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Stigma Anther Stamen Style Filament Carpel



Petal Receptacle

(a) An idealized flower.

Stamen dan karpel: organ reproduktif Sepal dan petal bersifat steril Bunga lengkap: memiliki keempat organ dasar bunga (sepal, petal, stamen, karpel) Bunga sempurna: memiliki 2 alat kelamin dalam 1 bunga

Perkembangan gamet jantan

Pollen sac (microsporangium)



Microspores (4)

Each of 4 microspores


Generative cell (will form 2 sperm)

Male Gametophyte (pollen grain) Nucleus of tube cell 20 m Ragweed pollen grain

KEY to labels

Diploid (2n) Haploid (n)


Pembentukan Gametofit Jantan

Sel induk mikrospora Meiosis 1 Meiosis 2
Inti vegetatif Inti generatif

Butir serbuk sari (gametafit jantan) Kepala sari membuka, butir serbuk sari dilepas

(b) Development of a female gametophyte (embryo sac)

Megasporangium Ovule MEIOSIS Megasporocyte Integuments


Surviving megaspore Female gametophyte (embryo sac) MITOSIS Ovule Antipodel Cells (3) Polar Nuclei (2)

Egg (1)

Synergids (2)

Key to labels
Diploid (2n) Haploid (2) m

Embryo sac


Pembentukan Gametofit Betina

Bakal buah Bakal biji Sel induk megaspora meiosis 4 megaspora

Inti polar

Sel telur Pembelahan sitoplasma, Hasilnya: 7 sel, 8 inti (gametofit betina)

3 megaspora mati 1 megaspora berkembang

Mitosis 3

Mitosis 1
Mitosis 2

Pada angiospermae, polinasi (polination) adalah transfer polen dari anter ke stigma. Polinasi dibantu oleh angin, air, atau hewan. Jika polinasi berhasil, seruk polen menghasilkan sebuah tabung polen, yang kemudian tumbuh dan turun ke ovarium melalui stilus

Evolutionary Links Between Angiosperms and Animals

Pollination of flowers by animals and transport of seeds by animals
Are two important relationships in terrestrial ecosystems

(a) A flower pollinated by honeybees. This honeybee is harvesting pollen and nectar (a sugary solution secreted by flower glands) from a Scottish broom flower. The flower has a tripping mechanism that arches the stamens over the bee and dusts it with pollen, some of which will rub off onto the stigma of the next flower the bee visits.

(b) A flower pollinated by hummingbirds. The long, thin beak and tongue of this rufous hummingbird enable the animal to probe flowers that secrete nectar deep within floral tubes. Before the hummer leaves, anthers will dust its beak and head feathers with pollen. Many flowers that are pollinated by birds are red or pink, colors to which bird eyes are especially sensitive.

(c) A flower pollinated by nocturnal animals. Some angiosperms, such as this cactus, depend mainly on nocturnal pollinators, including bats. Common adaptations of such plants include large, light-colored, highly fragrant flowers that nighttime pollinators can locate.

Pollen grain

Stigma Pollen tube


1 Jika serbuk polen bergeminasi, tabung polen tumbuh dan menuruni stilus enuju ovarium. Polar nuclei Egg

2 sperm
Style Ovary Ovule (containing female gametophyte, or embryo sac) Micropyle

Tabung polen Melepas dua Sperma ke dalam Gametofit betina (kantong embrio) Di dalam ovul.

Ovule Polar nuclei Egg Two sperm about to be discharged

Salah satu sperma memfertilisi sel telur, membentuk zigot. Sperma yang lain berkombinasi dengan dua nukleus polar dari kantong embrio sel tengah yang besar, Membentuk sel tripoid yang berkembang menjadi jaringan nutritif disebut endospermae

Endosperm nucleus (3n) (2 polar nuclei plus sperm) Zygote (2n) (egg plus sperm)

Figure 38.6

stigma style The carpel ovary ovule megasporocyte


Creation of the megaspore


Creation of the megaspore

Creation of the female gametophyte

antipodals Polar nuclei


Egg nucleus

Creation of the female gametophyte

antipodals Polar nuclei


Egg cell

Mature female gametophyte = embryo sac

BAHASAN: meiosis Megasporosit (2N)

Megaspora (N)

Mitosis dan penyusunan kembali Gametofit betina Megaspora (N) (N) Gametofit betina berisi sel telur

Stamen anther


Pollen sac


Cross section of an anther

microspore microsporocyte

Creation of microspores

BAHASAN meiosis mikrosporosit mikrospora

Langkah selanjutnya: membentuk gamet jantan


Tube cell nucleus Pollen grain

Generative cell


Pollen germination

Generative nucleus Tube nucleus


Tube nucleus

Mature Male gametophyte


Tube nucleus

BAHASAN meiosis mikrosporosit (2N) mikrospora (N) Mitosis

mikrospora (N)
Gametofit jantan (N)

Gametofit jantan berisi sperma

antipodals Polar nuclei


Egg cell sperm

Tube nucleus

antipodals Polar nuclei


Egg cell sperm

Tube nucleus


Primary Polar endosperm nuclei nucleus

Zygote Egg cell

Double Fertilization

Seed coat



Setelah terjadi pembuahan ganda

setiap ovulum berkembang menjadi biji Ovarium berkembang menjadi buath yang menyelimuti biji

