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Matrices of linear transformation

& eigen values eigen vectors

Rajiv Kumar Math II 1

Definition : Natural matrix of a
linear transformation T : Vn →

Rajiv Kumar Math II 2

Example : Let T: V3 → V3 be a linear map,
defined by

T ( x1, x2 , x3 )
= ( x1 − x2 + x3 , x2 − x1, x 3 − x1 )
Find the matrix [T: S′ , S′′] if

S′={(1,0,0), (0,1,0),(-1,1,1)}
Rajiv Kumar Math II 3
S′={(1,0,0), (0,1,0),(-1,1,1)}
T ( x1, x2 , x3 ) = ( x1 − x2 + x3 , x2 − x1, x 3 − x1 )
T(1,0,0) = (1,-1,-1)
T(0,1,0) = (-1,1,0)
T(-1,1,1) = (-1,2,2)
[(1,-1,-1)]S′′ =(- 4/3,-
[(-1,1,0)]S′′ =(4/3,0,-1/3)
[(-1,2,0)]S′′ =(7/3,2,-1/3)
Rajiv Kumar Math II 4
 4 4 7 

 3 
3 3
A=  −1 0 2 
 1 1 1
 − − 
 3 3 3 

Rajiv Kumar Math II 5

Let T: V3 → V3 be a linear map.
S ′ = { (1,0,0) , ( 0,1,0 ) , ( 0,0,1)} and
S ′′ = { (1,1,1) , (1,1,0 ) , (1,0,0 )}
are ordered bases of V3. If
Matrix of Transformation is

Rajiv Kumar Math II 6

1 0 0

(T : S ′, S ′′) = 0 1 

0 0 1

Findthe T : V3 →V3
As per definition of (T:S′,S′
′) 1]S′′= (1,0,0)
[Tu2]S′′= (0,1,0)
[Tu3]S′′= (0,0,1)
Rajiv Kumar Math II 7
S ′ = { (1,0,0 ) , ( 0,1,0 ) , ( 0,0,1)}
S ′′ = { (1,1,1) , (1,1,0) , (1,0,0 )}
[T(1,0,0)]S′′= (1,0,0)
(1,0,0)= 1(1,1,1)+ 0(1,1,0)+ 0(1,0,0
T(1,0,0)= (1,1,1)
(0,1,0)= 0(1,1,1)+ 1(1,1,0)+ 0(1,0,0
(0,0,1)= 0(1,1,1)+ 0(1,1,0)+ 1(1,0,0
=(1,0,0) Rajiv Kumar Math II 8
T(x1,x2, x3 )=
T(x1 (1,0,0) +x2 (0,1,0)
+x (0,0,1))
T(x ,x , x )=
1 2 3
x1 T (1,0,0) +x2 T(0,1,0)
+x T(0,0,1)
T(x ,x , x )=
1 2 3
x1 (1,1,1) +x2 (1,1,0) +x3(1,0,0)
T(x1,x2, x3 )= (x1 +x2 +x3 , x1 +x2,
x1 ) Rajiv Kumar Math II 9
Definition : A transformation
T:V→ V is said to be nilpotent if
Tn is zero transformation for
some (+ve) integer n>1 , smallest
such integer is called degree of

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Q. 4 Page 157 If  1 2
 0 1
A=  
− 1 3
S′={(1,1), (-1,1)}
Find T Such that
[T: S′,S′′] = A
Rajiv Kumar Math II 11
S′={(1,1), (-1,1)} ={u1,
u 2}
[Tu ] = (1,0,-1)
1 S′′

[Tu2]S′′= (2,1,3)
T(1,1)= 1(1,1,1)+ 0(1,-1,1)- 1(0,0,1)
T(1,1)= (1,1,0)
(-1,1)= 2(1,1,1)+ 1(1,-1,1)+ 3(0,0,1
Rajiv Kumar Math II 12
T(1,1)= (1,1,0), T(-
Now find T : V2 → V3 i.e.
Find T(x,y)

T(x,y)= (2y-x,y,3y-3x)

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Fact : Every (m×n) matrix A
corresponds to a linear
transformation , formally we
write A : Vn → Vm

Essentially A represents the

transformation T : Vn → Vm
Whose natural matrix is A

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Rank and nullity of a matrix
Definition : The range,
kernel, rank & nullity of a
matrix A are defined as the
range , kernel , rank and
nullity of linear
transformation A.
heorem : Range of the matrix is
span of the column vectors of matrix
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Rank nullity theorem for matrices

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Q.1 Page 178
Find the range kernel , rank and nullity of the
matrix A

