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TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 1


TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 2
q Shell & t ube heat exchangers are t he most versat ile t ype of heat
They are used in process indust ries, in convent ional and nuclear power
st at ions, st eam generat ors, et c
They are used in many alt ernat ive energy applicat ions including ocean,
t hermal and geot hermal.
q Shell & t ube heat exchangers provide relat ively large rat ios of heat
t ransfer area t o volume.
q They can be easily cleaned.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 3
Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers
q Shell & t ube t ype heat exchangers are built of t ubes (round or rect angular
in general) mount ed in shells (cylindrical, rect angular or arbit rary shape).
q Many variat ions of t his basic t ype is available.
The differences lie mainly in t he det ailed feat ures of const ruct ion and provisions
f or dif f erent ial t hermal expansion bet ween t he t ubes and t he shell.
out l et
i nl et
Shel l
out l et
Shel l
i nl et
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 4
Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers
U- Tube, baf f l ed, si ngl e pass
shel l & t ube heat exchanger
Two pass t ube, baf f l ed si ngl e pass
shel l & t ube heat exchanger
Two pass t ube, f l oat i ng head, baf f l ed
si ngl e pass shel l & t ube heat exchanger
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 5
Shell Types
q TEMA ( t he Tubular Exchangers
Manufact urers Associat ion) publishes
st andards defining how shell and t ube
exchangers should be built . They
def ine a naming syst em t hat is
commonly used.
q Shells are also t ypically purchased in
st andard sizes t o cont rol cost s. I nside
t he shell, baf f les ( dividers) are
inst alled t o direct t he f low around t he
t ubes, increase velocit y, and promot e
cross f low. They also help support t he
t ubes. The baf f le cut is t he rat io of t he
baffle window height t o t he shell
diamet er. Typically, baf f le cut is about
20 percent . I t ef f ect s bot h heat
t ransfer and pressure drop. Designers
also need t o specif y t he baffle spacing;
t he maximum spacing depends on how
much support t he t ubes need.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 6
Multi Shell & Tube Passes
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 7
Tube to Header Plate Connection
q Tubes are arranged in a bundl e and held
in place by header pl at e (t ube sheet ).
q The number of t ubes t hat can be placed
wit hin a shell depends on
Tube layout , t ube out side diamet er, pit ch,
number of passes and t he shell diamet er.
q When t he t ubes are t o close t o each
ot her, t he header plat e becomes t o weak.
q Met hods of at t aching t ubes t o t he header
plat e
Pl at e
Header Pl at e
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 8
Baffle Type & Geometry
q Baffles serve t wo funct ions:
Support t he t ubes for st ruct ural
rigidit y, prevent ing t ube vibrat ion
and sagging
Di vert t he f l ow across t he bundle
t o obt ain a higher heat t ransfer
coefficient .
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 9
Segmental Cut Baffles
Baffle Type & Geomet ry
q The single and double segment al baffles are most frequent ly used. They
divert t he flow most effect ively across t he t ubes.
q The baffle spacing must be chosen wit h care.
Opt imal baf f le spacing is somewhere bet ween 40% - 60% of t he shell diamet er.
Baf f le cut of 25%-35% is usually recommended.
q The t riple segment al baffles are used
for low pressure applicat ions.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 10
Disc & Ring Baffles
Baffle Type & Geomet ry
q Disc and ring baffles are composed of alt ernat ing out er rings and
inner discs, which direct t he flow radially across t he t ube field.
The pot ent ial bundle-t o-shell bypass st ream is eliminat ed
This baffle t ype is very effect ive in pressure drop t o heat t ransfer
q Disc
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 11
Orifice Baffle
Baffle Type & Geomet ry
q I n an orifice baffle shell-side-fluid flows t hrough t he clearance
bet ween t ube out side diamet er and baffle-hole diamet er.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 12
Number of Tubes
q The number of t ubes in an exchanger depends on t he
Fluid flow rat es
Available pressure drop.
q The number of t ubes is select ed such t hat t he
Tube si de vel oci t y for wat er and similar liquids ranges from
0.9 t o 2.4 m/ s (3 t o 8 ft / sec)
Shel l -si de vel oci t y from 0.6 t o 1.5 m/ s (2 t o 5 ft / sec).
q The lower velocit y limit corresponds t o limit ing t he f oul i ng, and t he
upper velocit y limit corresponds t o limit ing t he rat e of er osi on.
