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Negotiation Skills

Presented by : Rahul patel

Bhupendra tandon Himanshu sharma

What is negotiation?
Negotiation takes place when two or more people, with differing views, come together to attempt to reach agreement on an issue. It is persuasive communication or bargaining. Negotiation is about getting the best possible deal in the best possible way.

You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate

Why Negotiation?

Negotiation is needed to resolve intra-person or interperson conflicts / disagreements / clash of interests. Negotiation is something that we do all the time and is not only used for business purposes. The aim of negotiation is to explore the situation, and to find a solution that is acceptable to both the sides. Negotiation is one of the most difficult jobs a person can do. It requires not only good business judgment but also a keen understanding of human nature.


Intra-person Negotiation Unplanned Negotiation

Inter-person Negotiation Planned Negotiation

Integrative Negotiation Hard Negotiation Soft Negotiation

Distributive Negotiation Principled Negotiation

Preparing for Negotiation

1. Set your negotiation goals 2. Set alternative goals 3. BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement) 4. Getting on to Secondary Bases 5. Doing Your Homework 6. Get Organized 7. Who Else Is on Your Side? 8. Psyche Yourself Up For Negotiation

Negotiators skills
Planning skills Thinking Under Stress General Practical Sense


Verbal clarity


Useful when: your involvement will only result in negative outcomes for you; issue is insignificant; cost of challenge / cost is quite high; there is little chance of success; relationships are more important to be maintained; to buy time and / or get other party cool down.

Negotiation Tips
1. Do not underestimate your power. 2. Do not assume that the other party knows your weaknesses. 3. Dont be intimidated by status. 4. Dont be intimidated 5. Most negotiation will require some concession making. 6. It is a mistake to assume you know what the other party wants. 7. Never accept the first offer

Negotiation tips continued

8. Never give a concession without obtaining one in return. 9. Never fear to negotiation. 10. Never trust your assumptions. 11. How much you are prepared. 12. The case for high demands but slow and reluctantly given concessions is a strong one. 13. Our emotions get in the way of effective negotiations regularly.

Common mistakes to be avoided

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Inadequate Preparation Ignoring the give/get principle Use of intimidating behavior. Impatience. Loss of temper. Talking too much, listening too little, and remaining indifferent to body language. Arguing instead of influencing. Ignoring conflict.

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