas In July - Angel Tree How God Answers Our Prayer and We Listen!
During the month of July, there will be a Christmas tree in the Narthex with angels. Each angel will contain a name of one of our homebound and others who will benefit from some extra FKPC care. Families will take an angel(s) from the tree and visit, pray, telephone, and perhaps invite that person to your home. This will be an opportunity for the family to put their creative heads together and think outside the box. What a glorious God we serve! God is always there for us, so let us be Christ-like and reach out to others.

The Nurse Is Back in Connecticut

Bonnie is willing to answer emails sent to bonitaschulze@att.net or calls at (203)266-7149 related to any questions you have. She will also try to refer you to someone locally if that is what works for you. Just leave a message and Bonnie will get back to you.

Library Corner
Summer is here and hopefully that means more time for reading. The FKPC library has already added more than 75 items since the first of this year, so if you havent visited us recently, you dont know what you are missing! The library is open every Sunday from 9:00 until 10:30 a.m. and again for at least 15 minutes after the worship service ends. Members may also access the library at other times by request. About ten new fiction books for the youth of our church are on the bookcase straight ahead as you enter the library. Look for the yellow labels on the book spines on the shelves marked New Items. The newest nonfiction books for adults are on this same bookcase. On the top shelf you will find several which are good resources for the current Sunday Adult Seminar which is about understanding Jesus of Nazareth. Several other new books are part of our growing collection on Earth Care and are also featured on the top shelf. The remaining new items are on the New Items shelves. See the bulletin board outside the library door for a synopsis of some of the most recent books.

Childrens Discipleship Ministry Sunday School Teachers Needed

The Children's Discipleship Ministry is in need of teachers for the Fall. The job requirements for this valuable position consists of 1) love of children; 2) patience; 3) willingness to teach three Sundays out of one month per year during worship; and 4) the desire to show children the love of Christ. No previous experience required. Materials will be provided for each lesson, we will be using the "Walk With Me" curriculum from Faith Alive. There will always be two teachers each session. If you are interested, please contact Bernice Henry.

Childrens Discipleship Ministry Meetings

The Children's Discipleship Ministry will meet on Tuesday, July 17 and on Monday, August 13 - these are not our regular meeting dates

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)

Youth Happenings for July

Martha & David MacKay will be leading an in-depth discussion of the recent blockbuster movie, The Hunger Games. So please, either read the first book of the series or see the movie. The social implications revealed are certainly worth considering! Hope to see you Sunday evenings!!

Adult Discipleship
If you want to know what Jesus was really saying to his followers, then Rabbi Tom McNeils informative sessions on Jesus: Life in the Kingdom of God is the place to be. Topics in this series include Forgiveness, Caring for Others, Trust in Abba/Father, The Historical/Non-biological Family, and Long-term Expectations. Come to class and be better informed about Jesus view on what constitutes the Kingdom of God. The adult classes are held each Sunday in the Session Room starting at 9:15 am, and coffee is available. On July 15th, Joyce-Ellen Horne will begin a four-part series on Prayer. Topics to be covered include What Does Matthew 6 Mean to You? and The Lords Prayer Parts I and II. The final session will be to Write Your Own Prayer. Have you ever wondered about some of the words in the Lords Prayer; for example, the difference between debts and trespasses? Some churches (including FKPC) use debts while other churches use trespasses. These classes will help you understand this question as well as provide information on other prayer-related topics.

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)

Womens Retreat
Attention ladies. Its time to mark your calendar for Fort Kings annual Womens Retreat at Camp Montgomery. The retreat will be held November 2nd - 4th. Our theme for this years retreat is Expectations. We are pleased to have Rebecca Gillespie, pastor of Middleburg Presbyterian Church as our Spiritual Leader and Facilitator this year. The costs, including meals and supplies are as follows: The Inn (2 nights) $149.00 Cabin (2 nights) $117.00 Cabin (1 night - Sat. before breakfast) $86.00 Cabin (1 night - Sat after breakfast) $78.00 No lodging (Sat. before breakfast) $45.00 No lodging (Sat. after breakfast) $37.00 The deadline for the $25.00 deposit is October 1st. If you would like to make payments toward the cost, Bernice Henry will be glad to receive them. If you have any questions concerning the retreat, you can call Chris Berryhill at 622-6613.

