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Histology of Skin

Department of Histology Medicine Faculty University of Sumatera Utara 2011


The heaviest single organ of the body, 16% of TBW. Presenting 1,2 2,3 m2 of surface. Composed of :
Epidermis : an epithelial layer of ectodermal origin Dermis : a layer of connective tissue of mesodermal origin.

Comparative thickness of the skin

Comparative features of thick and thin skin

Consist mainly of a stratified squamous keratinized epithelium keratinocytes. Three << abundant cell types :
1. Melanocytes : neural crest-derived cell 2. Langerhans cell : derived from bone marrow precursor 3. Merkels cell : neural crest-derived cell

Five layers of keratin-producing cells (keratinocytes) :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stratum corneum Stratum lucidum Stratum granulosum Stratum spinosum Stratum basale (stratum germinativum)

Stratum basale (Stratum germinativum)

Single layer of basophilic columnar or cuboidal cell resting on basement membrane at the dermal-epidermal junction. Desmosom (+), hemidesmosom (+) Stem cells intense mitotic activity & is responsible, in conjunction with the initial portion of the next layer, for constant renewal of epidermal cells. Human epidermis is renewed about every 15-30 7 days.

Stratum spinosum
Consists of cuboidal or slighly flattened cell, a central nucleus, a cytoplasms processes : bundles of keratin filaments, a spine-studded appearance (tonofilaments). The filaments :
Maintaining cohesion among cells Resisting the effect of abrasion

Stratum basale + stratum spinosum = stratum Malpighi mitoses


Stratum spinosum (cont.)

Stratum spinosum of the thick skin from sole of the foot. Pararosaniline-toluidine blue. Medium magnification

Stratum granulosum
Consists of 3-5 layers of flattened polygonal cells, cytoplasm filled with keratohyalin granules. The membrane-coated lamellar granules : containing lamellar disks that are formed by lipid bilayers. This granules : fuse with cell membrane discharge their contents intercellular spaces of stratum granulosum form of sheets containing lipid

Stratum lusidum
Translucent, thin layer of flattened eosinophilic epidermal cells. Organelles & nuclei (-) Cytoplasm : densely packed keratin filaments Desmosom (+) between adjacent cells

Stratum corneum

Cornified envelope lipids

Consists of 15-20 layers of flattened nonnucleated keratinized cells. Cytoplasm : a birerfringent filamentous scleroprotein, keratin. After keratinization, the cells consist of only fibrillar & amorphous proteins; & thickened plasma membrane horny cells or corneocyte

A specialized cell of the epidermis found beneath or between the cells of the stratum basale & in the hair follicles. Derived from neural crest cells. Hemidesmosom(+), desmosom (-)



http://www.ambion.com/tools/pathway/loadImage. php?pos=bl&im=images/Melanocyte%20Develop ment%20and%20Pigmentation.jpg

Tyrosinase is synthesized in the RER, accumulated in GoC vesikel : melanosom. Melanin synthesis in the melanosom II melanosom III melanin granules. Melanin granules migrates & transferred to the keratinocytes of the malpighian layer.


Melanin granules accumulate in the supranuclear region of the cytoplasm protecting from deleterious effects of solar radiation.

Langerhans Cells
Star-shaped Location : stratum spinosum Bone marrow-derived Important in immunologic skin reaction :

Have cell-surface Fc and C3 Phagocytose and process foreign antigens Migrate to lymph node and present epitopes to T lymphocytes

Merkels Cells
Generally in the thick skin of palms and soles. Resemble the epidermal epithelial cells, with small dense granules in cytoplasm. Free nerve ending at the base mechanoreceptor

Immunologic Activity in the Skin

Its large size Lymphocytes >>> Antigen-presenting cells (APC) Close contacts with antigenic molecules

Epidermis has an important role in some types of immune response


Dermis is connective tissue that
Support epidermis Binds epidermis to hypodermis

The thickness : varies The surface : irregular dermal papillae >< epidermal ridges. Contains 2 layers :
Papillary layer Reticular layer

Papillary Layer
Composed of :
Loose connective tissue Fibroblasts Other connective tissue cells : mast cells & macrophages Extravasated leukocytes

Anchoring fibrils (+) : special collagen fibrils


Reticular Layer
Composed of :
Irregular dense connective tissue (type I collagen) More fibers, fewer cells.

Contains a network of fibers of elastic system responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Thick section
of skin stained for the fibers of the elastic fibers. Weigerts stain 21

DERMIS (cont)
Rich network of blood & lymph vessels. Arteriovenous shunt temperature regulation. In addition, dermis contains : epidermal derivatives :
Hair follicle Sweat & sebaceous glands Nerves

Subcutaneous Tissue
Consists of loose connective tissue. Contain fat cells that vary in number & size. Referred to superficial fascia , >> panniculus adiposus Not a part of the skin


Skin & Lymphatic Vessels

The arterial vessels 2 plexuses :
between papillary reticular layer between dermis subcutaneous tissue

The venous 3 plexuses :

Like arterial vessels + in the middle of the dermis.

Lymphatic vessels : begin as closed sacs in the papillae of dermis form two plexuses.

Skin Sensorial Receptors

Free nerve endings The expanded :
Ruffini endings

The encapsulated :
Vater-Pacini Meissner Krause.

Meissner & Paccinian corpuscle



Sweat glands
Eccrine Apocrine

Sebaceous glands Mammary gland


Sweat Gland
Ecrine (merocrine) sweat gland
Simple coiled tubular gland

Apocrine sweat gland

Found only in axilla, areola nipple, anal region

Throughout skin important in regulation of body temperature

Modified apocrine sweat glands ceruminous glands of ear, glands of moll in eyelids

Secretory unit dark cells & clear cells

Larger than eccrine, lumen of secretory tubulus is larger


Sweat Gland


Sebaceous Gland
Secrete sebum oily substance

Empty secretory product into the upper parts of the hair follicles Not found in palms of hand, soles of feet, sides of feet inferior of hairline

Clinically the sebaceous glands are important in that they are liable to infections (e.g. with the development of acne)

Sebaceous Gland


Elongated keratinized structure Develop from epidermis & invade the dermis & hypodermis

Everywhere except palms, sole, glans penis, clitoris & labia minora

Hairs grow discontinously have periods of growth (anagen) followed by period of rest (telogen) Hair in scalp, face & pubis strongly influenced by androgens, adrenal & thyroid hormones

In scalp : growth period several years, rest period 3 months

Hair follicle


Highly keratinized epithelial cells arranged in plates of hard keratin Develop from nail matrix nail root Stratum corneum forms eponychium or cuticle nail plate Nail plate on nail bed

Histology of Nail

E=eponychium, H= hyponychium, N=nail plate, DP=distal phalanx


Junqueira, L.C. & Carneiro, J. Basic Histology, Text & Atlas, 11th edition, Lange Medical Books McGraw-Hill. 2005 Gartner, L.P. & Hiatt, J.L. Colour Textbook of Histology, Third Edition. 2007 Kierszenbaum AL. Histology & Cell Biology, An Introduction to Pathology, 2nd ed. Mosby Elsevier. 2007 Pakurar AS, Bigbee JW. Digital Histology, an interactive CD atlas with review text, Wiley-Liss, 2004 Berman I, Color Atlas of Basic Histology, Second Edition, Lange, 1998.

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