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The Vestibulocochlear Organ

Functions and formations

external ear
collecting and transmitting sound waves
middle ear
receiving the stimulation of both sound waves
internal ear and changes of the position of the head
1. The external ear
① auricle

② external acoustic
cartilaginous part
bony part

③ tympanic membrane
flaccid part
tense part
2. The middle ear

tympanic cavity

auditory tube

mastoid cells
① tympanic cavity
sup. wall: tegmental w.
inf. wall : jugular w.
ant. wall: carotid w.
post. wall: mastoid w.
lat. wall: membranous w.
med. wall: labyrinthine w.
fenestra vestibuli / fenestra cochlea
prominence of facial canal
vestibuli tympanic promontory

prominence of fenestra cochlea

facial canal
① tympanic cavity

auditory ossicles

the malleus
the incus
the stapes
② auditory tube
③ mastoid cells
3. The internal ear
bony labyrinth
membranous labyrinth
① The bony labyrinth

bony semicircular canals cochlea



bony semicircular

② The membranous labyrinth

cochlear duct
spiral organ

utricle & saccule:

macula utriculi and macula

semicircular ducts:
ampullary crest
scala vestibuli

cochlear duct

osseous spiral lamina

scala tympani

spiral organ
Bony cochlea vestibule Semicircular canals
labyrinth (osseous ampullae)
Membranous Cochlea duct Utricle and saccule Semicircular canals
labyrinth (membranous ampullae)

receptor Spiral organ Macula utriculi Ampullary crest

Macula sacculi

funtion Hearing sensation Balance of body Blance of body

Static Kinetic
The conduction of the sound
The first passway (aerial conduction)

The sound external acoustic tympanic chain of auditory

waves meatus membrane ossicles

fenestra the perilymph the endolymph

the spiral organ
vestibuli within the scala within the
vestibuli cochlear duct

nerve impulse
the perilymph
helicotrema within the scala
The second passway (aerial conduction)

air in the
The sound external acoustic
wave meatus

membrane the perilymph the endolymph

on the within the scala within the
fenestra tympani cochlear duct

the spiral organ nerve impulse

The third passeway (bony conduction)

The sound skull the bony

wave labyrinth

the perilymph the endolymph

within scala within the the spiral organ
vestibuli and cochlear duct
scala tympani

nerve impulse

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