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Psychoactive Drugs

Psychoactivity and Dependence

Psychoactive Drug
A chemical substance that alters perceptions, mood, or behavior Three common psychoactive drugs: Caffeine Alcohol Nicotine Induce an altered state of consciousness

Common Properties of Addiction

Dependence Tolerance Withdrawal symptoms Drug rebound effect Addiction

Drug Abuse
Recurrent drug use that results in disruption of academic, social, or occupational functioning or in legal or psychological problems

A state of physiological and/or psychological need to take more of a substance after continued use. Withdrawal follows if the drug is discontinued

Reduced responsiveness to a drug, prompting the user to increase the dosage to achieve effects previously obtained by lower doses of the drug


The discomfort and distress that follow when a person who is dependent on a drug discontinues the use of the drug Withdrawal symptoms are usually the opposite of the drugs effects Drug Rebound Effect

A person has developed a behavioral pattern of drug abuse that is marked by an overwhelming and compulsive desire to obtain and use the drug Even after stopping, the person has a strong tendency to relapse and begin using the drug again

Why do people abuse drugs? Biopsychosocial Theory

Drugs and Neurotransmission

The process whereby neurons communicate with each other Neurotransmission, especially in the brain and spinal cord, helps explain the effects of psychoactive drugs. Psychoactive drugs interfere with normal neurotransmission.

Chemical messengers that cross synaptic gaps between neurons When released by the sending neuron, neurotransmitters travel across the synapse and bind to receptor sites on the receiving neuron, setting up the next link in the chain of communication.

The junction between the tip of the sending neuron and the receptor sites on the receiving neuron Call the synaptic gap or cleft

Neural Activity

Neurotransmitters and the Synapse

Process where the unused neurotransmitter chemical is reabsorbed by the sending neuron If reuptake doesnt occur, neurotransmitters are retained in the synapse and produce continuous effect by stimulating the receptors


Psychoactive Drugs and Synapses

Psychoactive drugs affect synapses and neurotransmitters in three ways: Binding with receptor sites (mimics)* Blocking receptor site Blocking neurotransmitters reuptake* * Increase the likelihood of the receiving neuron firing

Drug Classifications

Four Psychoactive Drug Categories

Four different categories we will study: 1. Depressants depress, inhibit brain activity 2. Opiates Similar to morphine, produce feelings of euphoria & reduce pain 3. Stimulants excite brain activity 4. Psychedelic/Hallucinogens/Marijuana distort sensory perceptions. Designer Club Drugs fifth category that includes variety of psychoactive drugs.

Drug Classifications: Depressants

Drugs that reduce neural activity and slow body functioning Includes alcohol and sedatives

AlcoholCNS depressant Barbituratesinduce sleep Tranquilizersrelieve anxiety

Alcohol (ethyl alcohol)

Found in beer, wine, and liquor The second most used psychoactive drug (caffeine first) Slows thinking, and impairs physical activity (though at certain tolerable amounts may cause stimulation to some clients)

Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)

A measure of how much alcohol is in a persons bloodstream BAC of .08 considered legal intoxication in most states (a person can be legally implicated if found having this level of alcohol in the blood)

What do we mean by one drink?

One 12-ounce can of beer has about the same amount of alcohol as 4 ounces of wine or 1 ounce of whiskey

Euphoric Affects of Alcohol

Alcohol impairs the parts of the brain responsible for controlling inhibitions and making judgments Results in less self-control and sometimes more aggressive behavior. Also depends on environment and expectations.

Alcohol, Memory, and Sleep

Studies have shown that alcohol impairs memory by suppressing the processing of events into long term memory. Alcohol impairs REM sleep, further disrupting memory storage. Also impairs speech and physical functioning. Death can occur if the brains respiratory center can no longer function.

Organic effects of alcohol

Cirrhosis of liver Stomach ulcers Cancer and heart disease Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome Fetal alcohol syndrome Coordination and reaction time Sexual dysfunction

Alcohols Affect on the Brain

Alcoholism shrinks the brain

Drugs that reduce anxiety or induce sleep Also called tranquilizers Include barbiturates and benzodiazepines

Drugs that depress the activity of the central nervous system and thereby reduce anxiety Can be lethal in overdose and interact with other drugs, especially alcohol Impair both memory and judgment Can create tolerance and physical & mental dependence Withdrawal can cause REM rebound nightmares, hallucinations, disorientation and even life-threatening convulsions.

Drugs that depress that activity of the central nervous system without most of the side effects associated with barbiturates Help to reduce anxiety Include Valium and Xanax Can create dependency

Chemicals that are inhaled to alter consciousness. Paint, glue, gasoline, nitrous oxide & aerosol sprays. Low doses may relax and reduce inhibition/ High doses can cause hallucinations and loss of consciousness. Toxic to the liver and other organs.

Addiction and Depressants

Play Depressants and Their Addictive Effect on the Brain (4:24) Segment #22 from The Mind: Psychology Teaching Modules (2nd edition). How does withdrawal occur? Whats happening to the neurons of an addict? How are these drugs suppressing the nervous system?

