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Fundamentals of DB2 SQL Procedures

Philip K. Gunning, DGI

Anaheim, CA

Sept 9 - 13, 2002

IBM Corporation 2002

Background Installation and Preparation Setup Development Center (SPB, et al) Building SQL Procedures Case Study Performance Considerations Summary
IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference


IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

First appeared in DB2 UDB V7.1
DB2 for OS/390 V6.1

Other Database Vendors have had their own proprietary stored procedure languages for some time Search on YAHOO! found 78,000 hits on Oracle Stored Procedures Search on YAHOO! Found 31,600 hits on Sybase Stored Procedures
IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Search on YAHOO! Found 25,200 hits on DB2 Stored Procedures Search on YAHOO! Found 44,500 hits on Transact SQL Search on YAHOO! Found 11 hits on PL/SQL

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Many applications have been written in their entirety in a stored procedure language
Flexibility Enable Rapid Application Development Minor learning curve since similar to SQL

Portability Across Platforms

Cross Platform Development and Debugging
IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Installation and Preparation

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Installation and Preparation

Application Development Client AIX V4.3.3 ML9 or 5.1 ML1 IBM C for AIX Version 5.0 IBM Visual Age C++ Version 5.0

Windows XP, .NET, 2000, NT, ME, 98

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Installation and Preparation

Change DBM CFG Parameter KEEPFENCED (KEEPDARI) to NO while developing and testing routines
If not, changes will not be reloaded as process that runs the routine will remain active

db2 update dbm cfg using KEEPFENCED no

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Installation and Preparation

Set two registry values DB2_SQLROUTINE_COMPILER_PATH
DB2_SQLROUTINE_COMPILE_COMMAND PATH and LIBPATH environment variables set in db2profile and call to it is placed in .profile
Can either use the db2set cmd or use the SQL Stored Procedure Builder Options dialog form the Development Center to set the values of these DB2 registry variables

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Installation and Preparation

Application Development Client SQL Procedures supported on NT, 2000, XP and .NET Server DB2_SQLROUTINE_COMPILER_PATH DB2_SQLROUTINE_COMPILE_COMMAND

Need not be set if environment variables for compiler set as SYSTEM variables
IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Installation and Preparation

MVS Conformance Flagger
Used to Flag SQL for procedures developed on workstation which are being migrated to DB2 for OS/390 or Z/OS ISO/ANSI SQL92 Entry Level Standard

http://www7b.boulder.ibm.com/dmdd/librar y/techarticle/0204milligan/0204milligan.ht ml
IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Installation and Preparation

Management Tools FMID required for DB2 for Z/OS or OS/390
REXX Support for DSNTPSMP SP Creation C compiler Workload Manager and appropriate WLM application environments DB2 V6.1 and above

SQL Reference for Cross Platform Development

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Installation and Preparation

Recoverable Resource Manager Services attachment facility (RRSAF) required on Z/OS

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Procedure created via CREATE PROCEDURE COMMAND CREATE PROCEDURE update_salary ( IN employee_number CHAR(6), IN rating INT )

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Attendee Notes
Create procedure may fail in the precompile or compile stage. DB2 will create a log file that contains error messages. This log will be placed in the /sqlproc/db_name/schema_name/tmp or \sqlproc\db_name\schema_name\tmp directory on Windows.

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

SQL-Procedure Body keyword of CREATE PROCEDURE statement specifies the SQL statement that is the body of the SQL Procedure Multiple SQL Procedure statements can be specified within a compound statement

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference


Copyright IBM Corp. Sample Procedure

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

OPEN C1; FETCH C1 INTO v_id, v_salary, v_years; WHILE at_end = 0 DO CASE WHEN (v_salary < 2000 * v_years) THEN UPDATE staff SET salary = 2150 * v_years WHERE id = v_id; WHEN (v_salary < 5000 * v_years) THEN CASE WHEN (v_salary < 3000 * v_years) THEN UPDATE staff SET salary = 3000 * v_years WHERE id = v_id; ELSE UPDATE staff SET salary = v_salary * 1.10 WHERE id = v_id; END CASE; ELSE UPDATE staff SET job = 'PREZ' WHERE id = v_id; END CASE; FETCH C1 INTO v_id, v_salary, v_years; END WHILE; CLOSE C1; END @
Copyright IBM Corp. Sample Procedure


IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Attendee Notes
The procedure body consists of a procedure-name, that names the procedure being defined. In dynamic SQL, CURRENT SCHEMA is used as a qualifier for an unqualified name and the QUALIFIER bind option for static SQL. The unqualified name with the number of parameters is unique within its schema, but does not need to be unique across schemas. This is know as overloading in other languages. IN, OUT, or INOUT identifies the parameters of the procedure and specifies the mode, name and data type of each parameter. Specific-name is used for commenting on or dropping the procedure. It can never be used to invoke the procedure. Dynamic results is an upper bound for returned result sets. Contains, Reads, and Modifies SQL DATA LANGUAGE SQL FOR SQL PROCEDURES SQL PROCEDURE BODY specifies the SQL statement that is the body of the SQL procedure.
IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

CALL statement invokes stored procedure
Has a procedure signature which is a combination of schema, procedure name and number of parameters

Returning Result Sets

Declare cursor on result set, open result set, and leave cursor open when exiting procedure only unread rows are passed back use nulls to improve performance
IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

If result sets are required then RETURN to CALLER or RETURN TO CLIENT must be specified
RETURN TO CALLER results are only visible to program at previous nesting level RETURN TO CLIENT results are visible only if procedure was invoked from a set of nested procedures, function or method invalidates this Only visible to client application that made the call
IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

See Appendix N, DB2 UDB SQL Reference for complete list of SQL statements allowed in SQL routines See DB2 for Z/OS SQL Reference for that platform

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Condition Handlers
Control passed to condition handler if a condition is raised and you have declared a handler for the respective condition If no handler, DB2 passes control to next statement in procedure body
SQLCODE and SQLSTATE will contain corresponding values if they were declared

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Attendee Notes
If a statement raises an SQLWARNING or NOTFOUND condition, DB2 passes control to the handler you declared. If a statement raises an SQLEXCEPTION condition control is passed to the handler for that specific condition.

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

SIGNAL and RESIGNAL Statements
can be used to explicitly raise a specific SQLSTATE

CALL is now a compiled statement and can be run from a command line

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Development Tools

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Development Center

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Stored Procedure Builder

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

SQL Procedure

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

SQL Procedure

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

SQL Procedure

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference


IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference


IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Case Study
Texas Department of Public Safety Combined 8 legacy applications into 1 using all SQL Procedures Started out on DB2 UDB V7.1
JAVA Stored Procedures Got proficient with SPB and development on Windows

Migrated to DB2 for OS/390 V6.1 Switched to SQL Procedures

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Case Study
Developed concurrently on DB2 for Windows whilst connectivity to OS/390 was being established
TCP/IP DDF CICS Workload Manager (WLM) WLM Stored Procedures

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Case Study
After DB2 V6.1 and OS/390 configured developed over 300 SQL Procedures Implemented Texas Crime Information Center application totally in SQL Procedures Credited flexibility and ease of development in streamlining the typical development timeline
IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Case Study
Used DB2 Management Clients package DB2 Control Center DB2 Stored Procedure Builder DB2 Visual Explain

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Case Study
Still did good Logical and Physical Design Extensive use of Identity Columns Developed good indexes via DB2 Explain and SQL Reviews Attaining sub-second response Continue to add new features/functionality using SQL Procedures
IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

Case Study
Lessons Learned
Want to be leading-edge but not necessarily bleeding-edge! Lots of time spent getting TCP/IP, DB2 for OS/390 V6.1, DSNTSMP stored procedure working along with WLM Ran into 32k limitation and had to use multiple stored procedures Starting/Stopping/Purging WLM procedures took some time to develop
IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

SC09-4848-00, Whats New, V8.1 DB2 UDB SQL Reference, Volume 1 and 2 SC09-4825-00, DB2 UDB Application Building Guide: Building and Running Applications V8.1 SC09-4827-00, DB2 Application Development Guide: Programming Server Applications
IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

DB2 UDB Command Reference, V8.1 http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/d ata/udb/ad ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/db2/info SC26-9944-01 DB2 for Z/OS SQL Reference SC26-9933-01 DB2 for Z/OS Application Programming and SQL Guide
IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/os3 90/spb

IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference


IBM Corporation 2002

IBM Data Management Technical Conference

F15 Thanks!
Fundamentals of DB2 SQL Procedures

Anaheim, CA

Sept 9 - 13, 2002

IBM Corporation 2002

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