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Welcome to Immanuel and St Andrew C of E Primary School

Reception 2012/13 Parent Meeting 28/06/12

Early Years Team Jo Davis Early Years Phase Leader Katy Hathaway Acting Early Years Phase Leader maternity cover.

Reception H Staff Katy Hathaway Teacher Rose Hussain EYE

Reception E Staff Madeline Eastwood Teacher Michelle McLennan - EYE

Recep%on H
Miss Hathaway
Abigail I Charlie Imogen Lily Millie Rosheen Abigail T Christelle Isabel Lucas Minhazul Saraniya Albert Clara Jaheim Maria Olivia Sudi Alicja Emmanuell a Jasmine Mariam Renesha Tenny Barnabus George Jakub Marlon Ronaldo Theodore

Recep%on E
Miss Eastwood
Andre Dominic Hiraanoor Lendy Mplikia Remi Ava Elliott Harriet Lucas Niamh Stephanie Aymen Gaia Jabari Lueji Nicodem Uzman Chloe George Karolina Maya Phoenix Victoria Destiny Haider-Ali Laura Milo Reggie Yohance

What is the EYFS?

The EYFS document we have used in former years has been revised and from September we will be implementing the revised curriculum guidance Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage

It is not a new document simply revised Building on themes from original document Makes explicit what was previously implicit More focused on how children learn and not what they learn There are now 7 areas of learning as opposed to previous 6 These are split into prime areas which are aimed at the youngest children and specific areas when prime areas have been embedded.

How does it differ?

Stage NOT age!

The four themes of the EYFS

A unique Child

Learning and Development

Posi%ve rela%onships
Enabling Environments

Children are born ready, able and eager to learn. They actively reach out to interact with other people, and in the world around them. Development is not an automatic process however. It depends on each unique child having opportunities to interact

Characteristics of effective Learning

Playing and Exploring Engagement Finding out and exploring Playing with what they know Being willing to have a go Active Learning Motivation Being involved and concentrating Keeping trying Enjoying achieving what they set out to do Creative and Thinking Critically Having their own ideas Making Links Choosing ways to do things

Areas of Learning & Development Prime Areas: Personal, Social & Emotional Development


Making relationships Self confidence & self-awareness Managing feelings & behaviour Moving & handling Health & self-care Listening & attention Understanding Speaking Reading Writing Numbers Shape, space & measures People & communities The world Technology Exploring & using media and materials Being imaginative

Physical Development Communication & Language

Specific Areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Expressive Arts & Design

PSED How can you help?

By encouraging your child to independently: Use the toilet Wash their hands Put on and fasten their clothes and shoes Playing games which encourage sharing and turn taking will help your child to build their social skills.

Communication & Language How can you help?

Play games which involve listening for a signal e.g. Simon Says Stop & listen to environmental sounds Give children the opportunity to both speak and listen Talk to your child about what they have been doing and help them to reflect upon & explain details Use stories from books to focus attention on predictions and explanations Follow your childs lead - talk about what theyre interested in

Physical Development How can you help?

Give children time to run, jump, climb and play outdoors Encourage children in activities such as building, drawing, manipulating play dough, threading beads or filling and emptying containers in the water all of which develop manipulative skills Support children to become confident and allow them to take risks Talk about healthy living and the changes that occur to their bodies when they are active e.g. hot and sweaty.

Literacy How can you help?

Reading books (stories, information texts, newspapers, magazines, comics etc), encouraging your child to join in and talk about what they have read Singing songs and nursery rhymes Modelling correct pencil grip and letter formation Model correct letter sounds and sound out some words when talking e.g. j-a-m Play I-Spy using letter sounds

Mathematics How can you help?

Talk about the shapes you can see in the environment Comparing things which are heavy and light or long and short Pointing out numbers in the environment e.g. doors, number plates and buses. Singing counting songs and rhymes Counting, adding and subtracting anything and everything e.g. socks, cars, shopping, cutlery, fingers and toes!

Understanding the world How can you help?

Talk with your child about the places they go and things they see in the world around them Answering and asking questions What if...? Why do you think...? How did you....? Letting children join in with everyday activities e.g. washing up, cooking, shopping, helping in the garden Where possible, allow access to ICT CD players, cameras, computers etc Talk about family, religion and culture

Expressive Arts and Design What can you do to help?

Talk with your child about their imaginative play and join in where possible! Encourage them to be flexible in their thinking and use of materials praising them for their efforts and ideas as well as the end product Explore the sounds of different instruments Sing songs together

In addition...
RE (Religious education) celebrating the Christian faith as well as embracing other faiths Weekly collective worship celebrating achievements (Golden Tickets/Super Tickets) Class collective worship each long term to which you are invited Star of the term awards

We believe...
Every child should be happy, secure, valued and confident. At Immanuel St Andrew, we value every child as a unique individual who enjoys learning and thinking for themselves. We provide a supportive and secure environment in which every child can flourish and learn at their own pace and in their own individual way. Our role is to stimulate and encourage their independence, development and enjoyment of learning through a variety of different activities in secure indoor and outdoor situations, through play and through structured and creative activities. We encourage the growth of social skills and empathy amongst the children. The relationships which the children develop with each other and our staff are central to their happiness and lay the best possible foundation for their future.