q When sand and silt are present , t he velocit y is kept high enough t o
prevent set t ling.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 13
Tube Passes
q A pass is when liquid flows all t he way across from one end t o t he
ot her of t he exchanger. We will count shell passes and t ube passes.
An exchanger wit h one shell pass and t wo t ube passes is a 1-2
exchanger. Almost always, t he t ube passes will be in mult iples of t wo
( 1-2, 1-4, 2-4, et c.)
Odd numbers of t ube passes have more complicat ed mechanical
st resses, et c. An except ion: 1-1 exchangers are somet imes used for
vaporizers and condensers.
q A large number of t ube passes are used t o increase t he t ube side
fluid velocit y and heat t ransfer coefficient and minimize fouling.
This can only be done when t here is enough pumping power since t he
increased velocit y and addit ional t urns increases t he pressure drop
significant ly.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 14
Tube Passes - Continued
q The number of t ube passes depends on t he available pressure drop.
Higher velocit ies in t he t ube result in higher heat t ransfer coefficient s,
at t he expense of increased pressure drop.
q Therefore, if a higher pressure drop is accept able, it is desirable t o
have fewer but longer t ubes (reduced flow area and increased flow
lengt h).
Long t ubes are accommodat ed in a short shell exchanger by mult iple
t ube passes.
q The number of t ube passes in a shell generally range from 1 t o 10
The st andard design has one, t wo, or four t ube passes.
An odd number of passes is uncommon and may result in mechanical
and t hermal problems in fabricat ion and operat ion.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 15
Tube Materials
q Mat eri al s sel ect i on and compat ibilit y bet ween const ruct ion
mat erials and working fluids are import ant issues, in part icular wit h
regard t o corrosi on and/ or operat ion at el evat ed t emperat ures.
q Requirement for low cost , light weight , high conduct ivit y, and good
j oining charact erist ics oft en leads t o t he select ion of aluminum for
t he heat t ransfer surface.
q On t he ot her side, st ainless st eel is used for food processing or
fluids t hat require corrosion resist ance.
q I n general, one of t he select ion crit eria for exchanger mat erial
depends on t he corrosiveness of t he working fluid.
q A summary Table is provided as a reference fo rcorrosive and non-
corrosive environment s
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 16
Materials for Corrosive &
Noncorrosive Service
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 17
Tube Wall Thickness
q The wall t hickness of heat exchanger t ubes is st andardized in t erms
of Birmingham Wire Gage BWG of t he t ube.
q Small t ube diamet ers (8 t o 15mm) are preferred for great er area t o
volume densit y but are limit ed for t he purposes of cleaning.
q Large t ube diamet ers are oft en required for condensers and boilers.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 18
Tube Outside Diameter
q The most common plain t ube sizes have 15.88,19.05, and 25.40 mm
(5/ 8, , 1 inche) t ube out side diamet ers.
q From t he heat t ransfer viewpoint , smaller-diamet er t ubes yield
higher heat t ransfer coefficient s and result in a more compact
q However, larger-diamet er t ubes are easier t o clean and more
q The foregoing common sizes represent a compromise.
For mechanical cleaning, t he smallest pract ical size is 19.05 mm.
For chemical cleaning, smaller sizes can be used provided t hat t he
t ubes never plug complet ely.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 19
Tube Length
q Tube lengt h affect s t he cost and operat ion of heat exchangers.
Longer t he t ube lengt h (for any given surface area),
Fewer t ubes are needed, requiring less complicat ed header plat e wit h f ewer
holes drilled
Shell diamet er decreases result ing in lower cost
q Typically t ubes are employed in 8, 12, 15, and 20 foot lengt hs.
Mechanical cleaning is limit ed t o t ubes 20 ft and short er, alt hough
st andard exchangers can be built wit h t ubes up t o 40 ft .
q There are, like wit h anyt hing limit s of how long t he t ubes can be.
Shel l -di amet er-t o-t ube-l engt h rat i o should be
wit hin limit s of 1/ 5 t o 1/ 15
q Maximum t ube lengt h is dict at ed by
Archit ect ural layout s
Transport at ion (t o about 30m.)
The diamet er of t he t wo boost er rocket s is dict at ed by t he smallest highway
t unnel size bet ween t he locat ion of manuf act urer and Florida. Scient ific hah!
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 20
Tube Length
Tube & Header Plat e Deformat ion
q Thermal expansion of t ubes needs
t o be t aken int o account for heat
