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parte: Dormitorios:





1. Jardines o landscaping Design Projects: antes y despus: 2. Fotos antes de: Antes jardines de Almacenadora Heredia:

Jardinesdespus: Almacenadora Heredia en S FC dos Rios:

2. Jardines Almacenadora Heredia. Antes de:

2. Jardines Almacenadora Heredia despus de:

3- Jardines Srs Chabria en Villas de san Antonio Escaz Antes de :

3- despus de

4 casa de habitacin seores Bijoux en Santana

5- jardines de banca Promerica en Rorhomoser.

Acerca de Nosotros Nuestra capacidad para estar siempre al tanto de lo ltimo en la industria de diseo de interiores, junto con el ingenio y la imaginacin de nuestros experimentados profesionales, es lo que ha convertido a Heilbron Group en una empresa dominante en el mercado del diseo y la decoracin de interiores. Hemos completado con xito una amplia gama de proyectos para bastantes entidades financieras, comerciales y residenciales y exteriores ( landscaping Design ) Nuestros clientes estn ubicados en comunidades como Zonas Francas, Parques comerciales , Zonas residenciales ms prestigiosas del

pas como Villas San Antonio, Villas Cerro Alto, entre muchas ms. Ya sea una prestigiosa oficina, una casa lujosa, un caf casual o un restaurante de lujo, nuestro equipo de diseadores de interiores est totalmente capacitado para llevar a cabo cualquier tipo de proyecto, desde la planificacin inicial hasta la ejecucin final. Una de nuestras principales responsabilidades como diseadores de interiores y decoradores es centrarnos en todos los elementos clave dentro de su casa o espacio de oficinas. El siguiente paso es crear un entorno funcional en cada uno de estos elementos que optimizan el espacio y, por ltimo, crear una solucin de diseo nica que refiera la visin del cliente, manteniendo al mismo tiempo un equilibrio entre funcionalidad y esttica. Si se trata de un dormitorio, bao, cocina, sala de estar o el pasillo de su casa; o el bar, los baos, las reas de espera, la cocina y el comedor de un restaurante; o la oficina establecida en un edificio corporativo, nuestros profesionales en diseo de interiores tienen soluciones nicas e innovadoras de diseo para cualquier tipo de ambiente. Nos aseguramos de que nuestro diseo les proporcione una excelente impresin a sus invitados al entrar en su casa por primera vez. Nosotros crearemos la decoracin y el ambiente perfecto en su restaurante u hotel lo que atraer a sus clientes y los har volver a visitarlos. Nuestro enfoque en el espacio de oficinas de diseo ergonmico con ambiente libre de estrs contribuir a aumentar la productividad de los empleados. Usted puede ver y apreciar los mejores ejemplos de trabajo de diseo de interiores, comerciales y residenciales, aqu en este sitio web.

PARA DESPUES: OJO aca tengo que montar FOTOS: las cuales salen de varias presentaciones en Power Point que tengo listas Galera de diseo 1. Completado Oficinas de Proyectos: Sabemos que la nueva tendencia en el rea de trabajo consiste en el desarrollo de espacios dinmicos y productivos. Por tanto, es que hemos elegido los mejores productos y sobre todo con una garanta de calidad que permita mantener y desarrollar relaciones a largo plazo. Los productos que ofrecemos son parte integral y responder a las necesidades que se presentan da la demanda de oficinas. Estar en su mayora productos modulares que son siempre atractivos para la flexibilidad, la esttica y la productividad. Esta seccin est en construccin, muchos de nuestros proyectos se aaden a esta seccin en breve. Otros productos en proyectos llave en mano: Elevado Pisos Alfombras modulares-and-roll. Asientos Sistemas de almacenamiento Los Sistemas independientes Los sistemas modulares de oficina realizadas por varias empresas con las cuales hemos trabajado los Proyectos : entre

