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Claudio Mauricio Castro (cmcastro@br.ibm.

com) GBS / GDC March, 13rd 2013

PMBOK Chapter 1, 2, 3
Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Project Life Cycle and Organization Chapter 3 Project Management Processes for a Project

2009 IBM Corporation

Reference Material to Study

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008] A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) Project Management Institute, 4th Edition, 2008 [Study Notes (V4.8)] Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2011 [Project Management Institute Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct] [HELDMAN 2009] Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide, Kim Heldman Sixth Edition , 2009 [Mulcahy 2009] PMP Exam Prep: Rita's Course in a Book for Passing the PMP Exam Rita Mulcahy RMC Publications, Inc., 6th Edition, 2009 [Kerzner 2009] Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling Harold Kerzner Wiley, 10th Edition, 2009 [LeRoy 2009] PMP Exam: Practice Test and Study Guide J.LeRoy Ward ESI International; 8th Edition, 2009 [Adams 1997] The Principles of Project Management (Collected Handbooks from the Project Management Institute) et al. John R. Adams Project Management Institute, 1997

2009 IBM Corporation

Chapter 1 Introduction
This chapter defines several key terms and provides an overview of the PMBOK Guide in the following major sections:

1.1 Project Management Standard Purpose 1.2 What is a Project?

1.3 What is Project Management?

1.4 Relationship Between Project Management, Program Management, and Portfolio Management 1.5 Project Management in Operations Management 1.6 Role of the Project Manager 1.7 Project Management Body of Knowledge 1.8 Enterprise Environmental Factors

2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 1 PMBOK

1. A ______ is a collection of work that is grouped together to facilitate effective management of that work to meet specific business objectives. A. Project B. X Portfolio C. Process Group

D. Program
[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 1.4.1, p. 8 1.4.1 Gerenciamento de portflios Um portflio refere-se a um conjunto de projetos ou programas e outros trabalhos, agrupados para facilitar o gerenciamento eficaz desse trabalho a fim de atingir os objetivos de negcios estratgicos. Os projetos ou programas do portflio podem no ser necessariamente interdependentes ou diretamente relacionados. Study Notes - Key Definitions Project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually. A portfolio is a collection of projects or programs and other work that are grouped together to meet strategic business objectives. The projects or programs may or may not be related or interdependent. Projects are composed of processes. Processes can be organized into five Project Management Process Groups: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring & Controlling, Closing

2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 1 PMBOK

2. Regarding scope which of the following statements is true? A. Portfolios do not have a business scope that changes with the strategic goals of the organization. B. Programs have a smaller scope and provide more significant benefit. C. Projects have defined objectives. Scope is progressively elaborated throughout the project life X cycle.

D. Projects and Programs are the same.

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 1.4.1, Table 1-1, p. 9

2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 1 PMBOK

3. Which of the following are not examples of strategic considerations for an authorization of a project? A. Customer requests B. Market demands C. X Software development requirements

D. Legal requirements
[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 1.4.3, p. 10 1.4.3 Projetos e planejamento estratgico Os projetos so frequentemente utilizados como meio de atingir o plano estratgico de uma organizao. Os projetos so normalmente autorizados como resultado de uma ou mais das seguintes consideraes estratgicas: Demanda de mercado (por exemplo, uma companhia automobilstica autorizando um projeto para fabricar carros mais econmicos em resposta escassez de gasolina); Oportunidade/necessidade estratgica de negcios (por exemplo, uma empresa de treinamento autorizando um projeto para criar um novo curso a fim de aumentar a sua receita); Solicitao de cliente (por exemplo, uma companhia de energia eltrica autoriza um projeto de construo de uma nova subestao para atender a um novo parque industrial); Avano tecnolgico (por exemplo, uma empresa de produtos eletrnicos autoriza um novo projeto para desenvolver um laptop mais rpido, mais barato e menor aps avanos obtidos em tecnologia para memria e circuitos eletrnicos de computador) e Requisito legal (por exemplo, um fabricante de produtos qumicos autoriza um projeto para estabelecer diretrizes para o manuseio de um novo material txico).