Welcome New Member
Phyllis Altonn 3145 SE 39th Ave Ocala, FL 34480 433-2548 hilosewmama@yahoo.com Phyllis came to Ocala from Hilo, HI in April of this year. As soon as Phyllis arrived, she started becoming involved in Ft. King activities such as Interfaith meals, Bible study, prayer shawl ministry, Link assembly and crafts. Phyllis has 2 grown sons. She is the sister or our Pat Merrill and enjoys sewing.


Mens Night Out

Mens Night Out will not meet in July. Check next month for August 13ths location.

Presbyterian Women Circles

All women of Fort King are Presbyterian Women and are invited to participate in all the activities of Presbyterian Women. If you have not attended a Circle meeting before, plan to start in September with our new study. Esther Circle meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in members homes. Deborah Circle meets the 3rd Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in the Session Room. In September, we will begin a new study, Dispatches to Gods Household: The General Epistles. These letters were meant to inspire and comfort the faithful in first-century Asia Minor, and they continue to speak to us today as we grapple with how to live in a community as disciples of Christ. It will teach us what it means to live in a community and what it means to belong to the household of God.

Domestic Violence Rape Crisis Center

Thank you to the congregation for all the donations you have provided for the Domestic Violence Rape Crisis Center. Please continue to place your contributions in the box in the Narthex. Presbyterian Women have made individual tote bags filled with toiletries for the women that come into the Rape Crisis Center.

Card Making Ministry

Come join us on the 2nd Friday of every month at 10:00 a.m. until about Noon. We will meet off-site. Please contact Prudence Pritz if you are interested in joining this group.


Crafts Group
Please join the Crafts Group on Thursdays from 1:00 - 3:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We work on individual projects and joint projects.

Sassy Seniors
The Sassy Seniors meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Julys luncheon will be at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 11th at Charlie Horse Restaurant (please note change of restaurant).

Thank You Food4Kids
The Sunday School would like to thank all of those who supported the Food4Kids Sunday School mission project this year. Your great generosity of food items and donations resulted in the collection of 54 baskets of food. This food certainly helped many of our poverty stricken school children focus on learning this year rather than worrying about hunger. Above all, please continue to pray for those impoverished families who are going through such a difficult time in their lives. Thank you again for showing your Christian love and compassion to those who are in great need of it.


Recycling Comes to FKPC
Recently the City of Ocala started curbside recycling for its residents and removed all of their recycling centers. Hurray for the City of Ocala! But, that left those who live in the county without any convenient recycling locations. In an effort to serve our church family, and become even more dedicated to our Earth Care Congregation pledge, we will be installing a new recycling dumpster and reducing the size of our garbage dumpster. See the list below for what can and cannot be recycled. We hope you will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to be good stewards of Gods great gifts. Recyclables List (containers lightly washed, please): Cartons - (waxed) juice, milk Juice boxes Glass containers. No windows or mirrors Envelopes with plastic windows Metal - beverage or food containers, tin foil. No paint cans Paper - all colors and types. No metallic wrapping paper Shredded paper must be bagged (plastic okay; paper preferred) No chemicals No cat litter No soiled or contaminated prod ucts - napkins, paper towels, paper plates or tissues No furniture of any kind No Styrofoam, plastic utensils or waxed paper Unacceptable List: No plastic bags - trash bags, gro- No plastic containers used for mocery bags, cleaner bags, or newspa- tor oil, pesticides or other toxic substances per protective covers No carry out food containers No food waste Plastic bottles & jars - symbols #1-7. Including prescription Plastic containers - margarine, cottage cheese, yogurt Cardboard boxes must be cut down to no larger than 3x3

Session - June 21, 2012
Celebrations Thank you, Jesus! Choir had their first rehearsal with Rick Roberts. Less trees to fall in the playground area more sunshine! VBS starts Sunday 90 participants registered. ASP leaves Saturday, 6/30. Kaitlyn Fuller is the Youth Advisor for General Assembly. Pat Merrills twin sister is joining Ft. Kings family. Happy 50th anniversary, Charles and Mary Ellen Vowinkel! Installation of the pavers for the Memorial Garden is half way complete. Motions Motion to approve the new Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual. Motion to allow Jan Stone and Andy Gans to teach this fall. Motion to allow Rev. Becca Gillespie of First Presbyterian Church of Middleburg to serve communion at the upcoming Womens Retreat. Motion to allow the various ministries and organizations of FKPC to take responsibility for recruiting ushers for Worship (one month increments).