estas : Haworth, Herman Miller, Euromobilia, Paneltec, Kuo Chi. entre otras muchas ms lderes nacionales y mundiales en el desarrollo de productos y tecnologa para oficinas. OFRECEMOS: SOLUCIN INTEGRAL Servicio al cliente y atencin personalizada son nuestra meta ms importante. Ofrecemos una solucin integral a sus necesidades. Eso va desde el diseo eficiente del espacio de su oficina, hasta la instalacin y construccin de cada uno de los componentes necesarios, que harn de su entorno de oficina un lugar cmodo y ayudar a aumentar su productividad. Yo CONSEJERA Una Evaluacin profesional y equipo de ventas, que tienen mucha experiencia en el reconocimiento de sus necesidades y encontrar las soluciones adecuadas para su entorno de oficina DISEO Un equipo de arquitectos y diseadores de interiores a fin de optimizar su espacio de trabajo. INSTALACIN Y CONSTRUCCIN Completar la construccin e instalacin de divisiones modulares, estaciones de trabajo, suelos elevados y la alfombra modular. SERVICIO Ofrecemos a nuestros clientes con mantenimiento, reparaciones peridicas, y la informacin de cmo usar y limpiar cada elemento instalado. Puede ver las imgenes de algunos de nuestros clientes

hermosas casas justo debajo. Principales productos: -Diferente Mobiliario de Oficina, Sillas y Accesorios -Mobiliario Independiente ( free- standing) de Oficina, sillas y Accesorios - SILLERA: trabajamos con Distintos Distribuidores para Centroamrica OTROS: Productos: -Revestimientos de Pared: presentamos una gran variedad de diseos y costos econmicos. Los Sistemas de PAREDES MOVILES : para hacer frente a las necesidades de los clientes Institucionales y Multi Nacionales. Servicios El xito est en la correcta planificacin del espacio y por lo tanto el proyecto Final de diseo ser 100% dependiente de lo bien que hayamos captado las necesidades de nuestros clientes y transformado esta visin en una realidad construida. Los deseos de los clientes son la mxima prioridad para nuestro equipo de consultores de diseo de interiores y la participacin del cliente se recomienda en todas las etapas durante la planificacin y ejecucin del proyecto.

Para cualquier proyecto de diseo de interiores comercial o residencial, nuestro equipo de profesionales es totalmente responsable de la preparacin de un paquete llave en mano con todos los detalles del proyecto de fase de concepcin inicial hasta la instalacin final. Ofrecemos un servicio excepcional en todos los niveles del proyecto, incluyendo la gestin del proyecto global de los cambios de diseo de interiores. Nuestro nfasis en la gestin del presupuesto y la programacin de todas las actividades asegura el finiquito exitoso de todos los proyectos de diseo de interiores los cuales siempre superarn las expectativas del cliente. Supervisamos los pedidos y seguimiento de todos los productos, la coordinacin con los contratistas, entrega e instalacin de pavimentos y revestimientos, muebles, lmparas, etc y aseguramos el mantenimiento apropiado de todos los objetos que se necesitan para el espacio. Nuestro objetivo es crear una solucin nica e innovadora que de perfecto equilibrio entre funcionalidad y esttica. Mantenemos nuestro compromiso de ofrecer el mejor servicio a nuestros clientes, incluso despus de la finalizacin del proyecto de diseo. Nuestros servicios incluyen. . 1-Instalacin 2- La reconfiguracin o la restauracin: Los paneles y los asientos, Pintura electrosttica, restauracin de telas y tapices, Restauracin de madera, Re-laminado de superficies

3- Las inspecciones y ajustes 4-Limpieza de Paneles y sillas 5- Almacenamiento de Muebles al Cliente Testimonios " De parte de Financiera Trisn le damos las sinceras gracias a la Diseadora Arlyne Heilbron por su dedicacin en la elaboracin desde el incio para que nuestro proyecto de nuestras nuevas Oficinas resultara un xito rotundo. De parte del Grupo de la familia Trisn esperamos trabajar con su equipo nuevamente en futuros eventos." Charles Spalding. Gerente general. AMWAY CR Podemos recomendar a Arlyne Heilbron por su atenta colaboracin y entusiasmo en la Instalacin y finiquito de los proyectos llevados a cabo hasta el final. Nuestras Nuevas oficinas han resultado muy productivas y esto se ha visto reflejado en el incremento de nuestras ventas en tan solo un mes de habernos trasladado a nuestro nuevo edifico en Forum 2. Jim Rathbun

