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Ethical Values in School Management; Students Intellectual Activity Case

Krzysztof Dudek

Research on social changes indicates the processes of pragmatisation of moral values which consists in depriving behaviours and decisions of their moral character and treating them just as they were for the purely practical issues. The case of students intellectual activity and it's pragmatization is particularly important to define of the role of ethical values in school education management. The question is how to take care of authourship and how to prevent pragmatisation of intellectual property in school.


Adam Niemczynski
The first hypothesis deals with the way of thinking about education as all. From one side hypothesis relates to understanding the value of education in the school practice as autotelic value, the value itself, which does not require justification by other values. From another relates to understanding the value of education in the school practice as heterotelic value, that is valuable only if allows to achieve other (then educational) values (for example learn the life ideals of church or state). Verificated is statement that heterotelic understanding of education clearly dominated among teachers and students. The second hypothesis argues that intellectual activity of students is respected as a ethical value or is understood in a pragmatic way to achieve others objectives (in case of students avoiding punishment, good grade, social approval, etc.). It is anticipated that the majority of teachers and students define intellectual property in the school in a pragmatic way. The third hypothesis investigate relationship between the first and second hypothesis. Autotelic approach to education of students and teachers is associated with an ethical attitude to intellectual activity and heterotelic approach to education of students and teachers to education with a pragmatic understanding

The research has been done in a group of students and teachers. Investigated was 90 students and 90 teachers in primary educational level, middle school level and secondary school level .

The research has been done in the Jean Piaget Cognitive Development tradition The tool of the research consisted of two stories (educational dilemmas) about events which could exist in school reality ended with open sound questions.

The data collected strongly suggest that pragmatization of ethical values is invited by teaching subjects in schools and paying not much attention to social-moral development of pupils. Most effected are: 1) Learning process (encyclopedic knowledge vs critical learning) 2) Relation between student and teacher (vertical vs horizontal) 3) Relation between students (negative competition vs fair play)

Define the role of ethical values in school education management in particular case of students intellectual activity and it's pragmatization in relation with peoples understanding of education as all.

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