Something To Think About Psalm 82
Psalm 82 is prefaced by Asaph; according to I Chronicles 15:17 and 19, Asaph was a leader of a group of Temple musicians (harps, lyres, cymbals), and singers whose job was to raise sounds of joy (the first rock band?). Selah was a notation to indicate at what point the musicians would perform. The word itself was not to be said; we have no idea what the music was. Historical Perspective Psalm 82 was probably written +/- 450 BCE, i.e. about the time of the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem under Ezra and Nehemiah. It is necessary to understand the language of the Psalm, in order to capture its meaning. In Egypt, the pharaoh/king was absolutely regarded as god; indeed, he is Egypt and is god. In Rome, the Caesar was regarded as a god during this life and so named upon his death. In Mesopotamian societies, in particular, Babylonia, the king was regarded as an Elohim, a son of God by adoption. (Aage Bentzen 1955 King and Messiah 19). In the 19th century BCE, Hammurabi stated in writing that the gods had chosen him to rule over men, to grant protection to the land that the strong might not injure the weak, and that the widow and orphan might be safe (Jack Finnegan 1954 Light from the Ancient Past 48; see also Thorkild Jacobsen 1976 The Treasures of Darkness 188ff.). He was, therefore, a member of the Elohim, a son of God. A similar perspective is found in Psalm 2:7f, with echoes in Isaiah and other prophets and Psalms (22, 27, 69), and in Genesis 1:26 ff., i.e., the first man/Adam. In Israels Psalms, the king as the political leader, as the adopted son of God, has specific responsibilities to and for the people as identified by the covenant: to judge with righteousness, i.e. impartially, and to defend and care for the poor and needy, widows and orphans. When Israels kings did not measure up, they were to be called to account. Psalm 82 is a calling to account; the kings as Elohim/gods, sons of god, not only have been appointed by God to rule as kings; they have the social power to benefit those in society who were oppressed, without voice and vote, helpless, without justice; or, contrariwise, they were not there to benefit themselves! Psalm 82 notes: v. 1 The RSV reads: God has taken his place in the divine council. The Hebrew text reads: God stands before the divine council. For the psalmist, God is not present to have a friendly tete-a-tete with the ELOHIM, the political leaders. He is there to accuse them! He stands before them! v. 2 How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? bingo! Instead of ruling justly, impartially, the Elohim/kings were using the system to benefit themselves and their cronies in power! Note the address: you: 2nd person plural! v. 3-4 These verses contain concise summaries of what ruling justly is all about: Justice to the weak and fatherless; Support of the afflicted and the destitute; Rescue the weak and needy; Deliverance from the hand of the wicked (Recall the petition in the Lords Prayer and


WORSHIP (continued)
v. 5 down: deliver us from evil). What happens when rulers use their power to benefit themselves? They turn the world upside All the foundations of the earth are shaken! This is what they have done! They lack understanding and knowledge and they walk about in darkness! They have created universal chaos in society and nature, the very opposite of what God created (Genesis 1)! v. 6f. You are Elohim/gods, sons of the Most High, all of you! Indeed! You have all been appointed to rule justly. You have not! Therefore, you shall die like men Elohim/gods; oh, you thought you were special? Death makes all living things equal! (Ecclesiastes 3:20). You will be as insignificant as the people and nature you used to elevate yourself. v. 8 The congregations response: Arise, O God, judge the earth, for to you belong all the nations! Observation: One cannot avoid comparing the message of Psalm 82 to Ezekiel 34: v. 2, 3 Ho, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves you do not feed the sheep. v. 12 I will seek out my sheep v. 15 I will be the shepherd of my sheep. v. 16 I will feed them in justice. Something To Think About: We live in a Constitutional Republic; political leaders are selected by the vote rather than by a divine mandate. It is we, the people who make the choices. Therefore, responsibility is in our hands, not Gods. Just exactly how would Psalm 82 address our socio-political and economic situation? Are there autocratic and anti-democratic forces at work in our society that can undermine the Republic? Perhaps Wall Street is a bell-ringer? 3. Is it appropriate for us to address God to judge the earth? How? 4. Just how is Psalm 82 meaningful for us? Oh! Plenty to think about; and, conversation/dialogue is not uni-directional. Shalom, Tom

Psalm 82
A Psalm of Asaph. 1 God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment: 2 How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Selah 3 Give justice to the weak and the orphan; maintain the right of the lowly and the destitute. 4 Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

They have neither knowledge nor understanding, they walk around in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. I say, You are gods, children of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, you shall die like mortals, and fall like any prince.* Rise up, O God, judge the earth; for all the nations belong to you!