Drug Classifications: Opiates

Drugs that depress neural activity, temporarily lessen pain and anxiety and produce feelings of euphoria Include: opium, morphine, and heroin Other effects: CNS/ Respi depression, decreased GI motility, suppression of cough (like codeine in low doses)

Natural, opiate-like neurotransmitters linked to pain control and to pleasure Bodys natural pain killers Bind to opioid receptors in the brain to inhibit the transmission of pain impulses Opioid receptors: Mu, Kappa, Sigma

Strong sedative and pain-relieving drug derived from opium Works by preventing pain neurons from firing or releasing pain-signaling neurotransmitters (Substance P) into the synapse

Other Opiates
Chemically similar to morphine and have strong pain-relieving properties

Mimic the brains endorphins Heroin, Methadone Percodan, Meperidine (Demerol)

Drug Classifications: Stimulants

Drugs that excite neural activity and speed up body functions Include: caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, and cocaine All are at least mildly addictive.

Stimulant found in coffee, chocolate, tea, and some soft drinks Provides user with a sense of increased energy, mental alertness, and forced wakefulness Blocks neurological receptor sites that if activated, sedate the central nervous system Withdrawal symptoms are sleepiness, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, increased heart rate.

Stimulant found in tobacco Effects similar to those of caffeine reduces fatigue & drowsiness and increases mental alertness Affects various areas in the brain affecting mood, attention & arousal Very addictive and does not stay in the body very long See video clip on nicotine addiction.

Stimulant derived from leaves of the coca plant Crack cocaine crystals Blocks the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters Dependency is quick and severe; places extreme strain on cardiovascular system
See the story of Len Bias (4 min)

Can cause cocaine psychosis schizophrenia-like symptoms including auditory hallucinations & paranoia, cocaine bugs or tactile hallucinations

How Cocaine Works

Drugs that stimulate neural activity, speeding up body functions, with associated energy and mood changes Includes: speed, uppers, and methamphetamines Mimic adrenaline Can cause irreversible changes in mood & function by reducing dopamine receptors & transporters. Withdrawal causes fatigue, deep sleep, intense depression, increase in appetite.

Drug Classifications: Hallucinogens

Hallucinogens/Psychedelic Drugs
Drugs that distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input Alters cognition, and perception Include: LSD, Mescaline and Marijuana Also called dissociatives or deliriants

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)

Powerful hallucinogenic drug Also known as acid The effects vary from person to person Users can be dangerous to themselves and others. Similar to neurotransmitter, serotonin. Flashbacks, psychotic reactions can occur.

Hallucinogen Affect

Hallucination - like patterns Geometric forms, similar to those experienced by drug users during drug - induced hallucinations, can be seen in the embroidery of the Huichol. These Mexican Indians used peyote, from which the hallucinogen mescaline derives.

Leaves, stems, resin, and flowers form the hemp plant When smoked, lower inhibitions and produce feelings of relaxation and mild euphoria THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the active ingredient. Receptors in the brain for anandamide also accept THC Disrupts memory; lung damage from smoke Withdrawal may cause insomnia, tremors and decreased appetite but helpful in decreasing nausea and reducing effects of glaucoma.

Club Drugs
Ecstasy (MDMA=Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ) feelings of euphoria, increased wellbeing. Side effectsdehydration, hyperthermia, tremor, rapid heartbeat, sexual aggression and violence


Hallucinogenic drug that produces lower inhibitions, pleasant feelings, and greater acceptance of others Also called MDMA Blocks serotonin reuptake prolonging its good feeling Even moderate users may experience permanent brain damage to serotonin nerve endings & even memory and verbal reasoning problems up to a year later. Dehydration, rapid heartbeat, tremors, muscle tension, teeth clenching & high body temp can result.

Other Club Drugs: Dissociative Anesthetics

Dissociative anestheticsinclude PCP and Ketamine. Deaden pain, produce stupor or coma, may induce hallucinations Create feelings of dissociation & depersonalization PCP or angel dust, ketamine Effects of trips differ for each person Can result in hyperthermia (high body temp), convulsions & death. Affects neurotransmitter glutamate causing a release of more dopamine in the brain. Highly addictive. Long term effects can be memory loss and depression.


Drug- Abuse Resistance Education: - based on the idea of using social influence and role- playing to discourage adolescents from starting drugs and to encourage them to refuse drugs in the future.

High School Drug Use

(Johnston & others, 2002)

1. Admit the problem 2. Enter a program 3. Get therapy 4. Stay sober

Play Treating Drug Addiction: A Behavioral Approach (19:40) Segment #30 from The Mind: Psychology Teaching Modules (2nd edition). Watch if time allows. What become triggers for addicts? How do addicts bodies react to triggers? Describe how this treatment works. Describe what withdrawal/addiction is like? What do brain scans show about addicts brains?

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