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The government should provide the standard of education (see the Act no.20 relating to the system of national education) In the Article 50, section 3 (=pasal 50 ayat 3) the government determines to develop the schools. It is stated in the article 50 as follow : Pemerintah dan atau Pemerintah daerah menyelenggarakan sekurang-kurangnya satu satuan pendidikan pada semua jenjang pendidikan untuk dikembangkan menjadi sekolah yang bertaraf Internasional. 2 08/30/13

The Characteristics of The International Standard Based School (see Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2007)

It is the school which is considered to have the complete qualification of standard national of education. It should have the qualification of the standard of education referring to one of the countries belong to O E C D (=Organization for Economics Cooperation and Development), or other developed countries. 3 08/30/13

It must have the certificate stating that its quality is good, approved by one of the countries belong to OECD or other developed countries. Its learning and teaching of certain subjects such as geography, history, biology, economics, chemistry and mathematics should be implemented in English other subjects should be implemented in Indonesian, except the learning and teaching of the foreign language. 4 08/30/13

In primary school, the implementation of teaching certain subjects in English should be commenced when teaching students of the fourth class.


Bilingual Education
Bilingual education involves teaching the students in some combination of their first and second language.

According to Cummings (in Amato 1988:223), an important goal of any second language program should be to develop proficient bilingual (=one who has obtained high level of proficiency in both languages)


Bilingual education can be adapted as long as to the Indonesian context. In Indonesia English is taught as A Foreign Language so that it should be adjusted to students level and background. Bilingual education in The Indonesia Context. In May 2007 (Departemen pendidikan Nasional 2007), Indonesia was offered to be the member of OECD, it means we implement the program of International Standard Based School by adapting the education in OECD countries and Western Countries. 7 08/30/13

What kind of bilingual education that can be adapted in Indonesia to achieve the goal of The International Standard Based School? The writer thinks that the implementation of bilingual in the Indonesian context should achieve the proficient bilingual Indonesian students.


The Image of Bilingual Teacher in The Indonesia Context.

Good models and professional teachers should be familiar with :

L & T strategy OMME Teacher should have the certain belief (e.g. T should a smile) T should have Linguistics Competence 9 08/30/13

T should be familiar with 3 B (Base, Blend, Bend) T should understand the 11 competencies and 8 skills T should matter English accuracy English Proficiency English fluency T should be familiar with the classroom language T should be proficient bilingual T should be curriculum implementer especially when implementing KTSP 10 08/30/13

Conclusions And Suggestions.


education is needed to support the government program concerning the International Standard Based School. should know how to make students be able to make students have C.C. (=Communicative Competence). It is recommended that T not to speak Indonesian when teaching English to students of Junior and Senior High School, and student the fourth and the 5th class of Primary School. 11 08/30/13

Bilingual education is implemented for teaching certain subjects not English!

12 08/30/13

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