Создано: Mary Askew

Career Exploration Made Exciting and Fun!!!

The Paint Careers With Colors System is a new exciting way for children to explore careers. Paint Careers With Colors has VISUAL learning techniques and career test for kids that use colors to represent Holland Codes and Paint Careers With Colors Codes. The Paint Careers With Colors Kids Career System clarifies thoughts, integrates new knowledge, and promotes critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood. The Paint Careers With Colors Kids System organizes and analyzes information. Children, youth, and adults - 1) See how Holland Codes are connected to careers and 2) Realize how careers can be grouped and organized. The Paint Careers With Colors System also improves – 1) Attention Span and Concentration: holds audience's attention and helps people absorb information, 2) Memory Skills and Understanding: improves ability to absorb information, 3) Speed of Learning: reduces the time it takes to complete career tests. Use the Paint Careers With Colors System at - 1) Schools, 2) Boys and Girls Clubs, 3) YMCA/ YWCA Programs, 4) Afterschool Programs, 5) Kids Go To Work Days, 6) Career Days, and 7) Summer School Programs. The Paint Careers With Colors Kids System is an excellent career test for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS and for other people - 1) Who are In ESL/GED programs, 2) Who have limited reading ability, 3) Who have limited knowledge of English, 4) Who are developmentally delayed, 5) Who are learning disabled, 6) Who have special needs, 7) Who have limited access to education, and 8) Who are chronically unemployed. In this Unit, you will read about - 1) Overview, 2) Purpose and Rationale for the Paint Careers With Colors System, 3) Description of the Paint Careers With Colors System, 4) Components, 5) Primary Markets, 6) Market Competition and Special Features, 7) Literature Review, and 8) School Research Program Form. The resources for this Unit include Paint Careers With Colors System - 1) Web Page, 2) Fact Sheets, 3) Overview, 4) RIASEC VS Children Table, 5) Paint Careers With Colors Wheel – Children and RIASEC, 6) RIASEC and Children Model Table