exchangers operat ing at elevat ed
t emperat ures
q Tube elongat ion due t o t hermal
expansion causes:
Header plat e deformat ion
Shell wall def ormat ion near t he
header plat e
q Fat igue st rengt h of t he t ube,
header plat e and shell j oint needs
t o be considered when using
Longer t ubes
High operat ing t ube side
t emperat ures
Cyclic t hermal loads
Undeformed Header
Plat e Shape
Undef or med
Shel l Wal l
Header Pl at e
Def or mat i on
Shel l Wal l
Def or mat i on
Magni f i ed Di spl acement of a Shel l
& Tube Heat Exchanger El ement s
Under Ther mal Load
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 21
Tube Layout
q Tube layout is charact erized by t he
included angle bet ween t ubes.
Two st andard t ypes of t ube layout s
are t he square and t he equi l at eral
t ri angl e.
Triangular pit ch (30
layout ) is bet t er for
heat t ransfer and surface area per unit
lengt h ( great est t ube densit y.)
Square pit ch ( 45 & 90 layout s) is needed
for mechanical cleaning.
Not e t hat t he 30,45 and 60 are
st aggered, and 90 is in line.
q For t he ident ical t ube pit ch and
flow rat es, t he t ube layout s in
decreasing order of shell-side heat
t ransfer coefficient and pressure
drop are: 30,45,60, 90.
Tr i angul ar
Squar e
Rot at ed Squar e
Rot at ed Tr i angl e
Tr i angul ar
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 22
Tube Layout - Continued
q The 90 l ayout will have t he lowest heat t ransfer coefficient and
t he lowest pressure drop.
q The squar e pi t ch (90 or 45) is used when j et or mechanical
cleaning is necessary on t he shell side. I n t hat case, a minimum
cleaning lane of in. (6.35 mm) is provided.
The square pit ch is generally not used in t he fixed header sheet design
because cleaning is not feasible.
q The t ri angul ar pi t ch provides a more compact arrangement ,
usually result ing in smaller shell, and t he st rongest header sheet for
a specified shell-side flow area.
I t is preferred when t he operat ing pressure difference bet ween t he t wo
fluids is large.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 23
Tube Pitch
q The sel ect i on of t ube pi t ch is a compromise bet ween a
Cl ose pi t ch (small values of P
/ d
) for increased shell-side heat t ransfer
and surface compact ness, and an
Open pi t ch (large values of P
/ d
) for decreased shell-side plugging and
ease in shell-side cleaning.
q Tube pit ch P
is chosen so t hat t he pi t ch rat i o is 1.25 < P
/ d
< 1.5
When t he t ubes are t o close t o each ot her (P
/ d
less t han 1.25) , t he
header plat e (t ube sheet ) becomes t o weak for proper rolling of t he
t ubes and cause leaky j oint s.
q Tube layout and t ube locat ions are st andardized for indust rial heat
However, t hese are general rules of t humb and can be violat ed for
cust om heat exchanger designs.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 24
Tube & Shell Exhaust Gas Cooler
A t ube and shel l exhaust gas cool er i s used on
di esel engi nes t o r educe t he NOx emi ssi ons.
A r ect angul ar cl osel y packed t ube ar r angement
i s used r esul t i ng i n a r ect angul ar shel l .
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 25
Fluid Allocation
q Tube side is preferred under t hese circumst ances:
Fluids which are prone t o foul
The higher velocit ies will reduce buildup
Mechanical cleaning is also much more pract ical f or t ubes t han f or shells.
Corrosive fluids are usually best in t ubes
Tubes are cheaper t o f abricat e f rom exot ic mat erials
This is also t rue for very high t emperat ure fluids requiring alloy const ruct ion
Toxic fluids t o increase cont ainment
St reams wit h low flow rat es t o obt ain increased velocit ies and t urbulence
High pressure st reams since t ubes are less expensive t o build strong
St reams wit h a low allowable pressure drop
q Viscous fluids go on t he shell side, since t his will usually improve t he
rat e of heat t ransfer.
On t he ot her hand, placing t hem on t he t ube side will usually lead t o
lower pressure drops. Judgment is needed
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 26
Basic Design Procedure
q Heat exchanger must sat isfy t he
Heat t ransf er requirement s ( design or
process needs)
Allowable pressure drop ( pumping
capacit y and cost )
q St eps in designing a heat exchanger
can be list ed as:
I dent ify t he problem
Select an heat exchanger t ype
Calculat e/ Select init ial design
paramet ers
Rat e t he init ial design
Calculat e t hermal performance and
pressure drops for shell and t ube side
Evaluat e t he design
I s performance and cost accept able?
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 27
Size of Heat Exchanger
q The i ni t i al si ze ( surf ace area) of a
heat exchanger can be est imat ed from cf lm o m o

