Создано: Leonardo Rosario

Immortal Jibankrishna or Diamond and his after death grace in dreams and reality

Mr Ajit Kejriwal of Kolkata is a friend of mine and he sees many divine dreams. It was 19th September, 2009, I had been to his residence for discussion about Diamond. He narrated to me a strange dream seen by his grandson Anuj Neharia((his daughter’s son) when he was only 5. Now he is 8years old. His narration runs thus: One day my grandson Anuj told me,’You know grandpa, one day I was dreaming that God took me in the sky and flew in many places. Then He asked me pointing to many houses beneath,’ which house you would go?’ Pointing to a particular house I said,’I would go to that house.’ Then He took me to that house and disappeared. At that moment another old man took me inside the house.’ Then Ajit said,’ My grandson saw this dream three years ago. On 19th September, 2009 my wife(Renu) asked him,’Which God did you see in your dream?’ He then showed the photo of Sri Ramkrishna and Diamond((Jibankrishna) hanging against the wall and pointing on Sri Ramkrishna’s photo said,’this old man was flying in the sky with me.’ Then he again pointed out Diamond’s photo and said,’ This old man took me inside the house.’My wife said,’ But you said that He was God?’ Anuj answered,’ Why, is not God old?’ The most mysterious part is that Anuj neither saw Diamond’s photo nor heard anything about Diamond before. This incident happened after 42 years of Diamond’s demise. SEEING DIAMOND IN DREAM AFTER HEARING HIS NAME Manindra Nayak resides at Dum Dum, Kolkata. For a long time he has been composing our magazine ‘Kurie Powa Manik’(Diamond picked up in the street). This magazine deals with divine dreams and publishing different diaries on Diamond. He came to know many things about Diamond and read the manuscripts very minutely. One day he told me(June1,2008,Sunday),’I dreamed that I was sitting at my residence of my birth place in a village of Midnapore District(West Bengal State,India). I was talking to one of my neighbor named Srimanta about a tour program. But though I was talking to Srimanta, he seemed to be Diamond having beard and short hair-cutting as I see in Diamond’s photograph. Then my dream went off. Manindra told me another incident experienced by him some four years ago. He narrated,’ I was passing through Jessore road coming from Calcutta airport side by my bicycle. At one time I saw that a bus was coming from the opposite direction towards me. All on a sudden another vehicle came from my back side and I fell in between the two vehicles. Death was sure. Suddenly I felt that a gentleman came with a speed like light and dragged my hand pushing me from inside the two vehicles. I saw him at a glance and all on a sudden he disappeared. Now I have understood and recognized him to be Diamond. [I told Manindra, that you have got the blessings of God-the-Preceptor who saved your life physically. Your life force acted like this. This human body has infinite power. It can do anything and everything. Manindra now sees many divine dreams and has got his peace in mind.]