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Things to take into account when writing

Nina Dearle

Answer the question

1. Read the question carefully. It can be your guide to how to organize your answer. An essay question should have at least 3 paragraphs and a topic sentence. Form a thesis sentence before you start and stick to it. Be sure you stick to the question, and dont digress to something that was not asked. Answer the entire question. Choose important points. You cant say it all.

2. Give yourself a few minutes before you begin to make a scratchy outline and to think about what you are going to say. Write down key words or make a rough outline to trigger your memory. Then you can take the pressure off yourself to remember and write the same time. As you have little brain storms and remember things, add them to your outline. I promise that in the long run this method saves time and produces more coherent essays.
Dr. Sara N. James Art History Study Guide

Separate the wheat from the chaff

When you separate the wheat from the chaff, you select what is useful or valuable and reject what is useless or worthless.

Like a juicy hamburger, a paragraph needs two things to hold it together. Topic sentence


Conclusion sentence


A paragraph is a group of related sentences that develops one main idea. Although there is no definite length for a paragraph, it is often from five to twelve sentences long. Clearly indent the first word of every paragraph about 1 inch (5 spaces).

Most paragraphs contain one main idea to which all the sentences relate. The topic sentence states this main idea. The body of the paragraph develops and supports this main idea with particular facts, details, and examples.


CHOICE OF WORDS Good writers are concise and precise, weeding out unnecessary words and choosing the exact word to convey meaning.

CHOICE OF STRUCTURE A good writer varies structures to hold the readers' attention. Writing the same types of sentences with the same structures over and over and over and over makes for dull writing


The president's knowledge of domestic issues is superior to his understanding of foreign policy. He has been more successful with welfare reform, for example, than with peace in the Middle East.
In this context, "domestic issues" and "foreign policy" are used in a general sense in the first sentence. The writer then elaborates by clarifying specific kinds of issues ("welfare reform" and "peace in the middle east") referred to by the more general terms in the earlier sentence.

Choice of words and structures

Its not the same to write

as to write

pay for s/g

afford s/g Leaving home is not an option for them due to the high unemployment rate among young adults which makes financial independence unfeasible.

They cant leave home because they have no money, they dont have a job.

practice (n)

to practise (v)

Choose two sentences from your written test and rewrite them. Specific and general words exercise


A pronoun is used in place of a noun or another pronoun. The word a pronoun stands for is called the antecedent.

Often antecedentless pronouns indicate a lack of clarity in the writer's thoughts.

1. Highlight, underline or circle pronouns in your essay. 2. Draw an arrow from the pronoun to its antecedent. 3. Revise all pronouns without antecedents for clarity.

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