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Scientific Revolution!


Discoveries and their impact on The Authority

Beliefs BEFORE the discovery

How were the discoveries?

Their discovery and its impact on the PRESENT and FUTURE

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein
Einstein discovered the theory of relativity and the mass energy equivalence, e = mc2. E = mc2 means energy = mass multiplied by the speed of light squared. This formula led to atomic bombs and nuclear power. With this formula you could power New York City for months from a gallon of water. Matter can be turned into energy, and energy into matter. Albert Einstein was able to see where an understanding of this formula would lead. Although peaceful by nature and politics, he helped write a letter to the President of the United States, urging him to fund research into the development of an atomic bomb ... before the Nazis or Japan developed their own first. The result was the Manhatten Project, which did in fact produce the first tangible evidence of ... the atomic bomb! His papers in 1905 won him great acclaim from fellow scientists. When his hypothesis on General Relativity was found to perfectly predict the bending of star light, he became, literally overnight, the most famous scientist in the world. There were lots of obstacles for Albert Einstein. First he was kicked out of school. Then his dad died. After that, he was fine until he got stomach ulcers. Then, it was bad from there until he got married, then divorced, and then finally married to his cousin. Hitler and the Nazis were a problem for him too.

What did he discover? Effects on peoples lives Beliefs before the discovery The discovery and the authorities reactions

Charles Darwin was a British scientist who was born 1809. Darwin established the theory of evolution and transformed the way we think about the natural world. He set sail from Plymouth on the 27 December 1831 in a ship called the Beagle on a journey that was to take him many thousands of miles in order to obtain factual evidence to support the evolution theory. The breakthrough in his ideas came in the Galapagos Islands as he noticed different birds of the same species had different beaks depending on the food that was available to them.

Beliefs before the discovery

At the time Darwin developed the evolution theory, most Europeans believed that the world was created by God in seven days as described in the bible.

At the time of Darwins discovery society doubted his views and couldnt comprehend how a monkey in a tree could evolve into man. However Darwin has had a huge impact on peoples lives today as it has affected how people define themselves and the world we live in. It has allowed us to carry on and change the way we do research in order for us to discover the universe at a further level.

Authorities reactions
Darwin had great struggle trying to put across his ideas of evolution as society was so blind sighted by religion. The religious part of society refused to accept Darwins discoveries and even today there are many people in the world called creationists that still believe that God created the universe and all in it in seven days.

Archimedes(c. 287 B.C.-212)

Was an ancient Greek mathematician, philosopher, and inventor and did many experiments with screws, levers, and pulleys. The Archimedean screw has been the basis for the creation of many other tools, such as the combine harvester and auger drills His work has led to the inventions of compound pulley systems , cranes, rock-throwing catapults, grappling hooks, and lenses or mirrors that could allegedly reflect the sun's rays and cause ships to catch on fire and finally self-moving celestial model representing the sun, moon, and constellations.

Before his discoveries.......

Before he discovered the Archimedean screw it, was very difficult for Egyptians to carry water buckets around their whole fields.

............After his discoveries.

The Archimedean screw is considered one of his greatest accomplishment . Today, inventors and scientists still use Archimedean principles to help them with their discoveries and inventions

Those in authority thought good of him due to his discoveries. When Archimedes was killed by a roman solider General Marcellus was reportedly angered by his death, as he considered him a valuable scientific asset and had ordered that he not be harmed He is now considered one of the greatest scientists in history and the greatest mathematician of all time. There is a crater on the Moon named Archimedes in his honour, as well as a lunar mountain range, the Montes Archimedes.

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