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Quadrilaterals: Whats my property?

Grade Level: 9-12 Subject: Math-Geometry Prepared by: Traci Smith

Overview and Purpose:

The lesson was designed to teach students about the fundamental properties of quadrilaterals. Students are normally confused about how the properties relate to a specific quadrilateral. Geometry students have to be able to recognize and classify various polygons. Students experiences with four-sided polygons may lack depth or may have some misconceptions. For example, students have been taught to classify a square and a rectangle separately in the lower grades. Their vocabulary is small in how they reference shapes. Students may reference a rectangle as long or tall. Students in the lower grades need to have an understanding that a square fits the definition of a rectangle. So inherently, high school teachers acquire students lacking in the skill to classify quadrilaterals successfully. Therefore, students tend to struggle grasping the concept that quadrilaterals can share properties with one or more other shapes. In geometry, students must learn to classify quadrilaterals into three categories: 1) those with two pairs of parallel sides, 2) those with only one pair of parallel sides, and 3) those with no parallel sides. This activity will lay down the structure for students to understand that many types of quadrilaterals exist and that these shapes have some elements in common.

Educational Standards
NCTM - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Analyze properties and determine attributes of two- and threedimensional objects; Explore relationships (including congruence and similarity) among classes of two- and three-dimensional geometric objects, make and test conjectures about them, and solve problems involving them; Establish the validity of geometric conjectures using deduction, prove theorems, and critique arguments made by others


Students will be able to differentiate the types of quadrilaterals by their properties. Students will be able to illustrate the properties of a quadrilateral. Students will be able to justify why a particular shape is a quadrilateral.

Materials Needed:
Computer Lab or Laptops (30) Activity sheet

Other Resources:
(websites, videos, books, etc.)

Geometers Sketch Pad or GeoGebra: http://www.geogebra.org/cms/ http://prezi.com/ http://www.edmodo .com/home http://www.mathsisfun .com/geometry/quadrilaterals-interactive .html http://www.quia.com/pop/36149.html?AP_rand=214893504 http://www.xpmath.com/careers/topicsresult.php?subjectID=3&topicID=6 http://www.glencoe.com/sites/texas/student/mathematics/assets/interactive_lab/g eometry/G_08/G_08_dev_100. html

1. Teacher will place students into 5-8 small groups. (3-4 students per group) 2. Teacher will instruct students to define the term quadrilateral in their group. Students consult with group members about what the definition of a quadrilateral. Teacher will call on each group to state their definition. The class will develop a final definition. 3. Teacher will instruct students that they will be completing an activity on Geometers Sketch Pad to classify the following quadrilaterals: Square, rectangle, trapezoid, isosceles trapezoid, rhombus, kite, and parallelogram in Geometers Sketch pad. Students will draw and then classify the shapes by their properties using the given activity sheet. Students will check their work at the given website. Students will submit their work to the Edmodo site. The teacher will grade the submission. 4. Student will construct a Venn diagram in Microsoft Word to illustrate the relationship among the shapes. Students will discuss and write the properties, attributes, and characteristics as well as the interconnected and hierarchical commonalities and differences, between and among quadrilateral shapes. a. Have students look at the relationship between squares and rectangles. What are the characteristics of each? Is a square a rectangle? Are all rectangles squares?

b. Have students look at the relationship between squares and rhombuses. What are the characteristics of each? Is a square a rhombus? Are all rhombuses squares? c. Have students create a Venn diagram to illustrate that a square is both a rectangle and a rhombus. Upload to the Edmodo site for teacher to grade. 5. As a culminating activity, groups will create a Prezi presentation to teach the class about their given shape. The presentation will include a diagram of the shape, definition, detailed properties, pictures from the community displaying the shape, statements of how the shape is used in the real-world, if it shares any properties with another shape, and three quiz questions. This is uploaded to the Edmodo site. Groups will present their presentations to the class. The students will individually review the presentations, making comments and rating the other groups presentations at Edmodo. Teacher will grade as a group presentation grade. (This will be started in class and assigned for homework. It will be due two class periods later.)

1. Teacher will walk around assisting with Geometers Sketch Pad. 2. Teacher will check Edmodo site for table and Venn diagram assignment. 3. Teacher will check the presentations at Edmodo.

Students will work collaboratively on the quadrilateral presentation. The presentation will encompass all facets learned about quadrilaterals. The presentation will be due in two class periods. The presentation must include all group members names, definition and properties for the quadrilaterals, must include drawings with correct labels, five real-world pictures, statement of how each is used in the real-world, list two jobs that use quadrilaterals, if it shares any properties with another shape, three quiz questions, and state what you learned.

The teacher will need to create an Edmodo site or have a social networking site. The teacher will need to secure computers for the students to use for two days. The following are the websites: (To use for student research, reteaching and presentation)

http://prezi.com/ http://www.edmodo .com/home http://www.mathsisfun .com/geometry/quadrilaterals-interactive .html http://www.quia.com/pop/36149.html?AP_rand=214893504 http://www.xpmath.com/careers/topicsresult.php?subjectID=3&topicID=6

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