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Male Female

From this we can see a bias towards the male gender. Since our video isnt really aimed at a particular gender, and more of an age range, this shouldnt be a problem.


15-18 30% 19-25 50%

26+ 20%

This shows us that half of our audience are specifically within our target audience range, and 80% in total are within the range we would expect to appeal to this style of music video. There are also many fans from electronic genres dating back many years ago, so it is good that we have a few varied opinions from slightly older audiences.

Attend College or Not

Yes 50% No

Here we can see that it is a direct divide in our audience between who goes to or attends college and those who dont. This fits in with our target audience, as we expect the majority to be in working environments rather than education, as we can refer to this in our video.

Narrative or Performance

Performance 60% Story

There is a slight bias towards our audience preferring to see a performance based music video. Our plan is to mix both characteristics, but mostly focus on the performance section as we have a sub-plot for a narrative which will only feature slightly, so these results are in our favour.

Storyline Preference

In Depth Narrative 30%

Easy to Follow 70%

From this we can see that most of our audience prefer a simpler, easy to follow storyline, so we will aim to adapt our storyline to this.

Do You Like The Electronic Music Genre?

Yes 100% No 0%

These results point very highly in our favour, as we can now assume that anyone within our target audience somewhat enjoys our chosen genre of music.

How Often Do You Listen To This Genre of Music?

5 4 3

1 0 Often 50% Occasionally 40% Rarely

Generally, our audience do listen to our chosen style of music, so we can assume that the answers given will be more informed than if no-one taking the questionnaire had ever heard of this style of music.

Have You Heard Our Chosen Song?

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Yes 70% No 30%

This is a good result as our questionnaires will now hopefully be more accurate as our audience can relate to our chosen song.

Party Scene

Dancing Fast Cutting Shots

Energetic Feel

What Characteristics Would You Expect/Prefer to See In the Music Video?

Lively Atmosphere
Lots of People

Fast/Paced Exciting Performance

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Suited to Genre (%) Would Enjoy Watching (%)

This is a great result as we can now see that 100% of our audience think that our vision will suit our chosen genre of music.

Colourful Lighting

Strobe Lighting Rave Scene

Exciting Party DJ Set

Bright Lighting

What Would You Expect to See In This Video?

Enjoyment Alcohol Second Storyline


Vibrant Colours

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