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A. The Background of the Study Most people define language as all the words and sentences we use to we talk with one other. Or some might say that language is used as we communicate verbally with one another, including writing as we as speaking in the definition.

An Actor game will give many advantages. The students can study vocabulary happily. They are not getting bored in studying it, they can memorize all of the new words more easily and they can play and study in the class. The students will not have the trouble in communicating with others especially listening and speaking.

B. The Identification of the Problem The problems of the research are identified as follows : 1. The effect of using An Actor game on the students achievement in vocabulary 2. The students achievement taught by using An Actor game

C. Scope and Limitation The scope of this study is finding out the effect of using An Actor game on the students achievement in vocabulary. The limitation of this research is students of junior high school and also about relates action in daily.

D. The formulation of the problems The problems are formulated as follows: 1. Is there any significant effect of using An Actor games on the students achievement in vocabulary? 2. Which is higher, the students achievement taught by using an actor game than the students achievement taught by using traditional method?

E. The objectives of the Study Based on the formulation of the problems, the objectives of the study are as follow: 1. To find out the effect of using an actor game in learning vocabulary 2. To find out the contribution of using an actor game in learning vocabulary

F. The significance of the Study Hopefully the result of this study to be useful for. 1. Teachers to improve their ability in teaching vocabulary. 2. Students to increase the motivation in learning vocabulary and give them suggestion that they can enjoy following the lesson without taking it too seriously and also is expected to have an improvement in their English vocabulary. 3. The other researcher to provide preliminary information for those who are interested in the same study.

A. Location of Research This research will be conducted at SMP Swasta Galih Agung Pesantren Darul Arafah RAYA. The location of research is on Jl. Lau Bakeri Deli Serdang, Medan Tj. Sari, this research will carry out the seventh year students 2012/2013. It will be chosen and also this school is accessible in terms of time and fund. Then, the same research had never been conducted there.

B. Population and sample The population of this research is taken from the 2012/ 2013 seventh year students of SMP which consisted of 34 students in 2 parallel classes. The number of population is shown in table.

Table I Population and sample

Class V II I V II II Total Population 34 34 68 Sample 34 34 68

Based on the total population, see the populations regarded as the sample. It is based on the statements of Arikunto ( 2006 : 134 ) stated just for the assumption, so if the subjects are less than 100, it is better to take all the subject so the researcher is called population research . Then, if the number of subjects are greater, it can take the range from 10 % - 15% or 20 % - 25% or more. Based on the quotation, the researcher will take all the students or it will be equal 100 % from the whole population.

Table II Population and sample Class Experimental Population 34 Sample 34

Control total

34 68

34 68

C. Method of Research The method used in this research is experimental research. The sample is divided into two groups, experimental group and control group. The experimental group is taught by using an actor games.

D. The instrument of the Research The instrument for collecting data in this research is test. The students will be given question test (20 items). The test is constructed in the form of multiple choice tests, it is taken from book. Reason for choosing the objective test is based on grondlud (1981: 178) Clarifies the advantages of carrying out the objectives test as multiple choice test format has two major advantage for course such as test is designed to measure the recall understanding and applying of specific concepts, or principle;

because the students can answer a large number of such question in a short time, a large sample of items can be incorporated into the test.

E. Technique of data analysis After collecting the data from the test, the data calculated by using t-test. The following procedures are implemented to analyze the data. Scoring the students answer for value of the test formula as follow.

Where: S : the score R : the number of correct answer N : the number of the test items


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