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Walis Will-Skill Matrix

Wali Zahid | Skill City Bahrain v1 | 18 July 2013


Readiness. Opportunity. Results.

Leader / Learner Readiness


Readiness. Opportunity. Results.

A leader or learner will only develop a skill if they have the will
skillcity.co Readiness. Opportunity. Results.

Will = desire, hunger, drive, ambition, willingness, your reason for being, mindset
skillcity.co Readiness. Opportunity. Results.

Skill = ability, competence, capability, something you are known for, niche, skillset
skillcity.co Readiness. Opportunity. Results.

Walis Will-Skill Matrix v1


Readiness. Opportunity. Results.


Readiness. Opportunity. Results.

A leader or learner with high-will is likely to gain more success than a person with high-skill alone.
skillcity.co Readiness. Opportunity. Results.

Your task is: inch towards high-will and high-skill, one brick at a time.
skillcity.co Readiness. Opportunity. Results.

To increase will = find out what really excites you (your OCD!), make it lifes purpose. Also, find out whats holding you back!
skillcity.co Readiness. Opportunity. Results.

To increase Skill = Apply the P word Practice. Practice. Practice. Gladwell: 10,000 hours of practice!
skillcity.co Readiness. Opportunity. Results.

Thank you
Wali Zahid facebook.com/skillcity skillcity@live.com www.skillcity.co +971 50 2 55 3 88 7 +973 3333 7008
skillcity.co Readiness. Opportunity. Results.

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