Out side t ube surface area
q Heat dut y heat exchange bet ween t ube and shell side
Overall heat t ransfer coefficient
F Correct ion f act or F= 1.0 f or cross f low heat exchanger
True mean t emperat ure ?T
= F ?T
l m
Log mean t emperat ure difference ( Est of t rue mean t emperat ure)
Correct i on Fact or F is be covered in module TFD-HE4 Log-Mean
Temperat ure Difference
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 28
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
q The overal l heat t ransf er coef f i ci ent U
based on t he out side
diamet er of t ubes can be est imat ed from:
The individual heat t ransfer coefficient s (h)
Shell wall, out side & inside t ube fouling resist ances (R
, R
f o
, R
f i
Overall surface efficiency (?
& ?
o o o
w o
i i i
h A
1 1 1
+ + +


TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 29
Heat Balance of
Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger
q Heat load of a heat exchanger can be est imat ed from heat balance:
out l et
i nl et
Shel l
out l et
Shel l
i nl et
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
o h i h
p i c o c
T T c m T T c m q
, , , ,

& &
I f t hree of t he t emperat ures are given, t he fourt h can be calculat ed
using t he above equat ion.
The above equat ion assumes no phase change in any of t he fluids.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 30
Other TFD Modules Supporting
Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers
q Overall heat t ransfer coefficient is covered in module TFD-HE01
q Log-mean t emperat ure difference is covered in module TFD-HE4
q Heat t ransfer from finned surfaces is covered in module TFD-HE11
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 31
Total Number of Tubes
q Once t he t ot al t ube out side surface area A
is est imat ed a cost
effect ive heat exchanger configurat ion needs t o be calculat ed.
q Number of t ubes N
is dependent on t ube side flow condit ions. I t
is relat ed t o t he shel l di amet er ( D
) , t ube l engt h ( L) and t ube
di amet er ( d
) t oget her wit h t he allowable pressure drop and t he
t ot al t ube side flow rat e hence t he heat t ransfer coefficient .
L N d A
t o o

TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 32
Total Number of Tubes
q The t ot al number of t ubes can be predict ed as a funct ion of t he
shell diamet er by t aking t he shell circle D
and dividing it by t he
proj ect ed area of t he t ube layout pert aining t o a single t ube A
CTP= 0.93 One t ube pass
CTP= 0.90 Two t ube passes
CTP= 0.85 Three t ube passes
CL= 1.00 for 90 & 45 square pit ch
CL= 0.87 for 30 & 60 equilat eral t ri pit ch
CL - Tube Layout Const ant
q CTP is t he t ube count const ant which account s for t he incomplet e
coverage of t he shell diamet er by t he t ubes due t o necessary
clearances bet ween t he shell and t he out er t ube circle.
) (

) (
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 33
Shell Diameter
785 . 0



