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Title The title of the double page spread uses another edgy font, resembling paint and stamp/prints.

The red colour behind the font is used to emphasize the title whilst it again has a splotchy effect to resemble the audience of the magazine. The colloquial phrase teen is abbreviated from teenagers, which also represents the audience as they are generally interested in slang talk and this can also represent the recklessness of the magazine as teenagers are often very careless of their actions. Main image The image used dominates the page with it being on the left hand side, the side that the audience will generally see first. The image is very eye catching as it has no centre point so your eyes glare around the image for a good few seconds unlike if there was a centre point. The woman is on the floor giving direct mode of address to the audience by giving eye contact and attracting the audience further by giving them a deeper, personal connection to not only the band but the magazine too. We can see that the woman is holding down what appears to be a person in a rabbit costume with a carrot in his hand, however we can jump to the conclusion that the rabbit is being beaten up; reflecting the audience that the band wants to reach out to as they are quite violent. The body language of the men featured is quite endangering and powerful as they are physically abusing the rabbit and kicking it, representing the target audience. The fact that they are smiling whilst in action also represents their lack of care as they are pointing and being quite vigorous. The clothes they are wearing are generally very casual as we can see that little effort was put into what they are wearing although the colours used in their clothing is quite dark which foreshadows their dark nature.

Themes This is a double page spread from the same magazine, it's colour scheme is again kept to about three colours, including both white and black. There is still a theme of destruction, and it includes photography of the band relevant to the article. I've noted that the photo is very large, and takes up a whole a4 page. This could be because fans of rock music likely to have posters in their rooms, so this could be ripped out neatly. This particular double page spread is an article on a specific band.

House Style The house style of this magazine is typically red, black and white. Red is a very popular colour which connotes danger, anger and blood. Black also connotes danger whilst white is quite a happy and peaceful colour which contrasts with bred and black to make the page stand out. The red is a very bold and significant colour which is why it is used with the monochrome colour scheme to make it stand out more. This double page spread follows the typical house scheme of Kerrang! Magazine. Features The article is generally quite informal and follows a jaunty structure which reflects the audience of the magazine and the band. It often uses popular colloquialisms and informal lexical references to highlight this. The red bar at the bottom of the page is also used as another interesting feature of the article it gives a glance into what the band is like. It is placed in the bottom right corner as if someone seems disinterested at first glimpse, they will turn the page from the right hand side, hence seeing the box of what the band are made of in pictures which could give a significant interest to the reader. Its also placed her as it is at the bottom of the article. The red is used to make the box stand out. The pull quote is in red with a black background which again catches attention and the same font from the title is used, with the word screaming indicating the genre of the band. Audience I think that this magazine is aimed at men aged 15-24. This front cover in particular is aimed at those who like heavy rock music and are greatly influenced by music and fashion. I think that they also have an interest in computer games and fit within the social group C1/C2. This is portrayed by the demographics that this magazine fits within.

Language The language used in the article is basic; this helps to appeal to its young audience as it makes it manageable for the reader to understand what the featured artist is saying. For example, in Jessie Js response to the first question that is asked, she responds with Im not there to judge anyone... keeping it simple for the reader. Jessie also uses the word cool, a word that is familiar within the target audience, helping her to establish a connection between her and the reader. The magazine addresses the reader as if they are an intelligent fan, for example, the first question the interviewer asks is Jessie, are you set to be the scariest judge on The Voice UK? Even without the introduction at the top of the page, the magazine requires you to know of this information beforehand, otherwise the whole interview does not make sense to the young reader. The opening paragraph sets up the interview by informing the reader of her role on the new singing show, The Voice UK, and whether or not she is as tough as she appears to be. The interviewer asks personal questions about her past life (including the times when she was bullied, her friendships/relationships) and her current life now. screaming indicating the genre of the band.

Main image The image used dominates the page especially as children become very tedious easily therefore it needs to attract all of their attention into reading the article. The image is very eye catching Jessies pose is quite bold and her direct mode of address, which is direct eye contact, attracts the audience more so giving them a personal relationship with them, especially as girls look up to Jessie. Her clothes are quite dressy and the colours match the colour scheme of the page. Her red lipstick with black hair represents her confidence and fierce characteristics; typical characteristics of influential artists that children look up to. Jessie is smiling which indicates that the article is happy.

