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Arts | Science | Technology - Innovation

Bringing artists together with scientists and technologists

Warsaw March 4th & 5th 2013

Dave Murray-Rust

Dave Murray-Rust is a researcher in Informatics at the

University of Edinburgh with a PhD in Artificial Intelligence and Music. His work centres around computational systems that model and interact with humans, including social computation, modelling of music as a communicative process, tangible and multitouch interfaces and models of human actions on landscapes and their impacts on ecosystems. He has also created internationally exhibited interactive installations, using technology to explore the interface between art and science. Dave talked at the ASTI Workshop Event in Warsaw on Monday 4th March 2013. Below is his presentation.

Dave Murray-Rust
reflections on the interface between arts, science and technology
dave@mo-seph.com www.mo-seph.com

Musical Agents
Modelling musical communication with interactive software agents

Playful multitouch, multimodal search aggregation



Owen Green owen@owengreen.net www.owengreen.net

Agelos Papadakis agelospapadakis@gmail.com www.agelospapadakis.com/

Dave Murray-Rust dave@mo-seph.com www.mo-seph.com/

Beginnings playing

Beginnings simulation

The previous video can be found on Vimeo at http://vimeo.com/davemurrayrust/chaodependant

Thawing Colours: dangling from the fuzzy end of interfaces

Dave Murray-Rust and Rocio von Jungenfeld

Inspirations and Influences

Explore hidden soundworlds

Concatenative synthesis Corpus of sound grains, with descriptors Matches descriptors in input sound to grains from the corpus Realtime resynthesis http://imtr.ircam.fr/imtr/Cata RT Microsounds of ice and water

System Diagram

Participants and Environment

Plucking, tugging, pulling, stroking, swinging, grabbing Physical Movement and Vibration

Descriptor Extraction and Mapping


Audio Signal

Building movement, ambient noises, acoustic feedback


Sound Corpus


Live Output

Processed Output

The previous video can be found on Vimeo at http://vimeo.com/davemurrayrust/thawingcolours

Trajectories, Dialogues

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Ah hah moments motion and melodies, chaotic behaviour Fluid hypotheses, open ended Playful coordination games to collective experiments Calm Interaction Tranquil Interaction

Sonic instrument Or infra-instrument?

Digital meets Physical

Physical systems have richness and depth, and transparency. Can it be preserved? Performance ecosystem wheres the interface Laying on hands, getting covered in pixels Accidental hydrology different timescales

Database Search
With practice, can find particular sounds Physical query language Low barrier to entry, tolerant, but inaccurate; incremental

Thanks for listening

Arts | Science | Technology - Innovation

Warsaw March 4th & 5th 2013

Bringing artists together with scientists and technologists

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