2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 1 PMBOK

4. Which of the following is not a characteristic or key feature of the Project Management Office? A. X A PMOs sole responsibility and function is to directly manage shared resources. B. A PMO is an organization unit that centralizes and coordinates the management of projects under its domain. C. Other names for the PMO include: project office, program office, and program management office.

D. Support functions such as training, software, standardized policies, and procedures may also be part of the function of a PMO.
[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 1.4.4, p. 11 1.4.4 Escritrio de projetos Um escritrio de projetos (Project Management Office, PMO) um corpo ou entidade organizacional qual so atribudas vrias responsabilidades relacionadas ao gerenciamento centralizado e coordenado dos projetos sob seu domnio. As responsabilidades de um PMO podem variar desde fornecer funes de suporte ao gerenciamento de projetos at ser responsvel pelo gerenciamento direto de um projeto. A principal funo de um PMO dar suporte aos gerentes de projetos de diversas maneiras, que incluem mas no se limitam a: Gerenciamento de recursos compartilhados entre todos os projetos administrados pelo PMO; Identificao e desenvolvimento de metodologia, melhores prticas e padres de gerenciamento de projetos; Orientao, aconselhamento, treinamento e superviso; Monitoramento da conformidade com as polticas, procedimentos e modelos padres de gerenciamento de projetos por meio de auditorias do projeto; Desenvolvimento e gerenciamento de polticas, procedimentos, formulrios e outras documentaes compartilhadas do projeto (ativos de processos organizacionais) e Coordenao das comunicaes entre projetos. Study Notes - 1.8 Project Management Office A Project Management Office is an organizational unit to centralize and coordinate the management of projects under its domain. Other names include: Project Office, Program Management Office, or Program Office. A PMO oversees the management of projects, programs, or both.
7 2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 1 PMBOK

5. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding areas of expertise? A. X The Project Management Body of Knowledge refers to knowledge that is unique to the project management profession and separate from other management disciplines. B. General management skills provide the foundation for project management skills and are often essential. C. Interpersonal skills include effective communication and problem solving. D. Application areas are categories of projects that share significant common elements that are not present or needed in other projects.
[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 1.7, p. 13 Study Notes - 2.2 General Management Knowledge and Skills Provides the foundation for building project management skills and is often essential for the project manager. Encompasses planning, organizing, staffing, executing, and controlling the operations of an ongoing enterprise. Study Notes - 2.3 Application Area Knowledge, Standards and Regulations Refers to the knowledge, standards and regulations specific to an application area that are not needed or present in other projects. Application areas are categories of projects that have significant common elements not found or used in all projects. Study Notes -2.5 Interpersonal Skills The management of interpersonal skills includes: Effective communication - exchange of information Influencing the organization - the ability to get things done Leadership - developing a vision and strategy, and motivating people to achieve the vision and strategy Motivation - Energizing people to achieve high levels of performance and to overcome barriers to change Negotiation and conflict management - conferring with others to come to terms with them or to reach an agreement Problem solving - the combination of problem definition, alternatives identification and analysis, and decision-making
8 2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 1 PMBOK

6. Which of the following are examples of enterprise environmental factors? A. Government Standards B. Infrastructure C. Political Climate D. All of the above. X
[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 1.8, p. 14 Os fatores ambientais da empresa incluem, mas no se limitam a: Cultura, estrutura e processos organizacionais; Normas governamentais ou do setor (por exemplo, regulamentos de agncias reguladoras, cdigos de conduta, padres de produto, padres de qualidade epadres de mo-de-obra); Infra-estrutura (por exemplo, equipamentos e instalaes existentes); Recursos humanos existentes (por exemplo, habilidades, disciplinas e conhecimento, tais como projeto, desenvolvimento, departamento jurdico, contratao e compras); Administrao de pessoal (por exemplo, diretrizes de recrutamento, reteno, demisso, anlises de desempenho dos funcionrios e registros de treinamento, poltica de horas extras e controle do tempo); Sistemas de autorizao do trabalho da empresa; Condies do mercado; Tolerncia a risco das partes interessadas; Clima poltico; Canais de comunicao estabelecidos da organizao; Bancos de dados comerciais (por exemplo, dados padronizados de estimativa de custos, informaes sobre estudos de risco do setor e bancos de dados de riscos) e Sistemas de informaes do gerenciamento de projetos (por exemplo, uma ferramenta automatizada, como uma ferramenta de software para elaborao de cronogramas, um sistema de gerenciamento de configurao, um sistema de coleta e distribuio de informaes ou interfaces Web para outros sistemas online automatizados).