3 − 2 1 

A =  1 3 − 2 
 2 − 1 3 
Rajiv Kumar Math II 17
Q.1 Page 178
Find the range kernel , rank and nullity of the
matrix A
 1 3
A=  0 1
 
− 1 3
Solution : A: V2→ V3
Rajiv Kumar Math II 18
Range (A) = [{(1,0,-
nullspace of A= {u∈V2 : Au=
 1 3
(0,0,0)} 0 
 0 1  x  =  0 
  y  
− 1 3   0
⇒ x + 3y = 0 , y = 0, - x + 3y = 0
Kernel (A)= {(0,0)}
Rajiv Kumar Math II 19
Eigen values and eigen vectors

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Definition : If A is square matrix of order n,
then the values of λ for which the equation
Ax = λx ………… (i)
has nontrivial solutions are called the
eigenvalues of matrix A . If λ is an eigen
value , then the nonzero vectors x for which
equation (i) is true are called eigenvectors for
eigen value λ.

Rajiv Kumar Math II 21

How to find eigen values
Eigen values λ are roots of
characteristic polynomial
|A-λI| i.e values of λ for
which |A-λI|=0
A-λI|=0 is called characterstic equati
Remark : Eigen values may be real
or complex numbers.
Rajiv Kumar Math II 22
Definition : Set of all eigen
vectors for an eigen value λ
is written as E(λ).
Eigen space : eigen space
for eigen value λ of (m×n)
matrix A is ker (A-λI) in
other words nullspace of
matrix (A-λI).
Rajiv Kumar Math II 23
Q.1 : Find all the eigenvalues and
eigen spaces & set of eigen vectors of

0 0 2

A = 0 2 0
2 0 3

Rajiv Kumar Math II 24

tic equation
−λ 0 2
| A - λI |= 0 ⇒ 0 2−λ 0 =0
2 0 3−λ

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on expansion
2- λ 0 0 0 0 2−λ
| A - λI |= -λ −0 +2
0 3−λ 2 3−λ 2 0
= -λ (2 - λ )(3- λ ) + 2(2- λ )(-2)
| A - λI |= (2 - λ ){λ (λ − 3) - 4}
hence characterstic equationis
(2 - λ ){λ (λ − 3) - 4}= 0
(2 - λ ){λ − 3λ - 4}= 0
(2 - λ )(λ + 1)(λ − 4) = 0
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Hence eigen values are λ=2,-1,4
Now eigen space of eigen value
2 is nullspace of matrix (A-2I)
for λ = 2 , (A - 2I) is
− λ 0 2   − 2 0 2
 0 2−λ  
0  =  0 0 0 

 2 0 3 − λ   2 0 1 
Rajiv Kumar Math II 27
− 2 0 2  x1  0
 0 0 0   x  = 0 
   2  
 2 0 1  x3  0
that is solutionof threehomogenous
equationsin threeunknowns
- 2x1 + 2 x3 = 0
0 x1 + 0 x2 + 0 x3 = 0
2x1 + x3 = 0
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Solving we get x3 =0 & x1 =0 & x2

Eigen space of eigen value λ=2

= {(0,x2,0): x2 is real number}

Set of eigen vectors for λ=2

E(2) =[{(0,1,0)}]\{(0,0,0)}

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Now eigen space of eigen value
4 is nullspace of matrix (A-4I)
for λ = 4 , (A - 4I) is
− λ 0 2  − 4 0 2
 0 2−λ  
0  =  0 −2 0  

 2 0 3 − λ   2 0 − 1

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− 4 0 2   x1  0
 0 − 2 0   x  = 0 
   2  
 2 0 − 1  x3  0
that is solutionof threehomogenous
equationsin threeunknowns
- 4 x1 + 2x3 = 0
− 2 x2 = 0
2x1 − x3 = 0
Rajiv Kumar Math II 31
Solving we get x2 =0 & x3 =2x1 is

Eigen space of eigen value λ=4
= {(x1,0, 2x1): x1 is real
set of eigen vectors for λ=4
E(4) =[{(1,0,2)}]\{(0,0,0)}

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Now eigen space of eigen value
-1 is nullspace of matrix (A+I)

for λ = -1 , (A + I) is
− λ 0 2  1 0 2 
 0 2−λ  
0  = 0 3 0  

 2 0 3 − λ  2 0 4
Rajiv Kumar Math II 33
1 0 2  x1  0
 0 3 0   x  = 0 
   2  
2 0 4  x3  0
that is solutionof threehomogenous
equationsin threeunknowns
x1 + 2 x3 = 0
3x2 = 0
2x1 + 4 x3 = 0
Rajiv Kumar Math II 34
Solving we get x2 =0 & -2x3 =x1 is

