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Prepared by: Mrs. Sehrish

Dated 22-02-12

AT THE END OF THE LECTURE STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO: Define the meaning of medical terminology of cells tissue and organs Recognize and understand basic medical terms Identify medical abbreviations Spell and pronounce basic medical terminology Analyze unfamiliar terms using the knowledge of word roots, suffixes and prefixes used in the medical language.

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Tissues: Cells are organized into four basic types of tissues that perform specific functions 1. Epithelial tissues Epithelial tissue covers and protects body structures and lines organs, vessels, and cavities.

2. Connective tissue

Connective tissue supports and binds body structures. It contains fibers and other nonliving material between the cells. Examples are adipose (fat) tissue, cartilage, bone and blood Muscle tissue (root my/o) contracts to produce movement.

3. Muscle tissues

4. Nervous tissue

Nervous tissue (root neur/o) makes up the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It coordinates and controls body responses by the transmission of electrical impulses.

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BIOPSY: Biopsy is the removal and examination of a living tissue to determine a diagnosis. Biopsy comes from the Greek word bios meaning life, opsis meaning vision. Together they mean the visualization of living tissue. IN VIVO: "in the living body IN VITRO: literally means in glass ,and refers to procedures and experiments done in labs.

IN SITU: means in its original place, used to refer to tumors that have not spread

Technicolor terms
Leuk/o = white leukemia (overabundance of white blood cells) melan/o = black melanoma (black tumor of the skin) cyan/o = blue cyanosis (blueness may be due to cold or not enough oxygen in blood) xanth/o = yellow xanthoma (yellow tumor)

Tumor talk
Adding - oma (a swelling) to organ and tissue word roots names tumors. Not all tumors are malignant (cancerous). Many are benign (not life-threatening).

Aden/o = gland adenoma Lip/o = fat lipoma My/o = muscle myoma Lymph/o = lymph tissue lymphoma Carcin/o = malignant carcinoma Osteo/o = bone osteoma

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