Создано: Derrick J. Freeman

Night-time Parking Ticket 1-12-2012

This is the ticket and a collection of photos from the morning of Thursday, January 12, 2012. My car was parked behind that white truck, but I moved it at about 4am. These photos were taken at about 11:30am. The weather report called for 1 and a half inches of snow. My car was not on the pavement of the street nor was it on the sidewalk. It was on my property beside my house on the grass between the sidewalk and the street. As you can see from the pictures, it was not inhibiting the paths of any cars on the road nor would it have caused a problem for snow removal trucks. This is simply a case of repeat harassment by Joshua English, badge number 163, of the Keene Police Department. He has been ticketing vehicles at my house for this offense for weeks despite there being no danger to himself nor the community. He is unwelcome to set foot on or touch my property, yet he continues to put love-notes on my car demanding money. Of course I will contest this ticket as I have contested the others, and Keene taxpayers will be on the hook for spending way more than $15 (the ticket amount) to prosecute me. Eventually, if I am found guilty, I will be serving time in jail for this victimless crime, at the cost of $150 a day to the taxpayers of Keene.