Создано: WASCSenior

Download the WASC Concept Papers

To both meet external requirements of the U.S. Department of Education and – more importantly – fulfill promises made to institutions in the region, WASC has embarked on a thorough review of its Standards of Accreditation, related policies, and institutional review process. This review will culminate in a new and significantly revised, 2012-2020 Handbook of Accreditation. The Handbook revision process is being overseen by a Steering Committee composed of Commission members and institutional representatives from within the western region. The Steering Committee, together with WASC Commission and staff will be interacting with stakeholders throughout the region – through a series of meetings and webinars – to collect thoughts and suggestions for the revised Handbook. Updates, announcements, and documents related to the Handbook Revision will be regularly posted here. We welcome your feedback and hope that you will engage with us in this most important process.