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Different Child Syndromes

Aspergers Syndrome

normal intelligence, but poor social and emotional interaction pedantic speech, children with AS are sometimes referred to as Little Professor or Mr. Spock unusual obsessive interests and repetitive behaviors

Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome

Turners Syndrome

Interesting facts about Turner syndrome

In 75-80% of cases, the single X chromosome comes from the mother's egg; the father's sperm that fertilizes the egg is missing its sex chromosome. Turner syndrome is named for Dr. Henry Turner, who in 1938 published a report describing the disorder. The average height of an untreated woman with Turner syndrome is 4 feet 8 inches.

A female fetus (normally XX) can survive with only one X chromosome, but a male fetus (normally XY) could not survive with only one Y chromosome. This is because not having an X chromosome is much worse than not having a Y chromosome. The Y chromosome carries very few genes essential for life. In contrast, the X chromosome is a much longer DNA molecule and contains many, many genes that are needed for cells to function.


Daniel Radcliffe aka Harry Potter suffers from dyspraxia, a disorder that makes you all clumsy because it messes up your coordination. Luckily for Dan, his dyspraxia is mild so it doesnt make him too clumsy. He still has issues tying his shoe laces, though.

There are dozens of possible symptoms of dyspraxia but the most common are as follows: - clumsiness - poor hand-eye coordination - speech and language difficulties - poor sense of direction and spatial awareness - short-term memory problems - poor writing and drawing abilities - reading and spelling difficulties

Down Syndrome

It is named after John Langdon Down, the British doctor who described the syndrome in 1866. The disorder was identified as a chromosome 21 trisomy by Jrme Lejeune in 1959. Down syndrome in a baby can be identified with amniocentesis during pregnancy or at birth.

Clinical Manifestations: 1. Separated sagittal suture 2. Oblique palpebral fissures 3. Small nose 4. Depressed nasal bridge 5. High-arched palate 6. Skin excess laxity 7. Wide space and plantar crease between the big and second toe. 8. Hyperextensible and lax joints 9. Muscle weakness Other common findings include a small penis, short, broad hands (transverse (simian) palmar crease), a protruding tongue, small ears, Brushfield spots, and dry skin.

Brushfield spots
" Spots, Brushfield's: Speckled iris. It is Little white spots that are slightly elevated on the surface of the iris and are arranged in a ring concentric with the pupil. These spots occur in normal children but are far more frequent in Down's syndrome (trisomy 21). Take this name as they were described in 1924 by Thomas Brushfield and are due to aggregation of a normal iris element (connective tissue)."

Angelman Syndrome

The disorder was first described in 1965 by the British pediatrician Dr. Harold Angelman. It is a rare neurological disease that is characterized by jerky movements and abnormal behavior. 1 in every 12,000 or 20,000 people are said to be affected by this disorder. It is a very rare condition that is often associated with other psychological and neurological disorders.

The disorder is characterized by a host of seemingly peculiar symptoms. Some of the notable symptoms of Angelman Syndrome are Flat Heads It is the most visible symptom noted in the physicality of Angelmans Syndrome sufferers. The growth of the head is slow in Angelman children. The head circumference is normal at birth but it is found to be smaller when they are about 2 year old. Attention Problems Sufferers usually have a short attention span. Smiling Face Patients generally have a smiling appearance even without any apparent reason. Feeding Problems Feeding Angelman patients is very difficult, especially young infants aged between 1 and 2 months. Jerky Movements Most of the sufferers jerk their hands and feet. Little children flap their hands in a way that make them look like puppets. Most of them stick their tongue out. Wide Teeth The teeth are spaced wide in the mouth of the Angelman sufferers.

Hyperactivity The patients show tremendous energy for the most part of the day. At times, their energetic behavior becomes difficult to control. Speech Impairment Speech problems are pronounced in these patients. The use of words is minimum or completely absent. Balance Problems Most Angelman sufferers cannot balance themselves properly. They move weakly on their limbs. Developmental Delay Affected children grow six to 12 months slower than normal children. Seizures This generally starts in children aged less than 3 years. Other irregular symptoms, not commonly found in Angelman sufferers, include frequent drooling, irregular eating and sleep-wake patterns, obesity constipation and impaired motor functions.

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