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Basic Soil-Plant Relationships

Nutrient Uptake by Plants

Soil Air Soil Solution + Water Organic Matter & Biota Rainfall, Evaporation, Drainage, Addition of Fertilizer

Exchangeable ions Surface adsorption

Solid phases & Minerals

Sources of nutrients available for plant uptake

Available Nutrients in the soil solution and Exchange sites are:
In ionic form At low concentration (Echange sites >>> soil solution) Highly buffered

Contributors to soil solution: Exchange sites on clay and organic matter Organic matter decomposition Weathering of soil minerals and rocks Atmosphere & precipitation Organic and inorganic additions

Nutrient Availability
Available nutrients are those that are

present in the correct chemical form for uptake by a plant during its life cycle. Available nutrients may be derived from the solid portion of the soil or the atmosphere. Nutrients must be taken up as ions or molecules from soil solution or through the leaf from the atmosphere.

Nutrient Availability
Chemical Availability

and concentration for plant needs? Positional Availability Is the nutrient accessible by the plant? Relates to fertilizer placement Physiological Availability Is the plant able to take up the nutrient? Other growth-limiting factors can intervene

Is the nutrient in the proper chemical form

Chemical Availability
Available Nutrient forms (macronutrients)

N P K S Ca Mg

NO3-, NH4+ H2PO4-, HPO42K+ SO42Ca2+ Mg2+

Chemical Availability
Available Nutrient forms (micronutrients)

Cl Mo Fe Mn Zn Cu Ni B

ClMoO42Fe2+, Fe3+ Mn2+, Mn3+ Zn2+ Cu2+, Cu+ Ni2+ H3BO3

Nutrient Availability - Positional

Nutrients must be in the proper location for

plant uptake to occur. Depth of plant root zone affects where the plant can extract nutrients Fertilization methods, irrigation methods can affect nutrient distribution. Ion Movement:
Mass Flow Diffusion Interception

Faktor Berpengaruh Terhadap Efektifitas Pupuk

Faktor Pupuk dan Pemupukan (5 Tepat) Jenis Pupuk: Daya Larut Pupuk, Mobilitas ion Dosis Cara Waktu Sasaran Faktor Tanaman Sistem Perakaran Tanaman Faktor Metabolisme Tanaman Gulma Faktor Iklim Curah Hujan Suhu Faktor Tanah

Soil Properties Affecting Nutrient Availability

Soil Chemical Properties Soil pH Cation Exchange Capacity Organic matter content Clay Content and Type Redox Potential Soil Physical Properties Texture Permeability Soil Biological Properties Microbia Organic Matter

Kehilangan Hara Dari Larutan Tanah

Diserap Tanaman
NH4+, NO3-, H2PO4-, HPO42-, dan K+

Fiksasi Oleh Mineral Liat

NH4+ dan K+ oleh Illit dan Vermikulit

Pembentukan Senyawa Kompleks Sukar Larut

H2PO4- dan HPO42-oleh Al3+ dan Fe3+ serta mineral sesquioksida

Immobilisasi menjadi Senyawa Organik

NH4+, NO3-, H2PO4-, dan HPO42- menjadi N dan P organik

NH4+, NO3- dan K+ Mobilitas Kation Anorganik: Li+ > Na+ > NH4+ > K+ > Cs+ > Rb+ > Ag+ > Mg2+ >

Ca2+ > Sr2+ > Pb2+ > Al3+ > Fe3+

Mobilitas Anion Anorganik: Cl- > NO3- > SO42- > H2PO4-> HPO42- > PO43-

Volatilisasi: NH3 Denitrifikasi: NO2, NO, N2O, N2

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