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The Holocaust Pt.

1: The Path to Genocide

1. Antisemitism in European History - - Religious Intolerance and Scapegoating - - Modern Antisemitism and the Political Realm 2. German Jews and the Nazi Rise to Power - - Early Persecution and Decrees - - The Nuremberg Race Laws (1935) - - - - Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor - - - - Rassenschande (Racial Disgrace) 3. The Escalation of Violence and Terror - - Kristallnacht : The Night of Broken Glass (1938) - - - - Public Opinion and Jewish Emigration

Martin Luther, On the Jews and Their Lies (1543)

The Jew as devilish and deviant (1493)

Antisemitic pamphlet: Ritual murder allegations

Antisemitic caricature: The capitalist Jew

Marxism is the Guardian Angel of Capitalism

Adolf Stoecker, founder of the antisemitic Christian Social Workers Party

Antisemitic poster from France, c. 1900, including dramatically exaggerated statistics about Jewish economic power

Nazi party meeting under the banner The Jews Are Our Misfortune

Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels Announces a Boycott of Jewish Businesses, set for April 1, 1933

Germans! Protect Yourselves! Dont buy from Jews!

SA-Men on the March

SA men in Munich post antisemitic slogans, 1933

Announcement of the Nuremberg Laws, including the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor September, 1935

Caught for Rassenschande Racial disgrace

Park bench marked Not for Jews

German Passport with a J and the name Israel added to indicate the holder is a Jew

Kristallnacht, November 9/10, 1938

Herschel Grynspan

Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)

Surveying the Damage Following Kristallnacht

German Jews attempting to emigrate to Palestine, 1939

The Holocaust, Pt. II: From Partial to Total Genocide

1. Ghettoization - - Overcrowding and Death in the Warsaw Ghetto - - 1941 and the Jews of Germany 2. The Leap Toward Genocide - - Tracing the Decision -- Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich - - Gas Vans and Mass Killing in the East 3. The Wannsee Conference (January 20, 1942) - - Coordinating Mass Murder 4. The Extermination Camps - - The Operation Reinhard Camps - - Auschwitz-Birkenau - - Primo Levi 5. The Holocaust: Master Plan or Evolving Process?

Jews Arriving in the Krakow Ghetto

The Judenrat, or Jewish Council from the town of Zelechow, Poland

Inside the Warsaw Ghetto

Jews forced to build the Warsaw Ghetto wall, October 1940

German Jews wearing the yellow star, 1941

Crowding in the Ghetto

Children in the Warsaw Ghetto

Architects of genocide: Hitler with Himmler (left) and Heydrich (right)

The Einsatzgruppen partial genocide

Gas Vans in use from late 1941

Jews arriving at Chelmno

Himmler and Heydrich discuss their plans

Wannsee Conference, January 20, 1942

The circulated minutes of the Wannsee Conference, marked secret

The Death Camps (marked in red), including Operation Reinhard camps Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec

Warsaw Jews Deported to Treblinka, 1942

Entrance to Auschwitz-Birkenau

Plan for one of four Auschwitz Crematoria

Selection on the ramp at Auschwitz

Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoess

Hungarian Jews arriving at Auschwitz, 1944

Prisoners liberated from Auschwitz, January 1945

The Nazis first envisioned the Madagascar Plan

Hitler and his generals: 1941 was the high point of Nazi success and the year the Final Solution was decided upon

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