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Subject: The relevance of theory and how we can use it Student: Drguin Amalia Maria

Teacher: Claudia Auer



- Purpose of the paper - Structure - Main ideas


State of research

Origins of the theory Approaches Practical use of the theory Definition of the theory Analyzing the theory according to the evaluation criteria Description of the chosen aspect of puplic diplomacy Applying the theory to public diplomacy

Theory analysis

Symbolic interactionism in public diplomacy





Many sub-disciplines within the social sciences have been influenced by symbolic interactionism, including the sociology of emotions, deviance/criminology, collective behavior/social movements, feminist studies, sociological versions of social psychology, communications theory, semiotics, education, nursing, mass media, organizations, and the study of social problems. Symbolic Interactionism as thought of by Herbert Blumer, is the process of interaction in the formation of meanings for individuals. Blumer came up with three core principles to his theory. They are meaning, language, and thought.

Principles of Social Interaction Theory 1. Meaning Meaning itself is not inherent in objects Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings that they have assigned to them Meaning arises in the process of interaction between people. Meanings are handled in and modified through an interpretive process used by the person in dealing with things he or she encounters


2. Language As human beings we have the unique ability to name things As children interact with family, peers, and others, they learn language and, concurrently, they learn the social meanings attached to certain words Meaning arises out of social interactions with one another, and language is the vehicle In Meads view, social life and communication between people are possible only when we understand and can use a common language 3. Thought or Minding An ability distinctly different from animals in that we have the ability to think about things rather than simply reacting instinctually An inner conversation with oneself A reflective pause through which we modify our interpretation of symbols An ability to take the role of The Other



7 Major Assumptions of Symbolic Interactionism Theory

1. People are unique creatures because of their ability to use symbols. 2. People become distinctively human through their interaction with others. 3. People are conscious and self-reflective beings who actively shape their own behavior. 4. People are purpousful creatures who act in and toward situations. 5. Human society consists of people engaging in symbolic interaction. 6. The social act should be the fundamental unit of social psychological analysis. 7. To understand peoples social acts, we need to use methods that enable us to discern the meanings they attribute to these acts.



Major Concepts, Definitions and Terms

Identities - the self meanings in a role. Language A system of symbols shared with other memebers of society, used for the purposes of communication and representation Looking Glass Self - the mental image that results from taking the role of the other. imaging how we look to another person. Meaning the purpose or significance attributed to something. Meaning is determined by how we respond to and make use of it Mind A process of mental activity consisting of self, interaction and reflection, based on socially acquired symbols. Does not refer to an inner psychic world separated from society.


The Self According to Mead, self does not exist at birth but is developed through interaction with others. It emerges from the social interaction of humans in which the individual takes on the role of the "other" and internalizes the attitudes and perceptions of others through those interactions The interaction of an individuals self-conception ("I") and the generalized, perceived view that others have of the individual

"Me" - The ongoing process of combining the I and the ME. I- An individuals self-conception - The subjective self Me - The Generalized Other the generalized, perceived view that others have of the individual The mental image of oneself that is based on expectations and responses from others



The relevance of this theory in the case of public diplomacy has already been noticed by several people, who conducted researches in the field and therefore there can be found a few case studies in which the theory is applied to public diplomacy. The connection between them is undeniable.Public diplomacy involves such elements as image,symbols,communication and interpretation of meanings(Martin& Nakayama, 2003). From a symbolic interactionist approach, it can be conceptualized as the active participation by nations in the construction of meanings,in which each nation is one of the many players in the internationa lcommunity that continually interacts through exchanging symbols, forming and negotiating meanings, and performing acts based on their respective meanings. The dynamics underlying the symbolic interaction are the power relations among the nations. There is no doubt this theory can contribute to a better understanding of the subject.


Deadline: 14.03.2013

17.12.2012 - 07.01.2013 - select a certain theory - get familiar with the theory( find resources, read etc.)

07.01. - 14.01.2013 - further reading - write the introduction - describe the state of research 14.01 21.01.2013 - begin analyzing the theory

21.01 13.02.2013 - continue analyzing the theory - find more resources - find an apropriate case of study from public diplomacy 13.02 01.03.2013 - apply the theory to the chosen case of study - write conclusion - read the paper again and add what is missing 01.03. 14.03.2013 - review the paper and send it

Blumer Herbert, Symbolic interactionism . Perspective and method, London, University of California Press, 1969 Zhang Juyan, Public diplomacy as symbolic interactions:A case study of Asian tsunami relief campaigns, 2005, Communication Department, Monmouth University, USA http://www.colorado.edu/communication/metadiscourses/Papers/App_Papers/Nelson.htm http://hhd.csun.edu/hillwilliams/Symbolic%20Interactioni sm%20Lecture.htm Adapted from Scott Plunketts Course Pack http://www.symbolicinteraction.org/

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