2009 IBM Corporation

Chapter 2 Project Life Cycle and Organization

Projects and project management take place in an environment that is broader than that of the project itself. The project management team must understand this broader context to ensure work is carried out in alignment with the goals of the enterprise, and managed in accordance with the established practices of the organization. This chapter describes the basic structure of a project as well as other important high-level considerations including how projects impact ongoing operational work, the influence of stakeholders beyond the immediate project team, and how organizational structure affects the way the project is staffed, managed, and executed. The following major sections are discussed:

2.1 The Project Life Cycle -- Overview 2.2 Projects vs. Operational Work 2.3 Stakeholders

2.4 Organizational Influences on Project Management


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 1 PMBOK

7. Which of the following characteristics is shared by MOST project life cycles? A. The amount at stake decreases as the project continues. B. The cost of changes decreases as the project continues. C. Project life cycles mirror their product life cycles. D. The probability of successfully completing a project is lowest at the beginning of a project. X
[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 2.1.1, p. 17 e 2.1.2 2.1.1 Caractersticas do ciclo de vida do projeto A estrutura genrica do ciclo de vida geralmente apresenta as seguintes caractersticas: Os nveis de custo e de pessoal so baixos no incio, atingem um valor mximo enquanto o projeto executado e caem rapidamente conforme o projeto finalizado. A linha pontilhada na Figura 2-1 ilustra este padro tpico. A influncia das partes interessadas, os riscos e as incertezas (conforme ilustrado na Figura 2-2) so maiores durante o incio do projeto. Estes fatores caem ao longo da vida do mesmo. A capacidade de influenciar as caractersticas finais do produto do projeto, sem impacto significativo sobre os custos, mais alta no incio e torna-se cada vez menor conforme o projeto progride para o seu trmino. A Figura 2-2 ilustra a idia de que os custos das mudanas e correes de erros geralmente aumentam significativamente conforme o projeto se aproxima do trmino. 2.1.2 Relaes entre o ciclo de vida do projeto e do produto O ciclo de vida do produto consiste em fases do produto, geralmente sequenciais e nosobrepostas, determinadas pela necessidade de produo e controle da organizao. A ltima fase do ciclo de vida de um produto geralmente a retirada de circulao do produto. Geralmente o ciclo de vida de um projeto est contido em um ou mais ciclos de vida do produto. necessrio ter cuidado para distinguir o ciclo de vida do projeto do ciclo de vida do produto . Todos os projetos tm um fim ou objetivo, mas nos casos onde o objetivo um servio ou resultado, pode-se definir um ciclo de vida para o servio ou resultado em vez de um ciclo de vida de produto.


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 2 PMBOK

8. Which of the following is a common characteristic of most project life cycle descriptions? A. Cost and staffing are low at the start, higher towards the end of implementation, and drop rapidly X as the project nears completion. B. The probability of successfully completing the project is highest at the start of the project. C. Stakeholders have the most influence on the final characteristics of the product at the end of the project. D. Risk and uncertainty are lowest at the start of the project.
[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Figure 2.1 e 2-2, p. 17


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 2 PMBOK

9. The end of a phase represents a point to reassess, change, or terminate a project. This point is called: A. Phase exit X B. Stopping point C. Administrative closure

D. Milestone
[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 2.1.3, p. 19 Quando as fases so sequenciais, o encerramento de uma fase termina com alguma forma de transferncia ou entrega do produto do trabalho produzido como entrega da fase. O final desta fase representa um ponto natural de reavaliao dos esforos em andamento e de modificao ou trmino do projeto, caso necessrio. Esses pontos tambm so chamados de sadas de fase, marcos, passagens de fase, passagens de estgio, portes de deciso ou pontos de trmino.

