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Building a Graphical User Interface with MATLAB


Basic Matlab
Matrix definition a=[1,2 ; 3,4] => a= 1 2 34

Vector is a matrix with one column or one row.

a=[1;2;3;4;5 ;; ] one column b=[1,2,3,4,5,6 ,,..] one row

Building a Graphical User Interface with MATLAB


Basic Matlab
Example a=[1,2,3,4,5]; b=[a;a;a] b= 12345 12345 12345 Example a=[1;2;3;4;5]; b=[a,a,a] b= 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555

Example (transpose) a=[1;2;3;4;5]; b=a b= 1 2 3 4 5

Building a Graphical User Interface with MATLAB


Basic Matlab
Strings a=[a,b,c] a= abc
b=[a;a;a] b= abc abc

Strings a=[a,b,c] a= abc

b=[a,a,a] b= abcabcabc

Strings a=[a,b,c] b=[a,c,c]

c=(a==b); c= 1 0 1


Building a Graphical User Interface with MATLAB


Basic Matlab
1 A 3 5 B 7 2 4 6 8

5 12 A. * B 21 32 1 4 A. ^ 2 9 16 sin(1) sin(2) sin( A) sin(3) sin(4)

6 8 A B 10 12 19 22 A* B 43 50

Building a Graphical User Interface with MATLAB


Basic Matlab
A=zeros(a1, a2, a3, an); A is an n dimensional matrix of zeros. A=ones(a1, a2, a3, an); A is an n dimensional matrix of ones.
size(A) return the size of A at each diminution.

size(A,Dim) return the size of A at the diminution Dim.

Building a Graphical User Interface with MATLAB


Basic Matlab
A(m,n) returns the value of the matrix in row-m and column-n.
b=A(1:end,1) : b will be equal to column 1 of A

b=A(5:10,5:10) : b will a-6x6 matrix containing all values of A from rows 5-10 and columns 5-10.

Building a Graphical User Interface with MATLAB


Basic Matlab Functions in Matlab

function [output variables]=function_name (input variables)

Input and output variables, can be of any type.

Building a Graphical User Interface with MATLAB


Basic Matlab Functions in Matlab

function [out_1,out_2,out_3] = Function_Dec (in_1,in_2,in_3) out_1=in_1+in_2+in_3; out_2=[ 'hello' ; 'world' ]; out_3=[1,2,3,4,5]; return;

Building a Graphical User Interface with MATLAB


Basic Matlab Functions in Matlab

input: [a,b,c]=Function_dec(5,3,2) output: a = 10 b = hello world c= 1 2 3 4 5 input: [a,b,c]=Function_dec([1,2,3],[6,5,4],[3,4,5]) output: a = 10 11 12 b= hello world c=1 2 3 4 5

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Basic Matlab
Bit-wise operations
Variables must be integers BITAND BITOR BITXOR BITGET BITSET BITSHIFT (a,b) (a,b) (a,b) (a,bit-num) (a,bit-num,1/0) (a,+/- shift_size) Bit-wise AND. Bit-wise OR. Bit-wise XOR. Get bit. Set bit. Bit-wise shift.

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Basic Matlab conditions

If ( Boolean expression) . end;
Boolean expression
== : Is Equal ~=: Not Equal > : Is grater then < : Is less Then >=: Is grater then or equal to <=: Is less then or equal to

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Basic Matlab conditions

switch switch_expr case case_expr,
statement, ..., statement case {case_expr1, case_expr2, case_expr3,...} statement, ..., statement ... otherwise, statement, ..., statement


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Basic Matlab Loops

for j=start:step:end . end; example: for j=-1:0.2:3 . end; while Boolean expression, . end; example: while a>b, . end;

break - Terminate execution of WHILE or FOR loop. break terminates the execution of FOR and WHILE loops. In nested loops, BREAK exits from the innermost loop only.

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Basic Matlab Drawing

plot(X,Y) plots vector Y versus vector X
y m c r g b w k yellow magenta cyan red green blue white black . o x + * s d v ^ < > p h point circle x-mark plus star square diamond triangle (down) triangle (up) triangle (left) triangle (right) pentagram hexagram - solid : dotted -. dashdot -- dashed

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Basic Matlab Drawing

Drawing a circle t=0:0.1:2*pi;
x=10*cos(t); y=10*sin(t); plot (x,y);

Drawing a doted circle. t=0:0.1:2*pi;

x=10*cos(t); y=10*sin(t);

plot (x,y,.);

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Basic Matlab Drawing

ezplot(x^2+y^2=1); ezplot(x^2/5+y^2/20=1);

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Basic Matlab Drawing

a=0:0.2:2*pi; b=ones(1,length(a)); c=sin(a'*b); figure; subplot(1,2,1); surf(c);

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Basic Matlab Drawing

figure; t=0:0.1:2*pi+0.1; b=ones(1,length(t)); z=b'*(1:1:length(t)); x=(10*sin(z)+15).*sin(t'*b); y=(10*sin(z)+15).*cos(t'*b); surf(x,y,z);

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Basic Matlab Some useful commands

figure drawnow hold on % -open new figure. -draw to screen immediately. -draw the next draw to the same figure and axes. -Transpose - remark

help command- return the help information on the command. lookfor Word - return a list of all commands that have the desired word in their help.

