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2012 Trials SuperClinic George Williams


An Approach to Coaching Todays Long Hurdlers 1. Understanding of the basic principles that govern a human beings physical and mental response to training 2. Develop your own training philosophy 3. Create your own coaching style 4. Develop the art of coaching to the individual needs of your hurdlers 5. Develop trust and demonstrate your ability to organize, communicate, and motivate 6. Demonstrate your coaching knowledge 7. Develop a trusting relationship by demonstrating honesty and integrity as a coach 8. Component of training todays hurdler A. Strength and agility (Development of physical capacity and coordination skills) B. Technique development (Developing the whole action of the event) C. Warm up, Warm down, mobility, flexibility (Prepare athletes for hard work-out and proper recovery after the work-out) Eight Factors in Coaching Hurdles Speed Rhythm Technique Flexibility includes range of motion Strength Stamina to maintain proper technique Poise Body type

2012 Trials SuperClinic George Williams

Teaching Hurdle technique-Fundamentals mechanics Sprint over the hurdles Accelerate into takeoff Lean forward at takeoff Eyes up, focused on next hurdle Lead with knee to hurdle Lead Leg Drive knee to the hurdle *Toe pulled back Snap leg down when heel reaches over hurdle Leg straight down to hurdle * Over and down * Drive off ball of foot Trail Leg Knee under armpit Heel close to hip Toe pointed forward Pull knee over hurdle, push foot to track Between Hurdles Vigorously drive off hurdle into long first stride Good high-knee sprint action on balls of feet Slightly shortened last stride to hurdle Full extension of take off leg

2012 Trials SuperClinic George Williams

Curve and Finish Hurdling the curve Left leg preferable Clear in the center of hurdle Run-in to Finish Accelerate into the last two hurdles and through the finish Maintain poise Hurdling Drills One step between hurdles Pace Stride consistency Alternate sprints Curve running Alternate lead leg Endurance hurdles Hurdle ladders Major Hurdling Faults Inconsistent Approach Slinging lead leg Off balance on top of and coming off o the hurdle Floating over the hurdle Loss of speed between hurdles Lack of endurance Chopping steps Inconsistent Approach Single Hurdle Drill Timed First Hurdle Drill Pace drill using the Touch-Down Time Chart Stride Consistency Drill

2012 Trials SuperClinic George Williams

Training Summary Pre-season emphasis on building endurance, increasing strength, and enhancing rhythmic skills Early season emphasis on sprinting and hurdling drills Mid-season emphasis on sprint stamina, drills at full speed Late season emphasis technique, low volume, recovery, and racing Typical Workout Warm-up should be at least 20-45 minutes Slow jog of at least 800m Dynamic stretches (range of motion stretches) leg swings, arm swings etc... Partner assisted/isometric stretches Hurdle and sprint drills Limit static stretching in warm-up Workout-depending on where you are in season Bounding and ply-metrics Hurdle drills Sprint and /or hurdle repetition or intervals Weight training weight, reps and exercises depend on where you are in season Circuits Olympic lifts Warm-down Jog at least 800m Slow gentle static stretching

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