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Lesson 2

-Do you remember what we have learned last week? -Reading assignment

Writing assignment Hand in!

Select 10 words. Give a Dutch translation or English explanation

Resent Barely Physics Equipment Meadow Prefer Suitable Thorough Organic food Cautious Self-assured Gregarious

Find ten mistakes

I am more interested in English than in German. You need English were ever you go. I make a test right now for English. I study life sciences and if I get my diploma, I am going to study at an university. Their much possibilities for life sciences students. I have a friend who study at Van Hall. She like it a lot. I want to get an degree theyre too.

Check: do we all know the alphabet from a to z?

Reading chemical reactions

Make a word list Answer the following questions as thoroughly as you can. 1 What do you need? 2 What do you do? 3 What happens? 4 Why does it happen like that? 5 Personal comments on this experiment.

Reading: earthquakes
The San Andreas Fault Make a word list of the words you dont know 1 What are faults? 2 How do earthquakes happen? 3 Why are there earthquakes in California? 4 What will hapen in about 15 million years? Beantwoord in het Nederlands: 5 Wat gebeurde er in 1906? 6 Wat gebeurde er in 1889? 7 Wat is de meest recente aardbeving die in de tekst wordt genoemd en wat gebeurde er? 8 Welke stad loopt in de nabije toekomst het meeste risico op een aardbeving?

Earthquakes hit northern Groningen

1. Beschrijf de twee aardbevingen in Groningen. 2. Wat vertelt Dick Stoppels erover? 3. Wat stond er in een rapport dat vorige maand uitkwam? 4. Hoe reageerde de NAM? 5. Wat waren de gevolgen van de aardbeving van vorige week voor de omwonenden?

Test your English

http://www.englishtag.com/tests/level_test_int ermediate_B1.asp http://www.hampsteadenglish.com/en/levelchecks/b1-level-test

Structure of a presentation
Introduction Explain what you are going to tell and why you chose this topic. Grasp the attention of the audience by telling something special, funny, peculiar or amazing. Body Give the information in a logical order Only tell about details that are relevant or highly interesting Conclusion Summarize the most important information, the main message of your presentation, briefly. End your presentation with a tip or a recommendation if they want to know more about the topic or end with a strong opinion or a prediction for the future. Anyhting that will stick with your audience.

Question 1 spelling Spell the word ............................ without any spelling mistakes Question 2 abbreviation What does the abbreviation DIY stand for? Question 3 general knowledge There are nine states of America starting with the letter M. Name at least five. Question 4 news An animal has attacked a baby in London. What animal? Question 5 picture What are these?


Homework week 9
Monday 9:30 11: 30 Finish reading and/or writing assignment Monday 11:30 13:00 Writing assignment: when Im 35 or A day at school Monday 13:00 14:30 Prepare for test about earthquakes: study words from texts and express you opinion about the situation in Groningen and in Istanbul Thursday 10:45 12:15 Thursday 13:00 15:30 Make a plan for presentation 7th of March and come up with a topic Friday 08:45 10:15 Finish writing assignment: when Im 35 or A day at school Friday 10:45 12:15 Study words from text and learn information about grammer Friday 13:00 14:30 finish reading assignment + study words from the text

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