Создано: E-WEB

E-WEB Mathematics Story

Did you forget all about Mathematics Science value Over Thousands of years, Societies all over the world have found that one discipline above all others yields certain knowledge about the underlying reality of the physical world. That discipline is Mathematics ... For long ages, Mathematics has been the base of every science, the power that has changed the course of Science, shaped History, and enlightened Life. It is an essential element of life. What makes Mathematics an Obsolete Science ? Due to the distorted relationship between our students of engineering and the concepts of mathematics and the mathematical thinking methodologies. Mathematics become an obsolete science only because we forgot how was it once as a great myth in life and it was just mathematics and mathematical thinking what made our life better. For a moment, Students just see mathematics as just meaningless equations, strange formulas, worthless proofs and derivations, and horrible exams ... forgot that mathematics for sometimes was a way of living, the top of all sciences, and simply what shaped the features of the world we know now. Restoring the Mathematical Thinking & Mathematics Great Value... So how to put it back together, the math we know and the love of math we want. We're here to bring mathematics back to where it should be in all minds. Through a series of Mathematics Stories about the life of equations and formulas that continually, since they have been invented, changed the world at every age ... How a single equation found in ancient eras come back to life now and charm the most advanced human world. Finding the value of mathematics by just finding how it had been and is still changing the World Let's Feel the Power of Maths, The Value of Math, Let's be the Maths Thinker that whenever they are, life changes with them ... For better Mathematics ... For better live.