L N d A
t o o

( )
637 . 0

d d P A
o o T o
q Shell diamet er in t erms of main const ruct ional diamet ers can be
expressed as:
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 34
Rating of the Heat Exchanger Design
q Rat i ng an exchanger means t o evaluat e t he t hermo-hydraulic
performance of a f ul l y speci f i ed exchanger.
q I nput t o t he rat ing process is heat exchanger geomet ry (const ruct ional
design paramet ers), process condi t i ons (flow rat e, t emperat ure,
pressure) and mat eri al / f l ui d propert i es (densit y, t hermal conduct ivit y)
q Fi rst out put from t he rat ing process is eit her t he out let t emperat ure for
fixed t ube lengt h or t he t ube lengt h it self t o meet t he out let temperat ure
requirement .
q Second out put from t he rat ing process is t he pressure drop for bot h fluid
st reams hence t he pumping energy requirement s and size.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 35
Insufficient Thermal Rating
q I f t he out put of t he rat ing analysis is not accept able, a geomet rical
modificat ion should be made
q I f t he required amount of heat cannot be t ransferred t o sat isfy
specific out let t emperat ure, one should find a way t o increase t he
heat t ransfer coefficient or increase exchanger surface area
One can increase t he t ube side heat t ransfer coefficient by increasing
t he fluid velocit y - I ncrease number of t ube passes
One can increase t he shell side heat t ransfer coefficient by decreasing
baffle spacing and/ or baffle cut
One can increase t he surface area by
I ncreasing t he heat exchanger lengt h
I ncreasing t he shell diamet er
Mult iple shells in series
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 36
Insufficient Pressure Drop Rating
q I f t he pressure drop on t he t ube side is great er t han t he allowable
pressure drop, t hen
t he number of t ube passes can be decreased or
t he t ube diamet er can be increased which may result t o
decrease t he t ube lengt h ( Same surf ace area)
increase t he shell diamet er and t he number of t ubes
q I f t he shell side pressure drop is great er t han t he allowable pressure
drop t hen baffle spacing, t ube pit ch, and baffle cut can be increased
or one can change t he baffle t ype.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 37
The Trade-Off
Bet ween Thermal Balance & Flow Loss
q Heat t ransfer and fluid frict ion losses t end t o compet e wit h one
anot her.
q The t ot al energy loss can be minimized by adj ust ing t he size of one
irreversibilit y against t he ot her .
q These adj ust ment s can be made by properly select ing physical
dimensions of t he solid part s (fins, duct s, heat exchanger surface).
q I t must be underst ood, however, t hat t he result is at best a
t hermodynamic opt imum.
Const raint s such as cost , size, and reliabilit y ent er int o t he
det erminat ion of t ruly opt imal designs.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 38
Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient
q There are t hree rat i ng met hods t o calculat e t he shell side heat
t ransfer coefficient :
Kern met hod is a simplified approach suit able for shell side flow wit hout
Taborek met hod
Bel l Del aware met hod is t he most complex but accurat e way of rat ing a
heat exchanger wit h baffles
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 39
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 40
Shell Side Heat Transfer
Baffled Flow
q When t he t ube bundl e empl oys baf f l es, t he heat t ransfer
coefficient is higher t han t he coefficient for undist urbed flow
around t ubes wit hout baffles.
q For a baffled heat exchanger
t he higher heat t ransfer coefficient s result from t he i ncreased
t urbul ence.
t he vel oci t y of f l ui d f l uct uat es because of t he const rict ed area
bet ween adj acent t ubes across t he bundle.
q Onl y part of t he f l ui d t akes t he desi red pat h t hrough t he t ube
bundle (St ream B), whereas a pot ent ially subst ant ial port ion flows
t hrough t he leakage areas (St reams A, C, E & F)
However, t hese clearances are inherent t o t he manufact uring and
assembly process of shell-and-t ube exchangers, and t he flow
dist ribut ion wit hin t he exchanger must be t aken int o account .
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 41
Main & Leakage Flow Streams
Baffled Heat Exchanger
q There are five different shell side flow st reams in a baffled heat
St ream A is t he leakage st ream in t he
orifice formed by t he clearance
bet ween t he baffle t ube hole and t he
t ube wall.
St ream B is t he main effect ive cross-
flow st ream, which can be relat ed t o
flow across ideal t ube banks.
St ream C is t he t ube bundle bypass st ream in t he gap bet ween t he t ube
bundle and shell wall.
St ream E is t he leakage st ream bet ween t he baffle edge and shell wall.
St ream F is t he bypass st ream in flow channel part it ions due t o omissions
of t ubes in t ube pass part it ions.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 42
Main & Leakage Flow Streams
Baffled Heat Exchanger
St r eam C
St r eam A
St r eam E
St r eam F
Pass 1 Pass 2
St r eam F happens in a
mult iple pass (1-2, 1-4)
heat exchanger
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 43
Bell Delaware Method
Heat Transfer Coefficient & Correct ion Fact ors
q I n t he Delaware met hod, t he fluid flow in t he shell is divided int o a
number of individual st reams A t hrough F as defined before.
q Each of t he above st reams int roduces a correct ion fact or t o t he
heat t ransfer correlat ion for ideal cross-flow across a bank of t ubes.
r s b l c ideal o
J J J J J h h
14 . 0