Banco Popular Edificio VIP Torre Mercedes Benz. Pensin Valores"La Empresa Heilbron Group nos ha realizado varios proyectos entre ellos. Un saln VIP para clientes preferenciales donde desempearon un fabuloso trabajo en equipo para un Proyecto Llave en mano. Nos instalaron alfombras modulares, trabajos de Gypsum en remodelacin de cielo rasos y pintura final, lo mismo que el mobiliario acorde con la sala, accesorios y hasta las obras de arte que van en las paredes y sobre las mesas de lado de soporte. Definitivamente recomendamos a Heilbron Group por sus cumplimiento a cabalidad en todos y casa uno de los detalles suministrados para que la sala estuviera lista a tiempo para la Inauguracin del edificio. Francisco Valle. Gerente General de la Division de VIP Popular Valores TRADUCCION AL INGLS: Why us? Our company specializes in the creation of comfortable spaces for which provides the most up-to-date solutions to needs of all interior and exterior spaces, starting from the design thoroughly to the installation to full compliance and satisfaction guaranteed. Mission: to meet the needs of our customers, providing an excellent service with products of the highest quality, thus ensuring optimum results. Vision; Heilbron Group is a leading and innovative company in the field of Interior and Exterior design with the skills and

experience necessary to generate spaces and efficient and functional solutions in the implementation of projects that give your business significant savings in time and money. Policy: Our policy is the listen and adapt our services tailored to the individual needs of each of our clients, accommodating us pre-established budgets and timeframes: as well as providing a guarantee of quality, compliance, contracts and commitments agreed upon with a professional service. Marco: I have these other versions: OBJECTIVES: Our main objective is to develop for our clients projects that allow them to an optimal development of their activities, giving them spaces with innovative designs and high quality in different ambiances as Interior Design or Exterior Design ( Landscaping Design) spaces. Corporate customer: with our developments facilitate your work, to increase the productivity of their businesses, improve their quality of life by providing them physical spaces comfortable with your needs. b. joint housing: with our housing units offer users comfortable spaces thus improving the quality of life by providing them physical spaces comfortable with your needs. c. Design: make modern designs in line with the needs of each client, d. construction: building innovative, sustainable and economic techniques. Other missions, visions and goals. Description:

Company dedicated to the design and interior decoration. Especially focused on the planning and organization of spaces in offices and workplaces among others. Vision : Be a leading company in the field of design and interior design. Derived from constant innovation aimed at a market demanding in quality and service. Mission : We are a young company dedicated to the design and decoration of interior/exterior, with the ambition and conviction to satisfy our customers with the best ideas. Commercial Interior Design: Turn Key Proyects: (turnkey projects) Our team of designers Heilbron Group they love the commercial interior design; our commercial interior designers have accepted the challenge of designing a wide variety of interior spaces, creating spaces that invite customers and stimulate interest and beauty, and at the same time, comfortable workspaces for the staff employees. Heilbron Group has worked hard to achieve a reputation as one of the leading companies of commercial interior design. We have earned our place among the most talented of the commercial area and the reputation of the companies of interior design in close collaboration with each client to design an interior commercial that portrays the interior of their

business, the style, and precisely mood. We would love to do the same for you, and we invite you to call us, email us, or use our convenient contact form online to see what unique design and innovative Heilbron Group can bring to your commercial interior design project. For a free consultation of commercial interior design, call us at (506) 88966654 or 506-2231-2558 or send us an email to arlyneh@gmail.com... The commercial Interior Design: applied since commercial spaces to spaces of offices in companies: The commercial design is inherently built into a series of unique challenges. Our commercial interior designers are qualified to meet their needs, and create a space that is not only attractive, but also functional. Considering that some commercial design firms only focusing on the aesthetics of the commercial space, we pay special attention to the planning of the space so that the design we run well and is very functional for you and the type of service that your business provides. As part of the planning of space, we select the best type of furniture for domestic trade, and locate the correct parts for your commercial interior design. To be successful as a commercial interior design company, designers must also consider the practical aspects of a space. This not only helps us to determine the appropriate colors, appearance, and the style of furniture, walls and floor coverings, but we will work with you to determine which materials will be the most appropriate taking into account the role of your business. Our team is ready to offer all the services necessary to

complete commercial interior design. You, as a customer, and his vision, remain at the heart of all internal business plans we propose - always. Our Association starts and ends with the communication in order to capture mood of shops that provide exactly. Heilbron Group will manage all aspects of your commercial interior design project, our services extend beyond the options of colors and fabrics, these go to orders, and its follow-up, the delivery and installation of all products, coordination with contractors, and much more, we give a full service commercial interior design company committed to the realization of your internal business vision so that it is functional and aesthetically innovative. In Heilbron Group we are constantly getting the best to keep our position as one of the best companies in commercial interior design that can offer in Costa Rica. We invite you to call us so that we can talk with you, more specifically, with regard to commercial interior design needs. For your convenience, we also offer this handy contact form, please fill in all the fields in the contact form or send us an email and a member of our commercial interior design team will contact you as soon as possible and as well to learn more about how Heilbron Group can be your commercial interior design company. Read more about commercial interior design: 1 Commercial interior design: Turn key projects 2 Commercial projects Photo Gallery 3. Corporate Interior design 4. Office Interior design 5 Restaurants Interior design

