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Group Members : 1. Hisyan 2. Ahmad Izzuddin 3. Faustine Lau Lixiu 4. Alice Eliska 5. Amira Syazana 6.

Raja Nur Hafizah

A good introduction should capture the audience's attention, bring them together as a group and motivate them to listen attentively to the speaker. By contrast, bad introductions can instead lead to listeners switching off before the speaker has even reached the podium.

When people are comfortable with their surroundings and peers, they are more likely to grasp and accept new ideas. Frequently, people come to training sessions tense from a prior activity or resent the fact that they are present. Ice breakers can help to turn around such negative feelings.

Everyone enjoys a good performance. But if, at the end of a presentation, you can comment only on the quality of the speaker's voice control, visual aids, grooming, etc. then that speaker has failed.

While it is true that a successful delivery requires excellence in each of these and other areas, ultimately what matters most is the transfer of ideas from the speaker to audience. Good speakers know how to use a blend of delievery techniques to enhance, rather than obscure, their message.

People are born storytellers and relate to storytelling at a very personal level. In our formative years, our environments are rich with storytelling at home, in school and through audio and visual media.

Analogies, anecdotes, parables, fables, metaphors and idioms are all storytelling methods for imparting wisdom or making a point. Frequently, such methods represent a far more effective way to achieve this than through a plain presentation of facts.

There is, perhaps, no better way to foster mutual respect, trust, empathy and a shared sense of community between a speaker and their audience than the use of healthy humour.

You probably spend more time using your listening skills than almost any other kind of skill. However, it takes more than simply using your ears to be a good listener. Listening, like any other skill, takes practice.

Body language is the non-verbal movements we make as a part of how we communicate, from waving hands to involuntary twitching of facial muscles. Our body language exhibits far more information about how we feel than it is possible to articulate verbally.

All of the physical gestures we make are subconsciously interpreted by others. This can work for or against us depending on the kind of body language we use.

Research shows that presentations which use visual support are more persuasive than ones which do not. Visual aids help listeners understand abstract concepts and allow complex data to be organized and reduced to make a point clearly and concisely. Furthermore, effective visual support maintains listener interest and increases audience retention of the material being presented.

Voice care is important for everyone because we all depend upon our voices for communication. For speakers and trainers, the voice is an essential tool of the trade and should be nurtured and protected and its stamina and quality actively developed.

For public speakers, presenters and trainers the voice should be like an instrument which when properly played will allow you to charm and engage your audience. Learn important techniques and skills to use your voice more effectively.

Perhaps surprisingly, the majority of people list public speaking as their greatest fear, beating out heights, insects, financial problems, deep water, illness and even death.

People who don't learn how to control their anxiety risk becoming boring, ineffective presenters.
On the other hand, those able to conquer their fear of speaking generally have greater career opportunities and experience increased job satisfaction.

good deal of planning and preparation goes into setting up and conducting a presentation or training session but don't lose an opportunity to make the next one better! a presentation is concluded, take formal steps to evaluate what could be done to improve the next one.


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