w s
s ps
ps i ideal
c j h

Colburn j -f act or
Cross flow area at t he cent erline
of shell for one cross flow
bet ween t wo baffles
s St ands for shell
w Wall t emperat ure
heat t ransfer coefficient for pure
cross-flow in an ideal t ube bank
for baffle cut and spacing
for leakage effect s
bundle bypass flow C & F st reams
for variable baffle spacing in t he
inlet and out let sect ions
for adverse t emperat ure gradient
The combi ned ef f ect s of al l t hese cor r ect i on f act or s f or a r easonabl e
wel l - desi gned shel l - and- t ube heat exchanger i s of t he or der of 0.60
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 44
Bell Delaware Method
Correct ion Fact or
q J
is t he correct ion fact or for baffle cut and spacing. This fact or
t akes int o account t he heat t ransfer in t he window and calculat es
t he overall average heat t ransfer coefficient for t he ent ire heat
q I t depends on t he shell diamet er and t he baffle cut dist ance from
t he baffle t ip t o t he shell inside diamet er.
For a large baffle cut , t his value may decrease t o a value of 0. 53
it is equal t o 1.0 for a heat exchanger wit h no t ubes in t he window
I t may increase t o a value as high as 1.15 for small windows wit h a
high window velocit y.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 45
Bell Delaware Method
Correct ion Fact or
q J
is t he correlat ion fact or for baffle leakage effect s including t ube-
t o-baffle and shell-to-baffle leakage (A- and E-st reams).
q I f t he baffles are put t oo close t oget her, t hen t he fract ion of t he
flow in t he leakage st reams increases compared wit h t he cross flow.
q J
is a funct ion of t he
rat io of t ot al leakage area per baffle t o t he cross flow area bet ween
adj acent baffles
rat io of t he shell-to-baffle leakage area t o t he t ube-t o-baffle leakage
q A t ypical value of J
is in t he range of 0.7 and 0.8.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 46
Bell Delaware Method
Correct ion Fact or
q J
is t he correct ion fact or for bundle bypassing effect s due t o t he
clearance bet ween t he out ermost t ubes and t he shell and pass
dividers (C- and F-st reams).
For relat ively small clearance bet ween t he out ermost t ubes and t he shell
for fixed t ube sheet const ruct ion, J
= 0.90.
For a pull-t hrough float ing head, larger clearance is required, J
= 0.7.
The sealing st rips (see figure8.14) can increase t he value of J
St r eam F
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 47
Bell Delaware Method
& J
Correct ion Fact ors
q J
is t he correct ion fact or for variable baffle spacing at t he inlet and
out let . Because of t he nozzle spacing at t he inlet and out let and t he
changes in local velocit ies, t he average heat t ransfer coefficient on
t he shell side will change.
q The J
value will usually be bet ween 0.85 and 1.00.
q J
applies if t he shell-side Reynolds number, Re
, is less t han 100.
I f Re
< 20, it is fully effect ive.
This fact or is equal t o 1.00 if Re
> 100.
The combi ned ef f ect of
al l t hese correct i on f act ors
f or a wel l -desi gned shel l -and-t ube heat exchanger
i s of t he order of 0.60
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 48
Bell Delaware Method
Heat Transfer Coefficient - Colburn j-fact or
q Colburn-j fact or is used in heat t ransfer in general and free and
forced convect ion calculat ions in part icular.
I t is equivalent t o (St .Pr
2/ 3
) where St is St ant on number
where St ant on Number is defined as
q Colburn j -fact or is a funct ion of:
Shel l si de Reynol ds number based on t he
out side t ube diamet er and on t he minimum cross
sect ion flow area at t he shell diamet er
Tube layout
Pit ch size
s s
s o
m d

( )
p p
c V

G is t he mass velocit y
is t he min f ree f low x-sec
area regardless where it occurs
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 49
Bell Delaware Method
Numerical Forms of Colburn (j) & Frict ion (f) Fact ors
q Alt hough t he ideal values of j and f are available in graphical forms,
for comput er analysis, a set of curve-fit correlat ions are obt ained in
t he following forms:
( )
33 . 1
o T
d P
a j