About us Our ability to be always aware of the latest in the industry of Interior design, along with the ingenuity and imagination of our experienced professionals, is what has become a dominant company in the market of design and interior decoration Heilbron group. We have successfully completed a wide range of projects for many entities, financial, commercial and residential. Our customers are located in communities such as free trade zones, business parks and most prestigious residential areas of the country such as Villas San Antonio, Villas Cerro Alto, among many more. Whether it is a prestigious Office, a luxurious House, a casual caf or a fancy restaurant, our team of Interior designers are fully trained to carry out any type of project, from the initial planning to the final execution. One of our main responsibilities as interior designers and decorators is to focus on all of the key elements in your home or office space. The next step is to create a working environment in each of these elements that optimize space and, finally, to create a unique design solution that addresses the client's vision, at the same time maintaining a balance between functionality and aesthetics. If it's a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room or the hallway of his home; or the bar, restrooms, waiting areas, the kitchen and the dining room of a restaurant; or the Office established in a corporate building, our interior design professionals have a unique and innovative design for any type of environment. We make sure that our design provides an excellent first impression to your guests . We will create the dcor and the perfect environment in your restaurant or hotel that will

attract customers and make them return to visit them. Our focus on the Office space of ergonomic design with stress- free environment will help to increase the productivity of employees. You can see and appreciate the best examples of design work on commercial and residential interiors, here on this web site. OJO: here I have to mount photos: which out of several presentations in PowerPoint I have lists Design Gallery 1. Completed projects offices: We know that the new trend in the work area consists of the development of dynamic and productive spaces. It is therefore that we have chosen the best products and above all with a guarantee of quality that allow maintaining and developing long term relationships. The products we offer are an integral part and respond to the needs that arise day demand for offices. Mostly be modular products which are always attractive to the productivity, flexibility and aesthetics. This section is under construction, many of our Completed Projects will be added to this section soon. Other Products On Turn Key Projects: Raised Floors

Modular and Roll Carpets. Seating Storage Systems Freestanding systems Modular office systems made by Haworth, a world-wide leader in product development and technology for offices. INTEGRAL SOLUTION Costumer service and personalized attention are our most important goal. We offer an integral solution to your needs. That goes from efficient design of your office's space, up to the installation and construction of each of the necessary components, that will make your office environment a comfortable place and will help increase your productivity. I COUNSELING A Professional assesment and sales team, which are very experienced in recognizing your needs and finding the right solutions for your office environment DESIGN A team of architects and interior designers that will optimize your working space.

INSTALATION AND CONSTRUCTION Complete construction and installation of modular divisions, working stations, elevated floor and modular carpet. SERVICE We provide our customer with maintenance, periodical repairs, and the information of how to use and clean each installed item. You can view pictures of some of our clients beautiful homes right below.

Main products: Different Office Furniture, Seating and Accessories Freestanding Office Furniture, Seating and Accessories -Seating Distributor for Central America OTHER :Products: Wall Coverings by Koroseal Interior Design Features with great varity and at economical costs. Security Products by Norment Industries to satisfy our Banking clients and our other security consious clients. Moveable Wall Systems by Modernfold to address the needs of the institutional and multi-national clients. Services The success of space planning and consequently the entire design project is totally dependent on how well we have captured and transformed clients vision into a built reality. Clients wishes are the top priority for our team of interior design consultants and clients participation is encouraged at all stages during the planning and implementation of the

project. For any commercial or residential interior design project, our team of professionals is fully responsible for preparation of complete turnkey package with all project details from initial conception phase to the final installation. We provide an exceptional service at every level of the project including overall project management of your interior design changes. Our emphasis on budget management and scheduling of all activities ensures smooth and successful completion of all interior design projects exceeding clients expectations. We will oversee ordering and tracking of all products, coordination with contractors, delivery and installation of floor and wall coverings, furniture, light fixtures etc. and ensure proper maintenance of all objects that are needed for the space. Our goal is to create a unique and innovative solution that will be a perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. We remain committed to providing the best service to our clients even after design projects completion. Our services include Installation Reconfiguration Or Refurbishing : Panels and Seating Electrostatic Painting Fabric Recovering Wood Restoration Re-Lamination of Surfaces

