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Why Multiculturalism in Higher Education is Important

Demetrius A. Mays

Importance of Diversity in Higher Education


Many colleges and universities are working on ways in which they can promote diversity. Within a diverse society, there are so many different cultures. An institution should represent a microcosm of the society we live in .Faculty, staff, and administrators have been working hard to implement plans that will assist in expanding their institution of higher education O Within higher education, programs that promote diversity were aimed at: increasing the numbers of persons that represent diverse populations, and improving the climate that would sustain this diverse population" (Brown, 2004, p21).

Role of Multicultural Student Affairs


Universities in the United States frequently have a Department of Multicultural Affairs, with the aim of creating an environment that promotes diversity and multiculturalism. Maintaining an open-door policy for all students (Appointments and walkins are always welcome.); Interacting with and assisting students, providing informal mentoring and directing students to campus resources; Planning a variety of activities and events throughout the academic year that stimulate educational, cultural and social growth; Supporting and advising multicultural student organizations; Encouraging and supporting students to get involved in campus activities and organizations and to take advantage of the many leadership opportunities available on campus; Collaborating with other departments, academic units and student organizations to further enhance our programs so that we can adequately meet the needs of students of color at UMKC; and

O A feeling of isolation amongst underrepresented

students on campus O Subpar retention rates for minority students. O Minority students are usually absent from top positions in student services struggling to survive academically. O Campus administrators not attending or showing little interest.

Solutions to improvement of Multiculturalism


Transformation of the mentality towards underrepresented students.

Institutional investment of minority affairs offices. Counteractive programs for underprepared students.

Retention of minority students.

Integration of racial, gender and sexual orientation issues. Integrating multiculturalism in the curriculum and campus activities. Mandatory multiculturalism course for all students. By producing a diverse student body one will be able to extend the numerous ethnic groups that make up the entire environment of the institution of higher education.

O Institutions profit from the advancement of

diversity on campus. By expanding cultures, students experience a climate that represents the world in which they will work. world. By integrating different courses into the core curriculum, the administrators and faculty will be able to draw a greater interest of students from other ethnic backgrounds. As, a major part of the racial issues are due to the misunderstanding and appreciation of other cultures.

O Moore-Austin, S. (2011). "Promoting Diversity in Higher

Education" (2007).Faculty Publications and Presentations. Paper 92. http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/educ_fac_pubs/92

O Villalpando, O. (2002). The Impact of Diversity and

Multiculturalism on All Students: Findings from a National Study. NASPA Journal, vol. 40, pp. 124-44.

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