Study Notes - 3.2 Characteristics of a Project Life Cycle Each phase is concluded with a review of the key deliverables and the project performance to determine if the project should proceed to the next phase and to detect and correct costly errors. These phase-end reviews are often called phase exits, milestones, phase gates, decision gates, stage gates, or kill points.


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 2 PMBOK

10. What provides a comprehensive consistent method of controlling a project and ensuring its success? A. Work authorization system B. X Governance C. PMIS

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section, p. 20 Governana de projetos ao longo do ciclo de vida A governana de projetos oferece um mtodo abrangente e consistente de controle e garantia de sucesso do projeto. A abordagem da governana do projeto deve ser descrita no plano de gerenciamento do projeto. A governana do projeto deve se adequar ao contexto mais amplo do programa ou da organizao patrocinadora.

Study Notes Key Definitions

Work Authorization System - A collection of formal documented procedures that define how project work will be authorized to ensure that the work is done by the identified organization at the right time and in the proper sequence. Governance - A comprehensive consistent method of controlling the project and ensuring its success. Governance should be described in the project management plan. PMO (Project Management Office) - An organizational body or entity assigned various responsibilities related to the centralized and coordinated management of those projects under its domain. Project Management Information System (PMIS) [Ferramenta] Sistema de informaes do gerenciamento de projetos (SIGP) Um sistema de informaes que consiste de ferramentas e tcnicas usadas para reunir, integrar e disseminar as sadas dos processos de gerenciamento de projetos. Ele usado para dar suporte a todos os aspectos do projeto, da iniciao ao encerramento, e pode incluir sistemas manuais e automatizados


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 2 PMBOK

11. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about project life cycles and project phases? A. Project phases within a project cycle are always sequential. X B. Project phases are marked by the completion of one or more deliverables. C. The project life cycle serves to define the beginning and end of a project. D. The project life cycle definition will determine whether the feasibility study is treated as the first project phase or as a separate, stand-alone project.
[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 2.1.3, p. 21 As fases do projeto so divises de um projeto onde controle adicional necessrio para gerenciar de forma efetiva o trmino de uma entrega importante. Geralmente as fases so terminadas sequencialmente, mas podem se sobrepor em algumas situaes . Quando as fases so sequenciais, o encerramento de uma fase termina com alguma forma de transferncia ou entrega do produto do trabalho produzido como entrega da fase. Study Notes 3.2 Characteristics of a Project Life Cycle Defines the phases of a project from beginning to the end. Project phases generally occur in a sequential process to ensure proper control of a project is implemented. However, there are situations when overlapping project phases are beneficial. The different phase relationships are sequential (a phase can start once the previous one completes), overlapping (a phase starts prior to completion of the previous), and iterative (one phase is planned at a given time and planning for the next occurs as work progresses for the current phase). The practice of overlapping project phases when the risks are deemed acceptable is called fast tracking. Each project phase is marked by completion of one or more deliverables.


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 2 PMBOK

12. A type of organizational structure where the majority of the resources are involved in project work and the project manager has a great deal of authority and independence is: A. Functional B. Weak Matrix C. Composite

D. Projectized X
[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Table 2-1, p. 28


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 2 PMBOK

13. In which type of organization(s) is the project managers role most likely part-time? A. Functional B. Weak Matrix C. Strong Matrix D. A and B X

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Table 2-1, p. 28


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 2 PMBOK

14. Which of the following statements is true in regards to organizational types? A. In a balanced matrix, the project managers authority is high. B. In a functional organization, the project managers role is typically full -time. C. In a balanced matrix, responsibility for controlling the project budget will be shared between the X functional manager and the project manager.

