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VC++ Splitter Windows & DLL

Splitter Window
A frame window splitted into several view panes Class: CSplitterWnd

Types: 1. Static splitter window(it can split the window at the time of window is created, after splitting we cannot change the size of the window) 2. Dynamic splitter window(split the window at any time ,after splitting we can change the size of the window also)

CsplitterWnd Methods..
Bool CreateStatic ( Cwnd *parentwnd,// parent frame window Int rows,//number of rows Int cols, //no of cols );

This method is used to create static splitter window

CSplitterWnd methods
Bool create( Cwnd* parentwnd,//parent frame window Int rows, //no of rows Int cols,//no of cols Size s, //size of the pane Ccreatecontext * p //str variable it hold cruntime class member Which is responsible for dynamic splitting ); This method used to create dynamic splitter window

Steps: Dynamic splitter window

Select advanced button

Enable use split window option in window style tab

View menu split option added use it.

Drag the adjust the size of the window

MainFrm.cpp BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT /*lpcs*/, CCreateContext* pContext) { return m_wndSplitter.Create(this,//main window 2, //adjust row 2, //adjust col CSize(10, 10), //adjust size of the pane pContext //ccreatecontext str var ); } If we want to add any text to the window add text to theondraw method present in the view.cpp class file

Dynamic linked library


1.Static library In the linking file linked with all associated library file and create a executable file with linked libraries (before loading into the memory all libraries are linked) 2.Dynamic library At the time loading into the memory the library will be linked

Dynamic Linked Libraries

DLL program(MFC app wizard dll) create dll file
Another program (MFC app wizard exe) - use that dll file in the dialog or other appln

Dll program.. A MFC dll program can export a methods ,variables class methods, class variables into dll file Mark the function prototype ( if it is class function constructor and destructor also marked)using dll export directive __declspec(dllexport) export directive marked as a function that are exported into dll file

Ex: __declspec(dllexport)int add(int a,int b); The directive should be added before the function prototype.. Execute dll program.. It will produce dll file and lib file in debug folder. Copied into folder in which program we can use the dll file


Program1: Dll program generate Dll file & lib file Program2: copied dll file into that debug folder and use it

Program1: create dll

Select regular dll using shared mfc dll

Insert->new class->Create generic class

In this program we export class method and variables..so add our user defined class

Add method and member variable

Add dll export directive to the function prototype

Implement the function

Execute program function will be exported in the dll file(debug folder)


Add components to that form

1.place the dll and library file to that diloag program debug folder 2. place class header file area.h (copied from dll program) place it to dialog program folder(avoid compilation error)

3.Add header file info dlg.h #include area.h

4.Project ->settings->link tab->output/lib modules(add lib file path)

Call the dll function use it

void CTestclientDlg::OnButton1() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

UpdateData(true); Carea obj; // we invoke class method so we need to create object //rad and result are dialog variables result=obj.circle_area(rad); UpdateData(false);

Database access through odbc

MFC Class used : CrecordSet Cdatabase

Crecordset methods
Add new() Edit() Update() Delete() Moveprev() Movenext() Movelast() Movefirst()

Crecordset( Cdatabase *pdatabase=NULL; ) BeginTrans(); Executesql(string sql query); Committrans() Rollback()

Create msaccess database file
Use obcdad32 assign dsn name for that Two columns Table name book Bname,cost

Use app wizard

Select sdi and doc view architecture

Select database view with file support

Selet datasource button add table using odbc dsn name

Following table member will be added automatically we can use it(..set.h)

Cdbaseset object also created inView.h we use it..

Add(){ Updatedata(true); M_pset->addnew(); M_pset->m_bname=val1 M_pset->cost=val2; M_pset->update();

edit(){ Updatedata(true); M_pset->edit(); M_pset->m_bname=val1 M_pset->cost=val2; M_pset->update();

delete(){ Updatedata(true); M_pset->delete(); M_pset->m_bname=val1 M_pset->cost=val2;

movefirst(){ M_pset->movefirst(); Val1=M_pset->m_bname; Val2=M_pset->cost; UpdateData(false); } Similar way prev,next,last

Execute sql
Sql(){ M_pset->m_pdatabase->begintrans(); M_pset->m_pdatabase->executesql(insert into book values(java,100)); M_pset->m_pdatabase->committrans(); M_pset->m_pdatabase->rollback();//catch block use it for undo }

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