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Lesson A

Hello and Good-bye

Saying Hello:
Hello: for all situations. Hi: informal situations. Hello: Good morning, good evening, good afternoon. Morning: informal situations.

Saying good-bye:
Bye: for general use. Bye-bye: friends & family. Replies: thanks, thank you, you too. Good night: means good bye. Good bye expressions: bye, see you (tomorrow, later, next week) good night, have a good evening.

How are you?

Greeting. informal replies: good, not bad, fine. Nice to meet you: when people are meeting for first time. Replay: nice to meet you.

Introduce yourself:
In introductions use Im before names. Ex: Im Marcelo, Nice to meet you. Students: nice to meet you. How are you? Im fine, good , not bad, etc.

Lesson B - Names
Whats your first name? Whats your last name? Whats your middle name? Mr. :single. (Male) Ms. / miss: single. (female) Mrs. (female married). Mr. (male married).

grammar: verb to be
Verb to be is the use of is / are (ser o estar) + the English pronouns. - For singular pronouns we use is : - She is (ella es o esta). - He is (el es o esta). - It is (eso es o eso esta). - I am (yo soy, yo estoy)

Verb to be:
For plural pronouns use are: We are (nosotros somos o estamos) You are ( tu estas) They are (ellos son o estan).

Negative form:
He is not. (he isnt). She is not.(she isnt) It is not. (it isnt) They are not (they arent). We are not. (we arent) You are not. ( you arent). The negative form comes after be.

Hes (he is ) Shes (she is ) Its (it is) Youre (you are) Were ( we are) Theyre (they are).

Question form:
In questions the verb comes first: Am I a Teacher? Are you students? Are we at the university?

Personal information:
Think about your cell phone number? Personal id (rut) Car id (patente) Etc.

Simple questions and answers:

start a question using whats : Whats your name? (s : is) Start an answer using its : Its Marcelo.

Lesson D how about you?

To show interest Similar information To keep a conversation going

Everyday expressions:
These expressions for formal and informal situations give students the language they need for greetings, thanking and saying good-bye.

formal everyday expressions:

Yes Thank you Hello How are you? Im fine Good - bye

Less formal everyday expressions:

Yeah thanks Hi How are you doing? OK/ pretty good / good Bye / see you / see you later

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