D. In a projectized organization, the project managers authority will be moderate.

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Table 2-1, p. 28


2009 IBM Corporation

Chapter 3 Project Management Processes for a Project

The remainder of this chapter provides information for project management of a single project organized as a network of interlinked processes, details the above processes, and includes the following major sections:

3.1 Common Project Management Process Interactions 3.2 Project Management Process Groups

3.3 Initiating Process Group

3.4 Planning Process Group 3.5 Executing Process Group 3.6 Monitoring and Controlling Process Group 3.7 Closing Process Group


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 3 PMBOK

15. Which of the following are considered to be project process groups? (Choose BEST answer) A. Initiating, Planning, Executing, Closing B. Planning, Executing, Verifying, Closing C. Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, Closing X D. Concept, Development, Execution, Termination

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Figure 3-1


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 3 PMBOK

16. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the number of PM processes and process groups? There are: A. 44 PM Processes, 9 process groups, and 5 knowledge areas B. 44 PM Processes, 5 process groups, and 11 knowledge areas C. 42 PM Processes, 5 process groups, and 9 X knowledge areas D. 42 PM Processes, 9 process groups, and 7 knowledge areas

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Table 3-1, p. 43


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 3 PMBOK

17. Which of the following processes is all considered part of planning? A. Collect Requirements, Identify Risks, Perform Quality Assurance, Plan Procurements B. Define Scope, Estimate Costs, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis, Conduct Procurements C. Define Scope, Develop Schedule, Acquire Project Team, Report Performance D. Define Scope, Develop Schedule, Develop X Project Management Plan, Plan Risk Response

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Table 3-1, p. 43


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 3 PMBOK

18. Which of the following processes are all considered part of executing? A. Direct and Manage Project Plan Execution, Team Development, Schedule Control, Cost Control B. Direct and Manage Project Plan Execution, Information Distribution, Scope Verification, Quality Control C. Direct and Manage Project Plan Execution, X Distribute Information, Conduct Procurements , Perform Quality Assurance D. Project Plan Development, Project Plan Execution, Contract Administration, Overall Performance Reporting
[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Table 3-1, p. 43


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 3 PMBOK

19. Which of the following statements is false regarding processes within the Planning Process Group? A. The project management team uses the Planning Process Group and corresponding processes and interactions to successfully plan, establish scope, and obtain the objectives of the project. B. Rolling wave planning describes a planning process that is iterative and on-going.

X C. When planning and reviewing a project, it is best if the project team limits the stakeholders to a
few people; otherwise, the planning may not complete in the desired timeframe. D. Because planning cannot continue indefinitely, the organization sets procedures to identify the end of the planning effort.
[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 3.4, pp. 4648 3.4 Grupo de processos de planejamento O Grupo de Processos de Planejamento consiste nos processos realizados para estabelecer o escopo total do esforo, definir e refinar os objetivos e desenvolver o curso de ao necessrio para alcanar esses objetivos . Os processos de planejamento desenvolvem o plano de gerenciamento e os documentos do projeto que sero usados para execut-lo. medida que mais informaes ou caractersticas do projeto so coletadas e entendidas, pode ser necessrio um planejamento adicional. Este detalhamento progressivo do plano de gerenciamento do projeto com frequncia denominado planejamento por ondas sucessivas, indicando que o planejamento e a documentao so processos iterativos e contnuos. A equipe do projeto deve estimular o envolvimento de todas as partes interessadas apropriadas ao planejar o projeto e desenvolver o plano de gerenciamento e os documentos do mesmo. Como o processo de feedback e refinamento no pode continuar indefinidamente, os procedimentos definidos pela organizao determinam quando o esforo de planejamento inicial termina. Esses procedimentos sero afetados pela natureza do projeto, pelos limites definidos para o mesmo, pelas atividades de monitoramento e controle apropriadas e tambm pelo ambiente em que o projeto ser executado.


2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 3 PMBOK

20. Which of the following activities are included in the group of monitoring and controlling processes? A. Measuring project performance and identifying variances from the plan. B. Making adjustments to the plan C. Taking preventive action in anticipation of possible problems