Perkembangan endosperm
Endosperm biasanya berkembang sebelum embrio berkembang sebagian besar monokotil dan kebanyakan eudikotil endosperma menyimpan nutrien untuk digunakan setelah perkecambahan pada beberapa eudikotil (polong-polongan) cadangan makanan semuanya ditransfer ke kotiledon, sehingga biji matang tak mempunyai endosperm

Perkembangan embrio
Endosperm nucleus Integuments Zygote

Zygote Terminal cell Basal cell Proembryo Suspensor

Basal cell Cotyledons Shoot apex Root apex Suspensor Seed coat


Biji eudikotil
Embrio terdiri dari hipokotil, radikula,dan kotiledon yang tebal

Seed coat


Hypocotyl Radicle


Biji eudicotil lain (jarak)

Memiliki struktur yang mirip, tapi cotyledonnya tipis

Seed coat



Epicotyl Hypocotyl Hypocotyl

Radicle Radicle

Figure 38.8b

Embrio monokotil
Terdiri atas kotiledon tunggal, coleoptile, dan coleorhiza
Pericarp fused with seed coat Scutellum (cotyledon) Endosperm Epicotyl


Coleorhiza Radicle


(a) Tomato, a fleshy fruit with soft outer and inner layers of pericarp (b) Ruby grapefruit, a fleshy fruit with a hard outer layer and soft inner layer of pericarp

Typically consist of a mature ovary

(c) Nectarine, a fleshy fruit with a soft outer layer and hard inner layer (pit) of pericarp

(d) Milkweed, a dry fruit that splits open at maturity

(e) Walnut, a dry fruit that remains closed at maturity

Can be carried by wind, water, or animals to new locations, enhancing seed dispersal
(a) Wings enable maple fruits to be easily carried by the wind.

(b) Seeds within berries and other edible fruits are often dispersed in animal feces.

(c) The barbs of cockleburs facilitate seed dispersal by allowing the fruits to hitchhike on animals.

Serbuk polen yang bergeminasi (n) (gametofit jantan pada stigma) anter

ovarium Tabung polen ovul Kantong embrio (n) (gametofit betina)

Sel telur (n)


Sperm (n) Tumbuhan sporofit dewasa (2n) Biji (berkembang dari ovul) Key Haploid (n) Diploid (2n) biji

zigot (2n)

Biji yang bergerminasi

Embrio (2n) (sporofit) Buah sederhana (berkembang dari ovarium)

The life cycle of an angiosperm

Key Haploid (n) Diploid (2n) 1 Anthers contain microsporangia. Each microsporangium contains microsporocytes (microspore mother cells) that divide by meiosis, producing microspores. 2 Microspores form pollen grains (containing male gametophytes). The generative cell will divide to form two sperm. The tube cell will produce the pollen tube.

Anther Mature flower on sporophyte plant (2n)

Microsporangium Microsporocytes (2n)


Microspore (n) Ovule with megasporangium (2n) 7 When a seed germinates, the embryo develops into a mature sporophyte. Germinating Seed Male gametophyte (in pollen grain) Ovary MEIOSIS Stigma 3 In the megasporangium of each ovule, the megasporocyte divides by meiosis and produces four megaspores. The surviving megaspore in each ovule forms a female gametophyte (embryo sac). Pollen tube Sperm Surviving megaspore ( n) Pollen tube Style Antipodal cells Polar nuclei Synergids Egg (n)

Generative cell

Tube cell

Pollen grains

Embryo (2n) Endosperm (food Supply) (3n) Seed coat (2n)

Megasporangium ( n)


6 The zygote develops into an embryo that is packaged along with food into a seed. (The fruit tissues surrounding the seed are not shown).

Female gametophyte (embryo sac)

Pollen tube

Zygote (2n) Nucleus of developing endosperm (3n) Egg Nucleus (n) Sperm ( n)


5 Double fertilization occurs. One sperm fertilizes the egg, forming a zygote. The other sperm combines with the two polar nuclei to form the nucleus of the endosperm, which is triploid in this example.

4 After pollination, eventually two sperm nuclei are discharged in each ovule.

Discharged sperm nuclei (n)

Exploring Angiosperm Diversity

MONOCOTS Orchid (Lemboglossum fossii) Monocot Characteristics Eudicot Characteristics EUDICOTS California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) Embryos One cotyledon Two cotyledons

Leaf venation

Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica) Veins usually netlike

Veins usually parallel

Pygmy date palm (Phoenix roebelenii) Lily (Lilium Enchantment)

Stems Vascular tissue usually arranged in ring

Vascular tissue scattered


Barley (Hordeum vulgare), a grass

Root system Usually fibrous (no main root)

Dog rose (Rosa canina), a wild rose Taproot (main root) usually present Pollen Pea (Lathyrus nervosus, Lord Ansons blue pea), a legume Pollen grain with three openings

Pollen grain with one opening

Flowers Anther Stigma Filament Ovary Floral organs usually in multiples of three Floral organs usually in multiples of four or five Zucchini (Cucurbita Pepo), female (left) and male flowers

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