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Social Action and Community Media

Existing Product Research

Case Study: The Humane Society of the US

The purpose of this poster is to make people aware that animals need their fur a lot more than humans do. By using this photo, it could change peoples attitude because it looks like a very sad animal, and this may change the way people feel. Some people may have not even known that this was even a problem in the world, and so, it is providing information for them. It also strengthens community ties, this is because it can bring people together to make a stop to it.
Aims: To prevent people from skinning animals of their fur for a clothing item, and to also keep species alive, and make people aware of the bad things that are happening to these animals.
Creative Media Production 2012 2

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

A nice bold simple font has been used throughout the poster, so it is easy to read. There is not a lot of writing in this poster, but yet it is still very effective in what it is trying to get across to readers. The poster is in black and white with a coloured photo and an orange outline. This once again, makes it easy to read, and the coloured picture gives you a proper understanding of the animal and its habitat. The image shows a picture of a small, cute, innocent looking animal, which in a way actually looks sad. The poster also links the text with the image by telling you that the animal that you are looking at is a girl. This then makes you more connected with the animal, and then reflects on how you feel. The poster also gives the name of the company that produced this poster, but doesnt really gives you any more details other than that. This is also in smaller text because it isnt as relevant as the She needs her fur more than you do. The writing actually gets smaller after the she needs her fur bit too. This is to grab the readers attention because them four words are Creative Media Production 2012 affective in itself.

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Impact: In April, they did four raids on dog fighting operations in California and rescued 18 dogs. In March, they participated in a Mississippi dog fighting bust and rescued 20 dogs, and had several people involved arrested. In March, they also helped with the rescue of more than 100 dogs, cats, goats, horses and other animals from a hoarding situation in Belmont County, Ohio. In February, they worked with local law enforcement to rescue more than 60 dogs from a North Carolina puppy mill.

In January, they assisted with the rescue of 16 cats from a hoarding situation in Dickson, Tennessee.
All this information was just a few of the animal rescue accomplishments from the Humane Society in 2012 and it was all taken from their website.
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Case Study: Smokingisblah.com

Purpose: The purpose of this poster is to prevent people from smoking, in a very unusual way to other smoking posters, but it is still trying to bring about global change, and providing information for people that did not know you can get lung cancer from smoking. This will also change peoples attitude towards it and maybe think twice about smoking in the future. Aims: The aim is to try and prevent people from smoking, and to make people aware of the effects of smoking in an unusual way compared to other smoking posters. Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

This poster uses a black background with white writing. In my opinion, the dark background makes you know it is going to be a negative thing, I think it just screams negativity. The font is simple and easy to read with all lower case letters, including the first letter of the sentence, which is quite unusual, but it think they did this because when somebody puts for more information it is usually at the end of a leaflet or web page, so they have tried to put across that that they have told you all about it and skipped straight to the end to give you this childish attitude of a poster. I think they have made it this way to because some people may stereotype smokers as childish people, so they are like giving them a taste of their own medicine. A lot of smoking posters tend to have a picture of a smokers lungs or a smokers bad teeth etc, but this one doesnt use a photo, and I think it is telling you you dont really want to know about lung cancer because it is a nasty thing, but if you do, then carry on smoking and find out. Finally, the makers of the poster gives you a website to go on, but gives you know other details than that. The website name itself could be seen a joke. smokingisblah just shows you how much these people hate it, but they dont seem the type to help you if youre wanting to quit. By this poster, you can kind of tell that these people are quite blunt. They dont like smoking and that is it.
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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Impact: There was nothing really on the Smokingisblah website apart from the poster and a quote which was I HATE it when people you care about poison their lungs then say smoking is just one pleasure in life. It makes your breath smell bad, your teeth rot, gives you crackly voice, bad cough, and can take you out. Its not a valid excuse that somebody never smoked and had lung cancer.
As you can see by the graph, male smokers dropped by 45% in about 60 years, and female smokers dropped by about 20% in about 60 years, but the number of people getting lung cancer increased for the females, whereas for males, it decreased over the years.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: British Heart Foundation

The purpose of this poster is to make people aware of the things that are in a packet of crisps. This is also providing information, so people that did not know this, now do, which can then go on to change the attitude of the reader. Most poster are usually made to campaign for or against something, and in this case, it is campaigning against crisps being bad for you. Media also make out that crisps are perfectly good for you, and are made out of 100% real British potatos etc, but this poster is challenging dominant representations and agendas by saying otherwise.
Aims: the aim is to make people aware of the unknown, so in this case, it is helping people to know about the things that go into crisps, and how bad they actually can be for you.
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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