Features The font size is stylized; especially the gs used in the article, representing its informal qualities. Instead of using semi colons and colons, they use dashes; another way of s revealing that the article is less academic compared to others like Q. The style of the font stands out as it is diverse from other articles that are seen in other magazines. The article is laid out as a direct interview; (compared to other magazines where the featured interview is heavily researched based; similar to a long article) with the question in bold, and the response in plain font. The text is larger and shorter; yet again, revealing its audience and identifying that the reader will most likely not read long articles unless they are an avid fan of the featured artist. The question/answers are laid out in a column format, going around the images on the page; these images are much larger on the page than the text. There is one pull quote on the page that states Im shaving my head for charity; helping the reader as it picks out the most important quote of the whole article, linking back to the title of the page as the featured artist is aware that people judge her for her actions on a regular basis; it also allows the audience to see Jessie J in a different light and perhaps change their initial opinions of her as an artist as the audience want to be influenced as Jessie is generally an idol for many young girls.

House Style The house style of this double page spread varies to the general house style of the magazine as it always changes due to young girls changing, too. The huge variety of colours including purple, gold and pink attracts the reader as gold is often associated with champions and it is a very rich colour. The pink and purple highlights the femininity of the audience.

Title The title of the double page spread is in a circle, reflecting the youth of the magazine as shapes arent generally used in t he regular conventions of a magazine. The purple, pink and gold colours in the circle emphasize the title to make it stand out amongst the busy page and to resemble the youth of the magazine. The alliteration of Judge Jessie makes the article seem more appealing. The re are also more circles featured around the page, one featuring a pull quote, and this uses the same colours and reflects the big circle to make the page look more interesting as children become tedious very easily.

Language and features The language used in this double page spread has much more academic quality, for example in this quote: "For Adele, the sessions were cartharmatic..." Using the word 'cartharmatic' already suggests that its target audience are aimed at much older, educated people; similar to those who would read newspapers/magazines with in depth articles such as The Economist and The Times. The magazine uses a formal tone when addressing the reader as it provides background information with every new paragraph. The article contains incredibly lengthy sentences, along with heavy research; it pulls out quotes from people who have worked alongside Adele or have associated with her. It does not allow the audience to connect with Adele, if anything it does the exact opposite; revealing Adele as quite distant from everyone else. The audience are shut out from her personal life and are only informed of her life in the public eye and her as a musician. The font is very simple; almost resembling a newspaper article. This reveals that the style of the magazine is very formal and factual, with most of its content based on heavy research. As the font is simple, it does not stand out, again, revealing its targeted audience. The text is laid out in strict columns; having indents in new paragraphs. Only one pull quote is used in the entire article, which portrays Adele as an assertive woman, making her look more powerful to the male target audience. This power also suggests her character towards the audience; in this case, she is someone who is able to do as she pleases; which may be attractive to the male target audience. The style of the article matches the style of the front cover as it is simple; a house style is being developed as it sticks to two colours from the three on the front page.

Title The title of the double page spread is very striking and big to attract attention from the audience. It uses alliteration to make the title stand out whilst sticking to the colour scheme of black which stands out against the light hues of grey and white. The logo of WOMEN WHO ROCK 2012 instantly makes the audience want to read the article and placing it by the title makes it more eye catching. The structure of this title is quite jaunty to furthermore make it stand out more amongst the very simplistic double page spread.

Main image The main image is extremely overpowering, foreshadowing Adeles superiority as she is a very powerful and influential woman in the music industry. Adele is looking to the side, perhaps indicating her intense thought. A close up shot is used to portray her lack of flaws whilst her hair flows away from her face which also indicates her power. There are only two images in the article that are separate from the text. This helps to focus the readers eyes on the article, and not the images. There are various entry points in the article; suggesting that its target audience are much older than the typical reader. This also helps its audience as it makes it easier for the reader to begin reading the article from any part of page in case they have lost track of where they were reading from. Adele is represented as a mysterious, dark musician in the supporting images in the article. The ratio of black to white in the image suggests that Adele keeps things to herself; she is a woman who is very private and prefers to keep her distance from the world. Furthermore, she is also represented as a hard working artist who has a passion for music; this is shown clearly in the black and white image in the featured article. The black and white colour of the photo suggests that she also creates music with meaning, power, which also links back to her being represented as a hard working artist. House Style The house style of this double page spread is very sophisticated, a monochrome colour scheme of black and white which indicates that the target audience are very classy, chic and modern.

Purpose The article informs the reader of the time that the article is set in, which is just after an award show in 2011, and informs the reader of whom Adele is, in case they didnt know who she was. Overall, the article does not demand prior knowledge as the in depth article has background information at the beginning of its paragraphs; the only information that is expected from the audience is that they are aware/they know who Adele is.

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