Eigen space of eigen value λ=2
= {(-2x3,0, x3): x3 is real
set of eigen vectors for λ=-1
E(-1) =[{(-2,0,1)}]\{(0,0,0)}

Rajiv Kumar Math II 35

Theorem : Let v1,v2,…,vr be the
eigenvectors for distinct
eigenvalues λ1 , λ2 ,..., λr of an
n × n square matrix A with r≤ n.
Then the set
{ v1 ,..., vr } is linearly
Rajiv Kumar Math II 36
Proof: We shall prove this
theorem by induction v1 ≠ 0 by
definition of an eigenvector it is
a non-zero vector, therefore
{ v } is Linearly Independent.

Rajiv Kumar Math II 37

Now assume
{ v1 , v2 ,..., vm }
Linearly independent
Now, we shall prove
{ v1, v2 ,..., vm , vm +1} is
Linearly independent
Rajiv Kumar Math II 38
α1v1 + α 2v2 +,...,
+ α m vm + α m +1vm +1 = 0........(1)

Apply matrix A on both sides

A(α1v1 + α 2v2 +,...,
+ α m vm + α m +1vm +1 ) = A(0)
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α1 Av1 + α 2 Av2 +,...,
+ α m Avm + α m +1 Avm +1 =0

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α 1λ1v1 + α 2 λ2 v2 +,...,
+ α m λm vm + α m +1λm +1vm +1 = 0...(i)
Now multiplying (1) by λm +1 ,

we get
α1λm +1v1 + α 2λm +1v2 +,...,
+ α mλm +1vm + α m +1λm +1vm +1 =0 − − −(ii )

Rajiv Kumar Math II 41

on subtracting (ii) from (i), we get
α1 ( λ1 − λm+1 ) v1 + α 2 ( λ2 − λm+1 ) v2 +,...,
+ α m ( λm − λm +1 ) vm = 0

Now set
{ v1 , v2 ,..., vm } is LI

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α1 ( λ1 − λm+1 ) v1 = α 2 ( λ2 − λm+1 ) v2 .......
= α m ( λm − λm+1 ) vm = 0
Since λ1 , λ2 ,..., λm , λm +1 are
distinct, therefore
α1 = α 2 =,..,α m = 0 .
Rajiv Kumar Math II 43
Now (1) reduces to
0v1 + 0v2 +,...,+0vm + α m +1vm +1 = 0
α m +1vm +1 = 0 ⇒ α m +1 = 0

v m +1 ≠ 0 being an
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Therefore the set
{ v1, v2 ,..., vm , vm +1} is LI.

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Q.2 : Find all the eigenvalues and
eigen spaces & set of eigen vectors of

1 1 0

A = 1 1 0 
0 0 0
Rajiv Kumar Math II 46
tic equation
1− λ 1 0
| A - λI |= 0 ⇒ 1 1− λ 0 =0
0 0 −λ

Rajiv Kumar Math II 47

on expansion
1- λ 0 1 0 1 1− λ
| A - λI |= (1 - λ ) −1 +0
0 −λ 0 −λ 0 0
= (1 - λ )(1- λ )(-λ ) + λ

| A - λI |= (-λ ){1- 2λ + λ − 1}
hence characterstic equationis
2 2
(-λ ){1- 2λ + λ − 1} = λ (−2 + λ ) = 0
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Hence eigen values are λ=0,0,2
Now eigen space of eigen value
2 is nullspace of matrix (A-2I)
for λ = 2 , (A - 2I) is
1 − λ 1 0  − 1 1 0
 1 1− λ  
0  =  1 −1 0  

 0 0 − λ   0 0 − 2
Rajiv Kumar Math II 49
− 1 1 0   x1  0
 1 − 1 0   x  = 0 
   2  
 0 0 − 2  x3  0
- x1 + x 2 = 0
x1 − x2 + 0 x3 = 0
− 2 x3 = 0
x1 = x 2 & x3 = 0
Rajiv Kumar Math II 50
Eigen space of eigen value λ=2
= {(x1, x1,0): x1 is real number}
set of eigen vectors for λ=2
E(2) =[{(1,1,0)}]\{(0,0,0)}

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Now eigen space of eigen value
0 is nullspace of matrix A
1 1 0  x1  0
1 1 0  x  = 0
   2  
0 0 0  x3  0
x1 + x2 = 0 ⇒ x1 = − x2
x3 free

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Eigen space of eigen value λ=0
= {(x1,-x1,x3 ) : x3 is real
[{(1,-1,0), (0,0,1)}]

set of eigen vectors for λ=0

E(0) = [{(1,-1,0),
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