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Reasearch In Advertisement Planning

Present By: Inderpreet Singh

Types of Research
S Secondary Research
S Background research using available published

information S Sources include government organizations, trade associations, secondary research suppliers, secondary information on the Internet

S Primary Research
S Information collected for the first time from original

sources, such as primary research suppliers S A.C. Neilsen, Simmons Market Research Bureau (SMRB), Mediamark Research Inc. (MRI)

Categories of Research Tools

S Quantitative Research
S Delivers numerical data such as numbers of users and

purchases, their attitudes and knowledge, their exposure to ads, and other market-related information
S Use large sample sizes (1001,000) and random

sampling to conduct surveys and studies that track, count or measure things like sales and opinions

Qualitative Research
S Explores underlying reasons for consumer behavior
S Tools include observation, ethnographic studies, in-depth

interviews, and case studies S Used early in the process of developing advertising plans, message, and strategy S Exploratory in nature and designed for generating insights, as well as questions and hypotheses for more research

Consumer Research
S Used to better understand how users,

prospects, and non-users of a brand think and behave. S Uncover whys of the buys S Then, we can identify segments and targets, as well as profiles of customers and potential customers
S Association research seeks to find

out what people associate with a brand; to determine their network of associations. S Taco Bell is fast, cheap, Mexican S Arbys is fast, cheap, roast beef

Ways of Contact
S In-depth Interviews S A qualitative method using one-on-

one interviews asking open-ended questions S Flexible and unstructured S Use smaller sample sizes so results cannot be generalized to the population

S Focus Groups S A qualitative method in which a small

group of users or potential gather around a table (or online) to discuss a topic (product, brand, or ad) S Directed by a moderator, observed by client and agency S Expert groups or friendship panels

Ways of Contact
S Survey Research

Quantitative method; ask many people the same questions S Researches select a random sample to represent the entire group (population) S Methods include telephone, door to door, internet, mail
S In-depth Interviews S A qualitative method using one-on-

one interviews questions S Interviews are unstructured S Use smaller results cannot the population

asking open-ended more flexible and

sample sizes so be generalized to

Ways of Contact
S Observation Research
S A qualitative method using

video, audio, and cameras to record consumers behavior where they live, work, shop and play. S Closer and more personal than quantitative research

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