Inspections and Adjustments Cleaning Panels and Chairs Warehousing of Client Furniture Auction and Sale of unneded furniture Concept development Capture the clients vision and transform into an interior design plan Establish project time frames and budget guidelines Bid specifications Color and material selection Options are considered in floor and wall coverings, furniture, accessories, colors, materials, interior lighting, communications and audio-visual design. Selection of all materials, colors, light fixtures, artwork etc. Procurement Final budget requirements are established by evaluation of bids and selection of vendors and contractors. Installation Construction, purchasing, supervision and coordination of your entire design project About Us

Our ability to stay abreast of the latest in interior design industry coupled with the ingenuity and imagination of our experienced professionals has made J. Design group, a dominant player in this market. We have successfully completed a diverse range of projects throughout Southern Florida for hotels, restaurants, financial institutions, hospitality installations, corporate facilities and luxury homes. Most of our current customers are located in Free Zones Such as Metropolitant Park, Global Park , Coyol Park, Ultrapark among others.. Aparte: Testimonials : solo tengo de recomendaciones hacia mi? voy a buscar ms opciones. Financiera Trisan gives the sincere thanks to designer Arlyne Heilbron for her dedication to the development since the beginning to the final and complet job of our new offices project on a resounding success." "Part of the family Trisan group hopefully working with your team again in future events." Charles Spalding. General manager. AMWAY CR We recommend to Arlyne Heilbron for their close cooperation and enthusiasm in the installation and the projects carried out up to the final settlement. Our new offices have

been very productive and this has been reflected in the increase in our sales in just one month of having been transferred to our new building in Forum 2. Jim Rathbun Banco Popular building VIP Tower Mercedes Benz. Pension values "The company Heilbron Group" has made us several projects among them. A VIP lounge for preferred customers where played a fabulous team for a turn key project work. Installed us carpet modular, Gypsum works in renovation of ceilings and final painting, as well as according to the room furnishings, accessories and to the works of art that are on the walls and on the side tables. Definitely encouraged Heilbron Group by its compliance in all fully supplied details so that the room was ready in time for the inauguration of the building. Francisco Valle . General Manager Seguimos:

COMPLETE OTRAS VISION Y MISION: NUESTRA VISIN: Estamos profundamente concentrados en lograr la funcionalidad humana, de diseo y del medio ambiente con la creacin de una "perspectiva global". Todos nuestros productos tienen un compromiso con los seres humanos y el medio ambiente. Que se centran en 3 puntos vitales. 1- Humanos: los espacios ms amigables que resultan ser muy estimulantes para la mente humana. 2-Planeta: proteger y preservar el planeta, nos esmeramos en buscar productos y materia prima natural Y 3- Beneficios: reduccin de costos en comparacin con el proceso convencional. NUESTRA MISIN: 1-Proporcionar el ms alto nivel de productos en el mercado de oficinas de cambio rpido en Amrica Central 2. Proporcionar un crculo integrado de servicios para permitir a nuestros clientes centrarse en su negocio 3-Proporcionar el ms eficiente en el tiempo de distribucin de productos y servicios a nuestros clientes desde nuestra distribucin centralizada e instalaciones de montaje 4.Prestar un entorno estable, de trabajo saludable y progresivo para nuestros empleados 5-Nuestros equipos de profesionales han proporcionado a la

integracin de productos y servicios logrando la realizacin de controles sobre el tiempo y en presupuesto de proyectos en: Costa Rica. -Nuestro grupo le ofrece ms de 15 aos de la creacin de diseos hermosos y ayudar a las empresas que se renen diferentes tipos de soluciones de espacio, la colocacin de personas en las oficinas de las empresas nuevas o en curso en todo el pas. . Podemos ofrecer un servicio completo de diseo a medida que van desde bares, restaurantes, comercial y de estilo de la casa. Para ver nuestra cartera de diseador de interiores por favor seleccione a partir de una amplia gama de nuestros proyectos de diseo ms recientes. Contamos con un equipo de profesionales altamente creativos y con experiencia detrs de nuestro xito en la industria. Ofrecemos paquetes llave en mano para cualquier tipo de proyecto de diseo de interiores en oficinas, mercados comerciales y residenciales. Algunos de nuestros distintos teams: 1. AFD team:

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Tengo que buscar las fotos en la otra compu Arista team: Furniture and Wood team: Floors team: Carpets team:

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