( )
Re 14 . 0 1

( )
33 . 1
o T
d P
b f


( )
Re 14 . 0 1

Col bur n j - f act or

Fr i ct i on f act or
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 50
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 51
Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient
Wit hout Baffles Flow Along t he Tube Axis
q The heat t ransfer coefficient out side t he t ube bundle is referred t o
as t he shell-side heat t ransfer coefficient .
q I f t here are no baffles, t he flow will be along t he heat exchanger
inside t he shell. Then, t he heat t ransfer coefficient can be based on
t he equivalent diamet er, D
(Same as a double-pipe heat exchanger)
14 . 0 3 / 1 55 . 0
36 . 0



s e e o
D h

14 . 0
3 / 1 55 . 0
Pr Re 36 . 0

b e o
D h

6 3
10 Re 10 2 < <

s e
q D
Equivalent shell diamet er
q G
Shell side mass velocit y
q b Bulk fluid t emperat ure
q w Wall t emperat ure
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 52
Equivalent Shell Diameter - D
q The equivalent diamet er of t he shell is
t aken as four t imes t he net flow area as
layout on t he t ube sheet (for my pit ch
layout ) divided by t he wet t ed perimet er:
perimeter wetted
area flow free 4

Rect angul ar Pi t ch
Tr i angul ar Pi t ch
o T
d P

) 4 / ( 4
2 2

2 /
) 8 / 3 ( 4
2 2
o T
d P

TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 53

Shell Side Mass Velocity - G
q There is no free-flow area on t he shell side by which t he shell-side
mass velocit y, G
, can be calculat ed.
q For t his reason, fict ional values of G
can be defined based on t he
bundle cross flow area at t he hypot het ical t ube row possessing t he
maximum flow area corresponding t o t he cent er of t he shell.
q Variables t hat affect t he velocit y are:
Shell diamet er ( D
) Clearance bet ween adj acent t ubes ( C) ;
Pit ch size ( PT) Baffle spacing ( B)
q The widt h of t he flow area at t he t ubes locat ed at cent er of t he shell
is (D
/ P
) C and t he lengt h of t he flow area is t aken as t he baffle
spacing, B.
Therefore, t he bundle cross flow area A
at t he cent er of t he shell is
q Shell side mass velocit y is

TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 54

Shell Side Pressure Drop
q The shell-side pressure drop depends on t he number of t ubes t he
fluid passes t hrough in t he t ube bundle bet ween t he baffles as well
as t he lengt h of each crossing.
I f t he lengt h of a bundle is divided by four baffles, for example, all t he
fluid t ravels across t he bundle five t imes.
( )
14 . 0
1 1
w b e
s s



)} ln(Re 19 . 0 576 . 0 exp{
q A correlat ion has been obt ained using
t he product of dist ance across t he
bundle, t aken as t he inside diamet er
of t he shell, Ds and t he number of
t imes t he bundle is crossed.
L is t he heat exchanger lengt h, B is t he
baffle spacing
q Shel l si de f ri ct i on coef f i ci ent f
includes t he ent rance and exit losses
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 55
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 56
Tube Side Heat Transfer Correlations
q Ext ensi ve experi ment al and t heoret i cal ef f ort s have been made t o
obt ain t he solut ions for t urbulent forced convect ion heat t ransfer and flow
frict ion problems in duct s because of t heir frequent occurrence and
applicat ion in heat t ransfer engineering.
q There are a l arge number of correl at i ons avai l abl e in t he lit erat ure for
t he fully developed (hydro-dynamically and t hermally) t urbulent flow of
single-phase Newt onian fluids in smoot h, st raight , circular duct s wit h
const ant and t emperat ure-dependent physical propert ies.
q The obj ect ive of t his sect ion is t o hi ghl i ght some of t he exi st i ng
correl at i ons t o be used in t he design of heat exchange equipment and t o
emphasi ze t he condi t i ons or l i mi t at i ons imposed on t he applicabilit y of
t hese correlat ions.
q Ext ensive effort s have been made t o obt ain empirical correlat ions t hat
represent a best -fit curve t o experiment al dat a or t o adj ust coefficient s in
t he t heoret ical equat ions t o best fit t he experiment al dat a.
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 57
Flow Maldistribution & Header Design
q One of t he common assumpt ions in basic heat exchanger design
t heory is t hat fluid be dist ribut ed uniformly at t he inlet of t he
exchanger on each fluid side and t hroughout t he core.
However, in pract ice, flow maldist ribut ion is more common and can
significant ly reduce t he desired heat exchanger performance.
q Flow maldist ribut ion can be induced by heat exchanger
Geomet ry - mechanical design feat ures such as t he basic geomet ry,
manufact uring imperfect ions, and t olerances
Operat ing condit ions - viscosit y or densit y induced mal dist ribut ion,
mult i phase flow, and fouling phenomena
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 58
Tube-to-Tube Velocity Variation
q I n most cases, geomet ric flow
ent ry & exit condit ions t o t he
headers promot e a t ube-2-t ube
velocit y variat ion
Flow velocit y dist ribut ion over t he header
plat e bef ore t ube ent rance f or a
rect angular x-sec heat exchanger
X- sect i onal ar ea of t he i nl et
pi pe t o t he header pl at e may
be smal l er compar ed t o t he
header pl at e ar ea
90 degr ee f l ow t ur n cr eat es
non- uni f or m vel oci t y
di st r i but i on i nsi de t he t ubes
Header Plat e
q Nussel t correl at i ons present ed
i n t hi s modul e assume an
equal l y di st ri but ed f l ow
bet ween t ubes
Same vel oci t y i n each t ube!
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 59
Tube Side Heat Transfer Coefficient
q Pet ukhov & Popovs t heoret ical calculat ions for t he case of fully
developed t urbulent flow wit h const ant propert ies in a circular t ube
wit h const ant heat flux boundary condit ions fielded a correlat ion,
which was based on t he t hree-layer t urbulent boundary layer model
wit h const ant s adj ust ed t o mat ch t he experiment al dat a.
Pet ukhov also gave a simplified form of t his correlat ion as
( )
( ) ( ) 1 Pr 2 / 7 . 12 07 . 1
Pr Re 2 /
3 2
5 . 0

