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We love everything BIG, BIG, BIG. Is bigger always better?

Most cells are between 2m and 200m A micrometer is 1 millionth of a meter! Too small to be seen with naked eye

Why cant organisms be one big giant cell?

1. Cell size limitations

A. Diffusion limits cell size
Larger the distance, slower the diffusion rate A cell 20 cm would require months for nutrients to get to the center


DNA limits cell size larger cells need more DNA. Needs more of everything Most cells have just one nucleus

C. Surface area to volume ratio limits size

Volume increase more rapidly than surface area. Cell size doubles, 8x as much volume, but only 4x as much surface area

Therefore cells must stay small.

AIM : How do cells stay small?

1. BY Cell Division new cells are produced from one cell. REPRODUCTION

2. Why do cells divide

A. One-celled organisms

for reproduction asexual reproduction (clones)


B. Multi-celled organisms

for growth & development

from fertilized egg to adult

for repair & replacement


replace cells that die from

normal wear & tear or from injury

MITOSIS: Making New Cells Making New DNA

Where it all began

You started as a cell smaller than a period at the end of a sentence

Going from egg to baby.

Getting from there to here

the original fertilized egg has to divide and divide and divide and divide

Name these organelles

3. chromosomes
A. Are structures which contain a very long DNA molecule with thousands of genes. Individual chromosomes are only visible during cell division They are packaged as chromatin B. Accurate transmission of chromosomes during cell division is critical.

double-stranded human chromosomes ready for mitosis

The first phase of mitosis

The two halves of the doubled structure are called sister chromatids. Sister chromatids are held together by a structure called a centromere, which plays a role in chromosome movement during mitosis. Sister chromatids


4A. The first phase of mitosis

The chromatin coils to form visible chromosomes.

Spindle fibers Disappearing nuclear envelope Doubled chromosome

5B. The second stage of mitosis

The chromosomes move to the equator of the spindle.

5C. The third phase of mitosis

The centromeres split and the sister chromatids are pulled apart to opposite poles of the cell.

5D. The fourth phase of mitosis

Two distinct daughter cells are formed. The cells separate as the cell cycle proceeds into the next interphase.

Nuclear envelope reappears

Two daughter cells are formed

6. Cytokinesis
The cells cytoplasm divides in a process called cytokinesis.

Cytokinesis differs between plants and animals.

In animal cells, the plasma membrane pinches in.

Plant cells have a rigid cell wall, so the plasma membrane does not pinch in. A structure known as the cell plate is laid down across the cells equator

Mitosis in whitefish blastula

Mitosis in plant cell

onion root tip

. The Cell Cycle

The cell cycle is the sequence of growth and division of a cell. The majority of a cells life is spent in the growth period known as interphase.

9. When is mitosis a good thing?

growth & development repair replacement

When you have to add or replace cells

10. When is mitosis a BAD thing

When cells reproduce & they are not needed
these cells take over organs, but dont do the right job they just keep making copies cancer
damages organs

Why would cells just make copies?

If DNA gets damaged, cells stop listening to correct instructions

Causes of mutations:

UV radiation chemical exposure radiation exposure heat

cigarette smoke pollution age genetics

11. Normal Control of the Cell Cycle Proteins and enzymes control the cell cycle
The cell cycle is controlled by proteins called cyclins and a set of enzymes that attach to the cyclin and become activated. Occasionally, cells lose control of the cell cycle.

Normal Control of the Cell Cycle

This uncontrolled dividing of cells can result from the failure to produce certain enzymes, the overproduction of enzymes, or the production of other enzymes at the wrong time. Cancer is a malignant growth resulting from uncontrolled cell division.

Normal Control of the Cell Cycle

Enzyme production is directed by genes located on the chromosomes. A gene is a segment of DNA that controls the production of a protein.

12. Cancer: A mistake in the Cell Cycle

Currently, scientists consider cancer to be a result of changes in one or more of the genes that produce substances that are involved in controlling the cell cycle.

Cancerous cells form masses of tissue called tumors that deprive normal cells of nutrients

The causes of cancer

The causes of cancer are both genetic and environmental factors. Environmental factors, such as cigarette smoke, air and water pollution, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, are all known to damage the genes that control the cell cycle. Cancer may also be caused by viral infections that damage the genes.

Cancer prevention
1. Diets low in fat and high in fiber content can reduce the risk of many kinds of cancer. Vitamins and minerals may also help prevent cancer.

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