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Nanotechnology (sometimes shortened to "nanotech") is the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally, nanotechnology deals with developing materials, devices, or other structures possessing at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometres. Quantum mechanical effects are important at this quantum-realm scale.


Nanotechnology research is forming part of the quest to prevent and reverse environmental damage. This use of nanotechnology to remediate and purify the environment is called environmental nanotechnology.

Pioneers OF Nanotechnology
Eric Drexler

Richard feynman

Norio taniguchi

Goals of Environmental Nanotechnology

Producing nanomaterials and products without harming the environment or human health, and producing nano-products that provide solutions to environmental products.

The second goal of Green Nanotechnology involves developing products that benefit the environment either directly or indirectly. Nanomaterials or products directly can clean hazardous waste sites, desalinate water, treat pollutants, or sense and monitor environmental pollutants.


1. Nanofiltration
Nanofiltration is a relatively recent membrane filtration process used most often with low total dissolved solids water such as surface water and fresh groundwater, with the purpose of softening (polyvalent cation removal) and removal of disinfection by-product precursors such as natural organic matter and synthetic organic matter. [1] [2] Principle Nanofiltration (NF) is a cross-flow filtration technology which ranges somewhere between ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO). The nominal pore size of the membrane is typically about 1 nanometer

2.Treatment of water
1.Water purification applications
Nanofiltration is used for the removal of contaminants from a water source. It is commonly used in desalination Nanomaterials or products directly can clean hazardous waste sites in rivers and seas. Providing nanofiltration methods to developing countries, to increase their supply of clean water, is a very inexpensive method compared to conventional treatment systems

2.Water Remediation
Nanotechnology offers the ability to effectively enable contaminant treatment insitu. The process begins with the injection of nanoparticles into a contaminated aquifer via an injection well. The nanoparticles are then transported to the source of contamination by the groundwater flow where they then degrade the contamination.

3. Energy
The most advanced nanotechnology projects related to energy are: storage, conversion, manufacturing improvements . by reducing materials and process rates, energy saving (by better thermal insulation for example), and enhanced renewable energy sources.

Reduction of energy consumption 1. By better insulation systems, by the use of more efficient lighting or combustion systems, 2. By use of lighter and stronger materials in the transportation sector. 3. . Nanotechnological approaches like light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or quantum caged atoms (QCAs) could lead to a strong reduction of energy consumption for illumination

Increasing the efficiency of energy production

1. Today's best solar cells have layers of several different semiconductors stacked together to absorb light at different energies but they still only manage to use 40 percent of the Sun's energy. Commercially available solar cells have much lower efficiencies (15-20%).


Nanotechnology could help increase the efficiency of light conversion by using nanostructures with a continuum of bandgaps

4.Pollution prevention
Nanotechnology offers new solutions through particles and filter systems that can bind and remove or inactivate pollutants within land, sea and air. The use of titanium dioxide nanoparticles which function as catalysts which assist in the breakdown of larger or more reactive molecules into smaller or less reactive ones.

Nanoscale information technologies for product identification and tracking to manage recycling, remanufacture, and end of life disposal of solvents.

5.Biomolecular Nanolithography
It is a biometric method of organizing metal particles 1.5 nanometers in diameter. Nanostructures are organized into well-defined chip architectures, such as lines and grids. Process eliminates the current process chemicals that are harmful to the environment.


Sensors at the nanoscale can form a part of process control systems, working with nano-enabled information systems.

Used for Process control, compliance and ecosystem monitoring.

Applications to biotoxins as well.

Environmental nanotech presently in use

1. In South Africa, polymeric nanofiltration in conjunction with a reverse osmosis process is used to treat brackish groundwater. Pilkington Glass have coated the surfaces of their glass with titanium dioxide nanoparticles to break down dirt. Recently the company Oxonica has manufactured a nanoparticle of cerium oxide which increases the efficiency of diesel engines.



Science and Engineering approaches are needed that offer new capabilities to prevent or treat highly toxic or persistent pollutants, and that result in the more effective monitoring of pollutants or their impact in ways not currently possible.

Nanoscience, engineering, and technology holds great potential for the continued improvement of technologies for environmental protection. The recent breakthroughs in creating nanocircuitry, give further evidence and support the predictions that nanoscale science and engineering will most likely produce the breakthroughs of tomorrow.

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