b b
( )
28 . 3 Re ln 58 . 1

f Where t he frict ion fact or f is defined as:
q This equat ion predict s result s in t he range of
< Re < 5x10
& 0.5 < Pr < 200 wit h 6% error
< Re < 5x10
& 0.5 < Pr < 2000 wit h 10% error
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 60
Tube Side Pressure Drop
q The t ube-si de pressure drop can be calculat ed by knowing t he
Number of t ube passes, N
Lengt h of t he heat exchanger, L
Mean fluid velocit y inside t he t ube, u
f p
f p
q The change of direct ion in t he passes int roduces
an addit ional pressure drop, ?P
due t o sudden
expansions and cont ract ions t hat t he t ube fluid
experiences during a ret urn
This is account ed wit h four velocit y heads per pass
q Tot al pressure drop t han becomes
m r r
u N p
4 4
m p
u N
f p

TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 61
Roadmap To Increase Heat Transfer
q I ncrease heat t ransfer coefficent
Tube Side
I ncrease number of t ubes
Decrease t ube out side diamet er
Shell Side
Decrease t he baf f le spacing
Decrease baffle cut
q I ncrease surface area
I ncrease t ube lengt h
I ncrease shell diamet er increased number of t ubes
Employ mult iple shells in series or parallel
q I ncrease LMTD correct ion fact or and heat exchanger effect iveness
Use count erflow configurat ion
Use mult iple shell configurat ion
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 62
Roadmap To Reduce Pressure Drop
q Tube side
Decrease number of t ube passes
I ncrease t ube diamet er
Decrease t ube lengt h and increase shell diamet er and number of t ubes
q Shell side
I ncrease t he baffle cut
I ncrease t he baffle spacing
I ncrease t ube pit ch
Use double or t riple segment al baffles
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 63
q Fundament als of Heat Exchanger Design
Ramesh K. Shah & Dusan Sekulic
John Wiley & Sons, 2003
q Compact Heat Exchangers, 3
Edit ion
W.M. Kays & A.L. London
q Heat Exchangers, Select ion Rat ing & Design
Sadik Kakac & Hongt an Liu
CRC Press, 2
Edit ion, 2002
q Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger Design Soft ware for Educat ional
Applicat ions. I nt . J. Engng. Ed. Vol. 14, No. 3, p 217-224, 1998
K.C. Leong, K.C. Toh, Y.C. Leong
q Wolverine Tube Heat Transfer Dat a Book
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 64
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 65
Dimensional Data For Commercial Tubing
TFD-HE13 - Shell & Tube Heat Exchager Design 66
Dimensional Data For Commercial Tubing

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