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Meeting 1

Verb Pronoun Adjective Adverb Preposition Conjunction interjection


word would be found dissimilar when the word is used in different context Increase your vocabulary through many possible techniques like using synonym and antonym, derivation, etc.


a new word clearly and write it on the board. Get students to repeat the word together and give a direct translation of the word. Pointing a real object and mention its name several times. Ask students to repeat the pronunciation of the word. Write the word on the board. Saying a new word several times, then draw a picture to show its meaning on the board or show a picture/photo.


a new word and give a demonstration or miming via action/gesture or facial expressions telling about the words meaning. Giving different sentences using the new words to show how the word is used. Introducing a new word, say it again and again, then ask different questions using the word. Using a dictionary to find the meaning directly.

2. 3. 4.

Do you travel by land or sea? (the solid part of the earth) The refugees are sent back to their land Vietnam (country). His parents have much land in the village (property) The farmers work on land (ground/earth for farming)


does fish live, in the water or on the

land? Is the island a rough and stony land? What kinds of plant can you cultivate in a fertile land? Are the farmers working in your land?


languages exist without any words. To express their thought and feeling. To understand thought and feeling clearly and efficiently. Vocabulary is one of language components. Without vocabulary, none of message or idea can transferred or captured.

Speaking Reading Writing

Are there any interrelationships with Vocabulary mastery?


Receptive vocabulary: Vocabulary that is used in understanding others thought both in listening and reading. It is called ones passive vocabulary (basic).

2. Expressive Vocabulary: Vocabulary that is used in producing ones thought both in speaking and writing. It is called ones active vocabulary.

Receptive: Able to know, recognize, and understand many more words.

Expressive: able to use in speaking and writing.

One has bigger receptive

Than expressive vocabulary

Spend much more time than you do for receptive vocabulary. You have to do practices concerning with how a new word is used in a sentence. This can be done by: a) Giving examples of different sentences using the word and b) Asking various questions using it. In contrast (passive vocabulary): a) Giving a simple example and b) Guessing the meaning of the new word from the context in which it is used.

Hindrance, barrier, obstacle, obstruction and difficulty. Aid, assist, help, and cooperate.

You frequently use the word difficulty and help than others. It means that : difficulty and help are expressive the others are receptive.

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