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Basic Matlab Adding a path to a library


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Adding a path to a library

8 5

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Basic Matlab Adding a path to a library



Building GUIs with MATLAB


Oren Meirom Omikron Delta

Building a Graphical User Interface with MATLAB

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What is a Callback?

A callback is a sequence of commands which are implemented by activating a graphics object:

e.g. CreateFcn, CallBack, ButtonDownFcn, DeleteFcn.

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The 10 styles of Matlab Uicontrol objects

Push Button. Toggle Button. Check Box. Radio Button. Editable Text. List Box. Pop-up Menu. Slider.

Static Text

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Push/Toggle Buttons
The push button is widely prevalent uicontrol style that is used primarily to indicate that a desired action should immediately take place. The toggle button look just like push button, except there is no intermediate state.Rather, the button will remain in its selected or not selected state after the user clicks on it.


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Check Box
Useful for representing two states of an option that you may want to provide (usually as on and off). In its off state the check box will consist of an empty or unfilled square. In the on state, the check boxs square will contain a V sign.


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Radio Button
Similar to the check box in that there are two states associated with each other. Usually two or more radio buttons are linked together as a group.They are linked in the sense that only one of the buttons will be in its selected state.


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Editable Text
Used in situations that require the user to enter strings or characters or numbers. The strings , in turn, are used by the application for which the interface has been built. Clicking anywhere within this object will change the mouse from a pointer to a text insertion indicator.

>>mcedit, mceditf

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List Boxes
New style provided by MATLAB 5.x Very similar to pop-up menus. The main difference >>mccheckboxwith a list box is that you can make the set of options visible to the user at all times.


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Pop-up Menus
Used in situations where multiple choices need to be available to the user. When the user clicks and holds the mouse button anywhere within the object, a list of choices appear.


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Useful in representing a fixed range of values from which to choose. The slider has no way of explicitly indicating the numeric value that the slider represents. Therefor, it is recommended that an editable text or static text style uicontrol accompany the slider.

>>mcslider, mcslider2

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Provide a solid background that helps blend a set of uicontrols into one complete and cohesive interface. Used as an effective method of organizing the GUI in a logical and intuitive fashion.

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Static Text
Available for creating labels, status messages or other information pertinent to the user. Static text does not perform any action if the user clicks on any part of the object. In addition , the user can not edit the information that is displayed.

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Properties that Track User Actions

ButtonDownFcn- When clicking the mouse button while the pointer is located over or near the object. WindowButtonDownFcn- When clicking the mouse button down within the figure boundaries. WindowButtonUpFcn- When clicking the mouse button up within the figure boundaries. WindowButtonMotionFcn- When the mouse pointer moves within the figure boundaries. KeyboardFcn- When the figure is active. CreatFcn- When creating an object. DeleteFcn- When deleting an object. ResizeFcn- When resizing the figure.

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Some useful instructions.

AXES(axes_handle) - make the axes, current.


- to get the object that make the callback.

RBUTTON(Radio_H) - use to select and deselect radio buttons with the same Tag Name

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Setting figure.
h0 = figure('Color',[0.8 0.8 0.8], ... 'Units','Normal', ... 'Position',[0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3], ... 'Tag','Fig1'); %Setting figure name set(h0,'Name','Check and radio');

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Setting Push Button.

h1 =uicontrol ('Parent',h0, 'Units','Normal','Position',[0.1 0.3 0.3 0.4] ,'Tag','Pushbutton1'); %Setting the callBack Function set(h1,'Callback','Button_1_callBack_Function'); %Setting the string on the button set(h1,'String','Push.B_1'); %Setting Tool Tip String
set(h1,'TooltipString','Push Me To Call The CallBack Function!'); %Setting The Text Color on the button (the foreground color)

%setting the background color set(h1,'BackgroundColor',[0.0,1.0,0.0]);

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Edit - Box call back function.

EditBox_H=GCBO; EditBoxString=get (EditBox_H,'String')

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