WORSHIP (continued)

Flower Calendar
Please note: I am trying to work ahead on the flowers, so if you would like to provide flowers to commemorate a special event/occasion/memory etc. for a specific date, please call Nancy Hall at 694-3221 as soon as possible. Please also note: It is never too early to call to select your chosen date. As of this mailing, the following people will be providing flowers in July through October 2012. If you can provide flowers for a date in 2012, please call Nancy Hall. Thank you. Thank you to these people as they share in donating the flowers for the following worship services. July 1, 2012In loving memory of my mother, Ann Patnode and my brother, Edward, from Kay Dahlen July 8, 2012From Vince and Margaret Spontak in celebration of our 30th wedding anniversary July 15, 2012(This date is taken but the occasion and names will be revealed at a later time) July 22, 2012In memory of John K. Primm, from Carol July 29, 2012The flowers today are given to the glory of God by Martha Slemmer in loving memory of her precious mom, Carol August 5, 2012OPEN August 12, 2012OPEN August 19, 2012From the Clegornes in honor of the Clegorne family birthdays - sons Nicholas and Patrick and Anthonys mother and father August 26, 2012OPEN September 2, 2012OPEN September 9, 2012From Jack and Sue Harshman in honor of our 60th wedding anniversary September 16, 2012In celebration of our 65th wedding anniversary from Glendon and Mildred Shank September 23, 2012In loving memory of Julien from Kay Dahlen September 30, 2012From Dorothy Roth in loving memory of Merl on their wedding date October 7, 2012In loving memory of Ken from Shirley and the family October 14, 2012From David and Martha MacKay in celebration of their 27th wedding anniversary October 21, 2012In celebration of their 59th wedding anniversary from Dick and Margy Marshall October 28, 2012In celebration of our 46th wedding anniversary tomorrow from Melvin and Jean Winkler


9:00 - 11:45 Library 7:30 Mens Bible 9:30 Prayer 9:15 Sunday Study Shawl School Ministry 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 4:15 Fellowship 11:30 Reception for Rick Roberts Ministry 5:00 PYC 5:15 TOPS (FH) 6 - 9 Marions United 6:00 Evangelism (CE) Ministry ASP 8 9:00 - 11:45 Library 9:15 Sunday School 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 11:30 Congregational Meeting 11:30 Discipleship Youth Ministry 5:00 PYC 15 9 7:30 Mens Bible Study 10

5 OFFICE CLOSED 11:00 Adult Discipleship Ministry 1:00 Crafts 6:00 - 8:00 Marions United (FH) 7:00 AA (CE)



13 10:00 Card Making Ministry (off-site)


1:00 Crafts 4:15 Fellowship 1:00 The Sassy Seniors Ministry (Off-Site) 5:15 TOPS (FH) 6 - 9 Marions United 6:00 Finance 7:00 Choir Practice 7:00 AA (CE) Ministry (CE)

18 17 16 7:30 Mens Bible Study 9:00 - 11:45 Library 9:15 Sunday 3:00 Pastoral Care School Team Ministry 10:00 Choir Practice 5:15 TOPS (FH) 6 - 9 Marions United 7:00 Discipleship 10:30 Worship Childrens 6:00 Worship (CE) 5:00 PYC Ministry Ministry 7:00 Choir Practice 24 22 23 25 2 Cents A Meal 7:30 Mens Bible Study 9:00 - 11:45 Library 9:15 Sunday School 5:15 TOPS (FH) 10:00 Choir Practice 6:00 Mission Ministry 10:30 Worship 6 - 9 Marions United 5:00 PYC (CE) 7:00 Choir Practice 29 30 31

19 1:00 Crafts 6:00 Session



7:00 AA (CE)




1:00 Crafts

7:00 AA (CE)

9:00 - 11:45 Library 7:30 Mens Bible Study 9:15 Sunday School 10:00 Choir Practice 5:15 TOPS (FH) 10:30 Worship 6 - 9 Marions United 5:00 PYC (CE)


FORT KING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 13 N.E. 36th Avenue Ocala, Florida 34470

Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Ocala, FL 34478 Permit #100



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