Organisation of Reception
Your child will have a key worker which will be either the EYE or class teacher This person will be responsible for maintaining your childs portfolio and will be your contact in the first instance. Whole class Literacy and Mathematics direct teaching time Our EYFS is organised in a free-flow manner. All children share an outside area which they are free to move around as they wish Both Reception classes have access to a courtyard and each others classrooms The outdoor area is an extension of the classroom and the children will be outside in ALL weathers There is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing!

Curriculum Delivery
Thematic, cross curricular, play based approach to learning A balance of adult initiated curriculum delivery and child initiated. Independent learners Provide an environment that enables the children to independently access resources, make choices, pursue interests, develop their thinking skills, work collaboratively and problem solve

Each short term we have a different theme All planning is linked to this theme and taught in a cross curricular manner We observe the childrens interests and encourage them to initiate ideas, tailoring the planning to follow their interests Acknowledge that children are not blank canvasses, but come to school with a wealth of prior knowledge and experience The planning meets the needs of all pupils whatever their level of ability, including challenging more able pupils.

Assessment and Record Keeping

Each child has their own portfolioam watering I the plants. Observations: written, photos They need water and sun and video to make them grow up. Annotated work Ongoing formative assessment Reading/phonics assessment Parent comment sheet in portfolio

Weekly reading book 5 High frequency words per week Your comments appreciated in diary Books changed weekly 5.00 charge for lost books to cover cost of replacement Daily book exchange from class book box Weekly guided reading Parent readers

Phonics and Homework

Follow Letters and Sounds Programme (supported with Jolly Phonics actions) Children streamed into ability groups Daily phonics session Phonics meeting in Autumn term Education City Projects to research at home

Forest School
Forest School is about children and young people building their self esteem and independence through exploring and experiencing the natural world The ethos of Forest School allows the learners the time and space to develop skills, interests and understanding through practical, hands-on experiences In Reception, one Level 3 trained and one Level 1 trained staff member Children will have a short term of weekly Forest School which will take place on Streatham Common

Parents as Partners
Working together ensures the best possible chance of success for your child Open door policy Access to your childs portfolio make contributions Support to assess your child in first language if not English Share your childs achievements with us Ensuring early intervention if you are concerned that your child may have additional needs e.g. speech and language development. Help and support on trips Support with reading, cooking and sewing activities 1.00 weekly donation to buy ingredients for cooking Share story times with class in home language Work together to manage behaviour

General Information
Reception school day 8.50 a.m. 3.25 p.m. School dinners money must be paid on a Monday morning given to class teacher in sealed, named envelope. (1.70 per day/8.50 per week) Healthy packed lunches clearly labelled with name Once you choose either packed lunches or school dinners, you are expected to stay with this option for the entire term Lunch time 11.50 a.m. 1.00 p.m. All children eat in the dinner hall then return to the Early Years garden to play Breakfast club 8.00 a.m. 8.45 a.m. (2.50 per day) Kids City 3.25 p.m. 6.00 p.m. (8.00 per day) If for any reason you are not able to pick your child up, please phone the school in advance or inform the class teacher who will be collecting your child instead. They will NOT be released unless we have received instruction. If siblings will be collecting your child, they must be 16

Uniform and PE Kit

The children are expected to wear the school uniform. (EYFS White or navy blue polo shirt, navy blue or grey jogging bottoms)This can be purchased from the school shop Children should wear black shoes. To support their independence, velcro fastening is advisable. All children MUST have a PE kit which they will need weekly. This is necessary for hygiene reasons and also to encourage independent dressing skills Please make sure ALL items of clothing lunch boxes etc are clearly labelled with your childs name We will NOT accept responsibility for unnamed, lost items.

Attendance and Punctuality

If your child has a medical appointment and requires time off school, you must notify the office and give staff a photocopy of the letter detailing the appointment. If your child is sick, please phone the school office and let them know the same day. You MUST bring your child to school and collect them on time. It is embarrassing and upsetting when they arrive late, as well as detrimental to their learning and being the last child sat on the carpet at home time is very distressing.

What your child needs.....

School uniform PE kit and PE bag Book bag Wellington boots Waterproof jacket Reusable water bottle

What happens now? If your child is new to the school....

Your childs class teacher will be carrying out a home visit shortly. Your childs start date will be confirmed during the home visit. Entry will be staggered to ensure adult support is available to settle your child Please take and complete the pack ready to be returned to staff at your home visit. You and your child are invited to attend the following events: Friday Fun Day Friday 29th June at 3.30pm (Playground) Wednesday 11th July Sports Day a.m. at Streatham Common Thursday 12th July Reception E Collective

What happens now? If your child attends Nursery?

You will receive a letter detailing your childs start date. Entry will be staggered to ensure adult support is available to settle your child Your child will spend some transition time with their new teacher before the end of term If your child has lunch in the Nursery, a date will be arranged for them to eat in the dinner hall to familiarise themselves with their new environment.

Thank you!
Thank you all for coming All of the EYFS team look forward to getting to know you and your child better Any questions that arise between now and your childs start date please dont hesitate to contact us: jdavis@immanuelschoollambeth.org.uk khathaway@immanuelschoollambeth.org.uk meastwood@immanuelschoollambeth.org.u k

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