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SQL (Structure Query

Language) – MySQL (Bagian 1

: DDL)
 PerintahSQL untuk membuat
database di Windows dan Linux
adalah sama.
 SQL-nya:
create database nama_database;

 Misalnya kita akan membuat

database pegawai, maka
perintahnya :
create database pegawai;
 Databases store data in tables.
 A database can have many tables.

In simplest terms, tables consist of

rows and columns/field.
 Each column defines data of a
particular type.
 Each rows contain individual records.
 SQL-nya:

CREATE TABLE nama_tabel

nama_field_1 tipe_data_1,
nama_field_2 tipe_data_2,
nama_field_3 tipe_data_3,
nama_field_n tipe_data_n
In MySQL, commands and column
names are not case-sensitive;
however, table and database names
might be sensitive to case
depending on the platform (as in
Linux). You can thus, use create
table instead of CREATE TABLE.
 Thethree major types of column
types used in MySQL are:
1. Integer :
2. Text
3. Date

 Choosing a column data type is very

important in order to achieve speed,
effective storage and retrieval.
Each integer type can take also be UNSIGNED
 TINYINT: very small numbers; suitable for ages. Actually,
we should have used this data type for employee ages and
number of children. Can store numbers between 0 to 255 if
UNSIGNED clause is applied, else the range is between
-128 to 127.
 SMALLINT: Suitable for numbers between 0 to 65535
(UNSIGNED) or -32768 to 32767.
 MEDIUMINT: 0 to 16777215 with UNSIGNED clause or
-8388608 to 8388607.
 INT: UNSIGNED integers fall between 0 to 4294967295 or
-2147683648 to 2147683647.
 BIGINT: Huge numbers. (-9223372036854775808 to
 FLOAT: Floating point numbers (single precision)
 DOUBLE: Floating point numbers (double precision)
 DECIMAL:Floating point numbers represented as strings.
 CHAR(x): where x can range from 1 to 255.
 VARCHAR(x): x ranges from 1 - 255
 TINYTEXT: small text, case insensitive
 TEXT: slightly longer text, case insensitive
 MEDIUMTEXT: medium size text, case insensitive
 LONGTEXT: really long text, case insensitive
 TINYBLOB: Blob means a Binary Large OBject. You should
use blobs for case sensitive searches.
 BLOB: slightly larger blob, case sensitive.
 MEDIUMBLOB: medium sized blobs, case sensitive.
 LONGBLOB: really huge blobs, case sensitive.
 ENUM: Enumeration data type have fixed values and the
column can take only one value from the given set. The
values are placed in parenthesis following ENUM
declaration. An example, is the marital status.
 DATE: YYYY-MM-DD (Four digit year
followed by two digit month and
 TIME: hh:mm:ss
(Date and time separated by a space
 Pada database pegawai, kita membuat
tabel data_pegawai dengan
field/column id_pegawai,
nama_pegawai, alamat_pegawai.
Perintah SQL-nya adalah:

CREATE TABLE data_pegawai

id_pegawai int unsigned not null
auto_increment primary key,
nama_pegawai varchar(20),
alamat_pegawai varchar(20)
 Untukmenghapus semua isi tabel :
DELETE from nama_tabel;

 Untukmenghapus tabel:
DROP TABLE nama_tabel;

 Misalnya
DELETE from data_pegawai;
DROP TABLE data_pegawai;

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