The font is very clear and easy to read because the background is black where the writing is. It isnt very large but it is easy enough to read, then as you go to the left of the page, the background turns to a dark blue, which helps to light up the picture of the girl. The image of the girl drinking the cooking oil is very affective, because it is unheard of for someone to drink oil so naturally, so it catches peoples eye, but by looking at the image, you would have never of known that the poster was going to be about crisps, so it shocks people. To the bottom right of the poster, it gives you the logo/details from the British Heart Foundation, and then a little fact about the percentage of oil used in a packet of crisps. This isnt really going to be seen from the quick passer by, but if someone is really intrigued by what they see, then they will see this fact, which will most definitely change their attitude and make them aware about what really is in crisps.
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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Impact: The British Heart Foundation have done many things to help thousands of people around Britain with heart problems. They are constantly progressing and researching for new ways of decreasing heart problems. During 2011/2012, they gave 88,200,000 to researchers across Britain to found out ways of preventing heart failure, and other things. They were the first to give a heart transplant in the UK to patients with severe heart failure. The percentage of heart defected childrens lives they have saved has gone up by 60%. They have now developed a drug that can prevent blood clots from heart attacks. Someone dies of heart attack every 6 minutes in the world, but it used to be a lot higher, and the British Heart Foundation have helped tremendously to bring down the amount of deaths by heart attack. They also helped to shrink the sizes of pacemakers so they can actually fit in your chest with no loose wiring, and they are still looking at new ways to make them smaller.
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Case Study: www.calvoter.org

Purpose: The purpose of this poster is to raise the awareness of equality, to change peoples attitude on how some people may see someone else as less equal, and to maybe think they dont have the same rights as them. It also helps get across that racism is not tolerated and this should help to strengthen communities, and not just bring local change, but to hopefully someday global change. This will then build relationships with subjects. Aims: The aim of this poster is to get across that no single person is the same but we all deserve to have equal rights on what we can and cant do. Creative Media Production 2012


Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

This poster uses a clear readable, large font and size to make it easy to read. The writing is black apart from four words, not, same, are and equals, that they have put in red. I think this is because they should be the words that stand out the most, because they mean something. Not same, are equal it is a sentence in itself that has a meaning. In the background of the photo, there is a faded picture of a heart. This is most likely to symbolise equality, so we might not be the same on the outside, but on the inside were all equal.

The two words on this poster that stand out the most are same and equal. This has been done for a reason, the same as why it has been put into a different colour. To get a message across to people.
At the bottom of the poster it has a website on where to find your polling place, a description on what to vote for if you want equality under the law, and a date on when the votes will be counted up and drawn.

Creative Media Production 2012


Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Impact: They helped to make California become the first state in America to replace or upgrade 40,000 paperless touch screen voting machines with paper ballot voting systems. They debut the Archive of Campaign Promise, which gives voters a tool to better track the performance of their elected officials. They have helped to increase taxes on earnings over $250,000 for seven years and sales by cent for four years, to fund schools. They have helped to increase the prison time on human trafficking convictions. They have helped to get the law that you should impose life sentence only when new felony conviction is serious or violent. They have helped to get the permission for multistate businesses to income taxes based on percentage of their sales in California. Dedicates revenues for five years to clean/efficient energy projects.

Creative Media Production 2012


Case Study: Obama Campaign Poster

Purpose: The purpose of this is to hopefully make change in the United State of America, and this is what Obama went on to do. He also change the attitude on his race, with him being the first black President, which showed equality in everyone. The poster is there to campaign and infiltrate mainstream media. Barrack Obama also won his election and so he can change voting behaviour by changing laws. Aims: The aims of this poster is to try and change the United States of America, by having Barrack Obama voted to be the President.
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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

The poster has one word hope in a simple clear font in all capitals, in a nice mellow blue colour. It goes really well with the colours that the whole posters has on it. The poster has a variety of colours on it, a yellow border, then blue, white (cream), and red for the actual poster. The use of these colours is down to the fact that the flag of America blue white and red. Usually, on a campaign poster, they have a lot more than just one word. A lot of the time they may have a quote or sentence, and some times they even have details on the poster to vote, but this only has one word and no information on how to vote for him, but he still won the election. It just shows that you dont have to write massive amounts to get your point across, and for people to understand it. On his suit, he also has a little logo/symbol which is representing America. Even though it is small, and doesnt really mean much, it is still extremely effective.
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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Impact: Obama helped the way Americans see race and politics, because he was the first African-American man to become the President, or even come close to been President. He has stopped a lot of violence and racism across America, and changed it in both negative and positive ways. He has given a lot of Americans hope, and to show them that anything is possible, but on the other hand, he is spending trillions of dollars which America does not have, and will eventually be putting America in a very bad place when it comes to tax.

Creative Media Production 2012


Case Study: Deaffest

Purpose: The purpose of this poster is to create access to the media for non traditional groups, so this is based around deafness. It also makes people aware that deaf people can do everything an able person can, apart from hear, so Deaffest gives deaf people a chance to shine, and change the attitudes of how deaf people are seen (unable). Aims: The aims of Deaffest is to get deaf people out there to show that deaf people are just like fully able people.

Creative Media Production 2012


Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Techniques: The posters font is very clear and readable, and the bright aluminous yellow colour of the texts stands out very well against the black background.

The picture of the hands doing sign language is also a good representative towards deafness as a whole.
On the right of the poster, there is a few details on when the festival is, and where to find them in the country. Above this, there is a little bit of information telling you that they are the leading deaf-led film and arts festival. Overall, it is a nice simple poster that gives you information on the festival, alongside an easy to read logo and name.

Creative Media Production 2012


Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Impact: The people who work at deaffest are there to inspire young deaf people between the ages of 13 and 18. Deaffest has an impact on a minority of people who turn up to the deaffest each year, but even though it is a minority, they still have an impact on the people that are involved. They give creative minded people the chance to show them what talents they have got, whether it be scriptwriting and directing a film or acting/dancing.

Creative Media Production 2012


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