D. All the above are part of the monitoring and controlling process group. X
[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 3.6, pp. 59-64 3.6 Grupo de processos de monitoramento e controle O Grupo de Processos de Monitoramento e Controle consiste nos processos necessrios para acompanhar, revisar e regular o progresso e o desempenho do projeto, identificar todas as reas nas quais sero necessrias mudanas no plano e iniciar as mudanas correspondentes. O principal benefcio deste grupo de processos que o desempenho do projeto observado e mensurado de forma peridica e uniforme para identificar variaes em relao ao plano de gerenciamento do mesmo. O grupo de processos de monitoramento e controle tambm inclui: Controlar as mudanas e recomendar aes preventivas em antecipao a possveis problemas; Monitorar as atividades do projeto em relao ao plano de gerenciamento e linha de base de desempenho do mesmo e Influenciar os fatores que poderiam impedir o controle integrado de mudanas, para que somente as mudanas aprovadas sejam implementadas. Este monitoramento contnuo fornece equipe do projeto uma viso melhor sobre a sade do mesmo e identifica quaisquer reas que requeiram ateno adicional. O grupo de processos de monitoramento e controle no apenas monitora e controla o trabalho que est sendo feito durante um grupo de processos, mas tambm monitora e controla o projeto inteiro. Em projetos com vrias fases, o grupo de processos de monitoramento e controle coordena as fases do projeto para implementar aes corretivas ou preventivas, a fim de que o projeto mantenha a conformidade com o plano de gerenciamento do mesmo. Esta reviso pode resultar em atualizaes recomendadas e aprovadas para o plano de gerenciamento do projeto. Por exemplo, uma data de trmino de atividade no cumprida pode exigir ajustes no plano de pessoal atual, dependncia de horas extras ou compensaes entre os objetivos de oramento e cronograma
25 2009 IBM Corporation

Questions Chapter 3 PMBOK

21. A project charter is: A. A formal, approved document used to guide both project execution and project control. B. A document issued by the project initiator or sponsor that formally authorizes the existence of a X project and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities. C. A narrative description of products or services to be supplied. D. A document describing the organizational breakdown structure of the company.

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Glossary, p. 442 Project Charter[Sadas/Entradas] Termo de abertura do projeto Um documento publicado pelo iniciador ou patrocinador do projeto que autoriza formalmente a existncia de um projeto e concede ao gerente de projetos a autoridade para aplicar os recursos organizacionais nas atividades do projeto.


2009 IBM Corporation


2009 IBM Corporation



2009 IBM Corporation

Other Questions
23. Which is not an example of a type of phase to phase relationship? A. Progressive X B. Iterative C. Sequential D. Overlapping

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section, pp. 21-22


2009 IBM Corporation

Other Questions
24. Which of the following statements is true regarding stakeholders? A. Stakeholders are persons or organizations that are involved with a project. B. Stakeholders can be internal or external to a project. C. Stakeholders can have an adverse impact on project objectives. D. All of the above. X

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 2.3, pp. 23-24


2009 IBM Corporation

Other Questions
25. An organizational structure that involves various organizational types at various levels is called a: A. Strong matrix B. Balanced organization

X C. Composite
D. Balanced matrix

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 2.4.2, p. 32


2009 IBM Corporation

Other Questions
26. Which knowledge area does the Develop Project Charter process belong? A. Initiating B. Project Scope Management C. Project Integration Management X D. Project Communications Management

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Table 3-1, p. 43


2009 IBM Corporation

Other Questions
27. Which of the following statements is false regarding projects and operations? A. Projects and operations are not limited by constraints X B. Projects are temporary. Operations are on-going. C. Projects and operations are performed to achieve strategic plans. D. Projects and operations are planned, executed, and controlled.

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 2.2, p. 22


2009 IBM Corporation

Other Questions
28. Collect Requirements is associated with which process group? A. Planning X B. Procurement Management C. Initiating D. Executing

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Figure 3-8, p. 47


2009 IBM Corporation

Other Questions
29. The process for improving the competencies and interactions of the team members to enhance project performance is called: A. Fire and Hire B. Acquire Project Team

X C. Develop Project Team

D. Information Distribution

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 3.5.4, p. 58


2009 IBM Corporation

Other Questions
30. The process for identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and for determining how to meet the standards is called: A. Standards Planning B. Standards Identification C. Perform Quality Assurance

D. Plan Quality X

[PMBOK, 4th Edition, 2008], Section 3.4.12, p. 52


2009 IBM Corporation

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