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DATE June 15, 2012
TO Honorable Members of the Ad Hoc Legislative Committee for Judicial Appointments:
Angela Hunt (Co-Chair), Delia Jasso (Co-Chair), Jerry Allen, Vonciel Jones Hill, Sheffie
Kadane, Linda Koop
SUBJECT Presentation of Ranked Nominees for Full-Time and Part Time (Associate) and
Administrative judge of Dallas Municipal Courts
Section 13-5.2 of the Dallas City Code designates the Ad Hoc Legislative Committee to
receive the recommendations of the Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) for
municipal jUdges.
The JNC recently considered applications and interviewed candidates for the Municipal
Court of Record full-time and associate municipal judge positions. The JNC is required to
submit a number of nominees equal to 150% of the positions to be filled (rounded up to a
whole number) ranked in order of preference.
The JNC respectfully submits its results as attached.
~ ~
Judge Elizabeth Davis Frizell
judicial Nominating Commission
cc: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mary Suhm, City Manager
Rosa Rlos, City Secretary
Thomas P. Perkins, Jr., City Attorney
Craig O. Kinton, City Auditor
Judge C. Victor Lander, Administrative JUdge
A.C. Gonzalez, First Assistant City Manager
Ryan S. Evans, Assistant City Manager
Jill A. Jordan, P.E., Assistant City Manager
Forest E. Turner, Assistant City Manager
Joey Zapata, Assistant City Manager
Jeanne Chipperfield, Chief Financial Officer
Frank Ubrio, Public lnformatlon Office
Stephanie Cooper, Assistant to the City Manager - Council Office
Members of the Judicial Nominating Commission
Judicial Nominating Commission
2012 Final Rankings and Scores of Candidates
For Appointment to
Dallas Municipal Courts
A. The highest ranking judiciary candidates for the Administrative Municipal Judge vacancies are
listed below:
Rank/Score/Votes Name Gender Ethnlcity
1 (18) 6 Daniel F. Solis M Hispanic
2 (15) 5 C. Victor Lander M African American
3 (0) 0 Julie Clancy F Caucasian
B. The highest ranking judiciary candidates for the Full-time Municipal Judge vacancies are listed
Rank/Score/Votes Name Gender Ethnicity
I (81) 10 Jay E. Robinson M Caucasian
2 (76) 10 Carrie L. Chavez F Caucasian
3 (63) 11 Michael Acuna M Hispanic
4 (63) 10 C. Victor Lander M African-American
5 (62) 11 Cheryl D. Williams F African-American
6 (56) 9 Daniel F. Solis M Hispanic
7 (47) 7 Monica M. Purdy F African-American
8 (46) 10 Ruth Catherine Logan F Caucasian
9 (45) 6 Preston W. Robinson, Jr. M African-American
10 (41) 8 Timoteo F. Gonzalez M Hispanic
II (27) 3 E.A. (Elizabeth) Srere F Caucasian
12 (26) 4 William Marple M Caucasian
13 (19) 2 J. Oliver Lee, Jr. M African-American
14 ( L8) 5 Julie Clancy F Caucasian
15 (1L) 1 Daniel L. Ryan M Caucasian
16 (L0) L Paula M. Rosales Aldana F Hispanic
17 (9) J David C. Indorf M Caucasian
18 (7) 2 Tony Martin M African-American
C. The highest ranking judiciary candidates for the Associate (part-time) Municipal Judge vacancies
are listed below:
Name Gender Ethnicity
1 (154) 11 Cadoc Tim A. Menchu M Asian
2 (149) 11 Melodee Armstrong F African-American
3 (146) 10 Monica M. Purdy F African-American
4 (138) 11 Roland C. Anderson M Caucasian
5 (122) 11 Preston W. Robinson, Jr. M A.fri can-American
6 (119) 11 Carl Hays M African-American
7 (105) 11 Danlel E. McDonald, Jr. M Caucasian
8 (97) 11 Anthony D. Randall M African-American
9 (96) 11 Tonya L. Goffney F African-American
10 (85) 1 Kristine S. Primrose F Caucasian
11 (79) 10 Frieda J. Fiske F Caucasian
12 (77) 8 WilliamMarple M Caucasian
13 (61) 9 E.A. (Elizabeth) Srere F Caucasian
14 (59) 8 Esther A. Grossman F Caucasian
15 (57) 8 Marilyn Y. Davis F African-American
16 (52) 8 Bonnie L. Goldstein F Caucasian
]7 (44) 4 J. Oliver Lee, Jr. M African-American
18 (31) 5 Tony L. Martin M African-American
19 (23) 2 Winifred E. Cannon F African-American
20 (21) 4 Thaddeus Iwujl M African-American
21 (19) 5 Suzanne S. Marsh F Caucasian
22 (19) 3 Deanna JeffersonSmitb F African-American
23 (18) 3 Kathryn Hoang F Asian
24 (18) I Paula M. Rosales Aldana F Hispanic
25 (15) 4 Nigel H. Redmond M African-American
26 (14) 2 LaKisha TIugpen F African-Arnerican
27 (14) Z Shereen R. Eldomeiri F Caucasian
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